THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES 4 r t.. .& l i j? Oliver Theatei TODAY, 2:30 TONIGHT, 8:15 and THUR8DAY NIGHT THE ROSARY Mat, 50 & 25c. Night, 75c to 25c. FRIDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 7. NEIL O'BRIEN AND MINSTKEIS Nov 8, "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab bage Patch." ORPHEUM Thur., Frl., Sat. Nov. 6, 7 and 8 BLANCHE WALSH And Her Company in "The Countess Nadine" ELBA RUEGGER World's Greatest Woman 'Cellist THREE OUFOR BOYS ETHEL MACDONOUGH LANE ANO O'DONNELL PARISIAN STREET SINGERS THREE JUGGLING MILLERS Mat. Thur., Fri. 15, 25. Sat. 15, 25, 50 NIGHT PRICES 15, 25, 35, 50, 75 Lyric Theatre Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 3, 4 and 5 BERRY &. BERRY In "Do You Like Music?" LAVINE & INMAN In 'Sally's Visits" "Pathe's Semi-Weekly" "An Evening With Wilder" "Thy Will Be Done" "A Momentous Decision Three Shows Daily 2-7-9 p. m. Matinee All Seats 10c. Night 15c WEDNESDAY & THURS. When the Prison Doors Open The War Makers (2 reels) The Vaudeille Star's Va cation (comedy) TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchei South West Corner 14th O Street WE CATER TO STUDENTS Smith & Hurst BARBERS 112 North 13th Quality is wbat Counts if UNIVERSITY NOTICES Dean Engberg announces that all en- . lets in the military department will' be excused from classes on Wednes-I day, November 5. and on Tuesday, j November 11, from 4 to 5 for the purpose of taklnR part In field drill ' E. M. Rutledge, Registrar, announces! mdl-Bemester examinations to be held at the option of the Instructor during the week of November 10-15, inclusive Examinations at this date will give the delinquent committee opportunity to confer with students who are seriomdy delinquent before the Thanksgiving recess. The University senate has set aside as a Thanksgiving recess, the period trom Wednesday, November 26, at 12 noon to Saturday, November 29,! at 12 noon Big Co-ed hockey game today at ll' n'elook Oh alhletle. heid. Seniors and I junior s s sophomores and fresh-' man A good fast game is assured Kverjbody come Sophomore football practice every day i at 3:15 sharp. Meet at Armorj He' out in -suits. Architectural engineers hold first bus iness meeting since organization ol i the soeietv n M A 102 tonight All men who signified an intention of joining take note of this first meet ing Senior football candidates will see George Racelv at once PICK DEBATE TEAMS AT FINAL TRY-OUTS TONIGHT Sixteen-Man Squad Will be Narrowed to Eight by Choosing of Minne sota and Iowa Tteams. 'I he final try-outs for the debate teams to meet Minnesota and Iowa on December 12 are to be held this evening in Memorial hall from 7 to 9:15. As the result of this try-out, the squad which now consists of sixteen men will bo narrowed to eight, nnd the eight men chosen will constitute the teams. The "Literacy" question ia to be debated. The judges have not been an-, nounced, but they will be chosen from ' among the members of the faculty. ' The debate will be presided over by 0. L. Rein, '12, I, '15, who was a mem ber ol the team which met Illinois in 1910 and Minnesota in 1911. With the exception of the first speak er on the affirmative, the contestants will speak seven minutes. The leading speaker, following the usual order of debates, will speak for five minutes, with three minutes' rebuttal. The decision on the result, and the naming of the teams, will in all prob ability, be made at the conclusion of the debate The order of .speakers, ah deter mined by lot, is as follows Affirmative. 1st. Harold A Prince, U, Reed II Dawson; 5th, l'aul I, Martin. 7th, I'aul Good, 9th, Silas M. Bryan, 11th, Ho mer G Hewitt; 13th, Donald G Rarnes. Negative. 2d. Hany K Rush. 4th, Robert 13 Warring, fith. Maurice Clark; 8th, Harold .1 Schwab; 10th, t A. Soren son, 12th. O. K. Perrin; 14th, Harold N. Noble; 15th. R. ID. Kirk; 16th. John C. Benrd Jones' Orchestra. L-9GGG. All our University Rings at 25 Discount This Week Only The Uni 340 N. MWMMh MMMtBMMIa School TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.-Funke Bdg. "Everything for the Office" WE ARE GOING TO The Huffman's General Supply House For our SCHOOL and OFFICE Supplies We get more for our money at 208 South 11th Street -:- -:- Lincoln ii THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325 - 1331 N STREET Asks a share of your patronage. We are equipped to serve you and serve you right. A trial is all we ask. THE FOLSOM BAKERY AND CAFE 1325 - 1331 N STREET "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan City Y. M.1C. A. 13th P Book Store 11th Street Supplies WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 13 AND O STREETS -- mi 4f ii2s Ail W,ijA r .wi wrain 1 W I I '' VVi