r "? T . 'Ji-T'-tte -" T3""1fTw"'-','?,P Vgf. "- "p?" ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ALL MEN 4 f S i PROPOSED PLANS FOR UNI SITES ARE PUBLISHED Both Present Advantages and Disad vantages Which Are to Be Considered. In cooperation with Messrs Shep i Ilutni) and Coolldge, architects, tlir State Journal has reccnth an nounced four tontatlves plans, any of which would give the Unlver sit a beautiful campus. Two of these plans are apropos in , lHi it is decided that the University should remain In its- present location. Until of these two plans Involve the ViirrhRHC of the six blocks of ground ast of the present campus They cUffer essentially in that the first Is ho arranged as to permit the free use or Twelfth street, whereas in the see oim! it is closed For this reason the Universltj and city authorities dis nimrove of the second sketch, al though its possibilities for arciittec tural boautv far exceed those of the lust In both it is planned to demolish nil present buildings, except the Ad ministration building, the Library. Uiw, Physics, Kngineerlng and Me . hanic Art buildings Many of these i w ill be added to For the other alternate e. that is. should the University move to the F.irm site, two plans hae also been ' submitted The symmetry of the first ' plan is disturbed by the trinngulai ourt about which the Kngineering ' College Is grouped The lack ot sj ni inetry, however, saves several acres ol room. The objection to the second proposition, which erects each college about a quadrangle after the Knglish i.ishion, is that it wastes valuable space. However, the latter arrange i inent is receptive of more artistic l.indscaplng and niore imposing build like to be well dressed and few men are so indifferent to money that they are not particular about getting its full value every time they make a purchase. If you buy your fall suit and overcQat at this fine, new store, you will not only get 1 00 per cent value, but no one will be better or more stylishly dressed than you. Furnishings, Shoes and Hats to suit every fancy. TRY THE NEW STORE THIS TIME. Fulk Clothing Company 1236-38 O Street DECIDE TO USE GRANITE IN STATUE OF KOMENSKY Although Much more Expensive, Bo hemians Wish to Erect Last ing Memorial U a meeting last Saturday the Ho heinian Club decided to make the Komennky statue of granite Although i tills will be an additional expense, 1 those in charge of this inspiring un ' derthking feel that they want to have ings Should this plan be followed, a the best and something that will be natural depression in the ground to i permanent Through the suggestion the northeast would be utilized as a sight for a stadium. It is to be realized that tlie.se plans are merely tentative and that the llnal arrangement may be a compro niise or something entlrel new February lfi, Charter Day. is to be gien over to special meeting ol alumni and Iriends for discussion oi tins vital question Dr. Alldritt, dentist, 200 Ganter bldg , 1240 O St. B.-3905. ColdlfWave Coming ! $7.50 Jumbo Knit Sweater Coats $4.95 KLINES 1132 O Street of Mr. Smyrah of Milligan. notices will be sent to the various Hohemian lodge organizations throughout the state to let them know that the tain palgn lor tunds is on and for just what purpose. Already between eleven and twelve hundred dollars hare tome into the treasurj without 'solicitation, and with such interest shown it is hoped that sufheient tunds to cover all expense can be sei ured m reasonable time Tin enmention i which was to be held heie during the unveiling ol the statue will be held in Chicago bei ause ot the indefiniteness as to the location of the campus Much progress is being made along the line ot Hohemian in all parts ot the country and high schools are m stltuting different courses or methods lot instruction in Hohemian. Crete has a Hohemian Club In parliumeutao practice Assistance is being asked tor from the Slavonic Department of our school and Miss Ilrbek seems I more than willing to do her shaie to I promote the work J A meeting ol the Hohemian Club . will be held next Friday evening and Mr. A. F. Sheldon has consented to give a talk on the historv ot Ne braska. The . . W. C. A. membership cam paign is progressing nicely. At 1 o'clock on Monday the thermometer registered seventy-eight new members for the Blue, forty-throe now ones for the Yellow. The contest closes at 12 noon, on Wednesday. All our University Rings at 25 Discount This Week Only The Uni Book Store 340 N. 11th Street H mImV-ar iJftiHTkH IMx - SHU i mmmmamenmpKm.r w hht " uih Scene from "The MASTER MlND" with Howard Kyle A Drama of Quality. At The Oliver TONIGHT Patronize our advertisers -at-. - , -fc, MSSjZZSU.SSSSIBlSSfSSSB9i nimmtmmmm0m"r nrcj