sbpjk Br w k4m nA i- '- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WKWWW i i !jg lathf frbraflkan Property of THK UN1VKKSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. M. V. HEED Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor AtiBodatc Editor Auoclate Editor Kennoth M. Snyder John L. Cutright Fred N. Wolls REPORTOR1AL STAFF. 11 V Harlan Athletics Ethel Arnold Women Dean McDrlen. Huth Squlroeltobert Holland, Louis Home, Clara loddH, Glen Everts, Earl Kcefer, R. V Koupal. Homer Phillips, Clar cnce Spier, Max Nadir, Roswell Weeks. ct. Bus Mngr" " Frank S. Perkins circulation Manager J. r Heard Subscription" price $2.00 per year payable in advance. Single Copies, l etUH each Cadet Officers Getting Organized Into Club Ball Committee in Air A meeting of the. officers of the regiment last night after the comple tion of the extended order problem resulted in the organization of the Officers Club. The election of officers resulted In the followign slate: Presi dent. Col. Kramer; vice-president, ('apt. J. L. Drlflcoll; secretary, Lieut. Col. G. A. Walker; treasurer, ('apt. H. Miller. The flection of the committee for the Military Ball wob deferred until Monday, since the opinion was ex pressed that there was not a sufficient ant. Two candidates are in the Held majority of the officers present to war rant action on a question so import for the office of chairman of the com mittee unri nne for master of cere- IT'S ALL EXTRA- This careful tailoring on our Mackinaw Coats. Everybody has mackinaws at prices similar to ours and the pattern will be very similar too. But let us point out the differ ence in the tailoring the patch pockets the yoke-back the storm cuff and flu tailored storm collar. These details make the coat That's why you'll like our Mackinaws Entered at tho postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter, under the Art or Congress of March 3. 187. i monies. A political ring is gilng round and round, and although the Tuesday, November 4. 191IJ DAILY NEBRASKAN FORUM. There has been no demand for a (. j()1) Poruni column this year. In other years the columns of the paper have always been open to students and election of officers of the Officers Club went off without a hitch, the commit tee election will create spirited oppo sition. Dawson and Kramer are the candidates for chairman, and Joe Johnson is looking out for the m. of HUSKERS DISPOSE OF AMES (Continued From Page One) faculty for discussions pro and con - on popular creations. The Inference had to undergo and so were unable j is, then, that there have been no to do much in the last half of the Mucstions to disturb the calm and game. Nebraska, with its lineup work- peaceful way of the University this iK in great shape, allowed the back- I fall. Or else that the student mind ( Held little rest and together with its ' does not can-. Therefore, to test superior team work brought on the j whether there is no demand for such ' 'downlall of the Aggies. a column, or whether there is a de- r mal score: Nebraska, is, Ames, a miinri hut it hus not been Generally i 1 e lineup $5, 6.50, 7.50, 8.50, 10. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Ames. Cowan known that the privilege was to be had merely for the asking, the offer is repeated. Any articles signed by ' Mattison tho writer will be given space, and the paper will not be respourilble for I ho Bentiments expressed. JOINT RECEPTION A SUCCESS .le. .It. lg. Nebraska. Howard llalligan Ross Thompson Abbott . . . Cameron Mastln . Rutherford Beck Association 8corcs a Big Hit With Many Students in Attendance. The Joint reception of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. held In the Temple Music Hall Saturday evening was a decided succcbb, nearly three hundred young people being In attendance and an enjoyable time is reported. An in teresting program consisting of a pi ano solo, a reading by Miss Hally Workman, short talks by Miss Gra ham, Miss Drake and Mr. Kwing. was followed by refreshments which con sisted of doughnuts and cider. The ' feature of the evening was fortune telling by a palmist. The success of the entertainment is due particularly to the work of Mr. Can, and Miss by student members. Meeting will Telephone Yule Jims. Laundrj to call ' h" ra,,,Ml ,n Manic Arts. Room 206. for your work. 15 27o4 McKinley .... Johns c Holmes rg Reeve rt Tiernau re Davis lh Wilson rh I'hl fb Coffee Ilrennan qb Towle Touchdowns: Urennan, Heck (2), Halligan. Goal Irom field: Hrennan. Substitutes: Shalk for Mattison; Powell for Uhl. Elwell for Beck; Dela matre for Rutherford; Gelwlck for Mastin. Beck for Howard. Howard tor Coffee. Officials: "Jinunie" Masker, referee; Hyl.ind, umpire; Dr. J. A. Riley, head lineman. Agricultural Engineers. The Agricultural Engineers will hold a meeting Thursday evening, November J. Practical discussions The University School of Music Established 1894 Offers the highest class of instruction in all branches of music. Students may enter any time. Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning this school before choosing an instructor. Willard Kimball, Director Ask for new catalog -:- -;- Eleventh andR Streets , at seven thirty sharp. HOP PUMPS $2.95 BU DD 1415 STREET University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the Students. Conducted in the interests of the students. Serves the largest amount of the best food arthe least cost. The Cafeteria in the Temple. J it wwawraHMTOgsaKMB -swwwwWgiWW ii