The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1913, Image 1

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    tSi'T""' 4 .n ??'; ffjr-j.
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The Daily Nebraskan
Price, 5 Cents
Two Crack Teams Who Have Proven
. .Prowess Promise Peppery Ex
hibition for Spectators.
The first public game of hockej will
ho played on the athletic field be
tween upper and lower classmen to
. Hockey has proven to be a most'
popular game since Introduced here
.tn1 It? nu Jnh.Miuflntr ir rrlrlu iiw Pnt
"uu . ...e vw
ball Is to boys. Some spectators who ,
are up-to-date on athletics say it Is I
. . ...
are up-to-date on ninieucs say 11 i
more oxciting man iooidiui. 1 ne
teams stand out distinct, the plays are j
evident and the game easy to under-,
stand throughout. The team consists
of eleven players on each side, five
forwards, three backs, two fullbacks
and one goal keeper.
In the game tomorrow the Seniors
1 T....I Ill ..,..,.1.1.,,. n,r..l...., tlx.
iinu juuium win i wiuuiiii- ii.iin.Ti lih-
Sophomores and Freshmen.
The lineup is.
Upper classmen Olivia Sturdevnnt.
captain. Amy Armstrong, Freda
mDi. M!i,ir...i itntior Pnrov itnth.r
Marie ('lark. Isabel Coons, Cella
Davis, Beulah Harris, Helen Randall,
Vlnst.i Hterbii Frances Tuthill. (Jer-
trude Van Driel.
Lower classmen Mimu Lacey. cap-
. . .... ,, .,,... .,
tain: Editli Hrown, Hditli Ilryan. Mary
Camp, Helen Carrol. Ruth Fitch, .les-
sle Downing. Kvu Fish, Cornelia Fra-'
leyda, Edith Lumsden, Grace Met
calfe, Clara Reisland. 1). Rettig. Lulu JUNIORS AND SENIORS GET PIC-
Schild, Fay Tolles. Vivien Stetson. ' T JRES'BEFORE THANKSGIVING
Iucile Koane. ,
Some of the girls are txcellent play Cornhusker Insists on Having Upper
ers, who have learned the game here. Classes in Shape Be
while borne verj good material has fore Recess.
conic from other schools, making tlie
games here of more than amateur' Lots of pep. Seniois and .luniors. and
order. j.(l those pictures taken at Town
Oliviu Sturdevant was on the hoc-' send's before Tliaiiksirivlmi Air
key team at the l'niversit ol Wis
sin last war. and was counted an
, ,. , ...
especially cood nlaver. Helen Car-
roll played on the St. Margaret's Col-
lone team at Toronto. Canada, and
Carey Butler at Rockford College, 1111-
In the last two games played be
tween the upper and lower classmen 1
encn nas claimed victory, proving , - - .,. .,,. ,.,,,, us Vl.( intoxicants ' make gains but very few times when
that they are equally matched. The ' that a person may drop in t njm a Huhh the ! c-alled upon Tl7 (V rnhusker team
game tomorrow Is certain to be a good im ti,,u" (, !llltl ive their face i , u UM,n- ' '" l "mhusker team
one and everyone who can should be I -"l without any de.a. All one has , T, ' l (. " tlN,B,,L ad1"0 ""J' '; w" brll
out to see the sport The teams will I " 8 go in, sit down, look pleasant' ' " " ti0" " " " t,arKely lS l,,p - lluntly, but all played together and
dress In d.floJ. cos, ' ,,e. mZ. , and the job is done. I ""'.." --istent campaign of the very consistently. The Aggies had a
who are not familiar with the game
f'Jin rnHI V linrlcprutniwl tlwk nln v i
Pa.ladians Hold Party.
Tho Palladians held a rousing Hul-
lAnFaan nortt i flin Ctntn Xn r f.
iwtt v.a p l; iv uiv wuiic L' ui 111 JUU&-
in payillion. The refreshments and
games were suited to the season. All
present declarod this to be the most J
lively affair of Its kind they had attended.
$150 to Be Given for Best Musical
Play Submitted Before Janu-
ary 1. Starts Third
For their third annual production
the Kosmet Klub is tills Heasou offer
ing a larger prize than ever before.
This year the Klub has decided to
make the prize $1 HO for the best mu
sical pla submitted, the pla to he
i omplete, both in words and music
While the general idea is to prodtn e
i play will! IllUslr. mine el.ibui.ilr mu
it 1' .' "Jill iiu"i , Minn i...v.v in
, . . mIW,. ..:., ... ,.,. .,,.,. ,,i
mi in wiMiiwiniifru ,-. ........- ... ,
.... ,,., ...,,, .... ,.nlli,i,.r..ii 11 is!
desirable that the musk Ite tiie com-1
....,,.... Ilf S(1I111 ,,..,, ni,rsl, iiow-li...
. . ... ...,.,.. .....
"'"- -
,,vi,rt KillR,,. ., ,.s win receive the
sam (.onsi,i(ration ilU(1 wM1 slmn. pni.
l)()rtl()Iiall jn th, prj7( !
Th, pI(n mUht ,)(. tyiM.ttritl(M1 Und I
submitle(l to t.e ..on.mittee prior to '
Jununry ,, ,jM4 T,. UIlsU(.(.Vsslul '
IimnUH(.r,)th ttl ,. n.tUrned to the
authors immediately after the selec-'
tion is made The judging committee
!. .. ... .1 .!. 1 !
itiiiNihih 111 uie enure 111111 meniuer
' snip. 1
In the competition the Klub resej-es 1
the rl,;llt t() Inake SUI " llilI1Kes ' tlie
P- ili r 'militate the produc-
completed manuscript as will, in their
mm. 1 in- imuii ursMviiiieh no owner
I.... 'PI... I.-I..1
sliip. however, and merely olfers the
prize for the use of the play lor the
annual production.
I" that the aim ol the Klub is to
encourage original dramatic and 11111 -
ni.tii iuniiuHiiiiMi, uie compeuiiou is
,,roWllI " "" "
Townsend is pretaring a special
Xmas folder which he will supph at
. .
no extra cost, thus makinir a desir
able present lor that best friend. The
price ol the hrst dozen nit turns is
three dollars, which includes the price
ol the cut, and one dollar for each ad-
dltional dozen Owing to the fact that
the pictnres have to be in so early
Mr rIV..,-....,...,l 1 .l ..
Hie Cornhusker management Is es -
IHM'iHll V llnfiirnlls t lint nvurvmo w
I operote on this year's book, as they
I Wta? l ma,fe the book dlt"'l' "
muuuui. inuuuti. 1 ney realize mat
without the hearty co-operation of all
. . .
' " CU""l Ue u succe8S' Good
naPahot and ve mpe Is what they
1 ufint lint liimu o..4 I. ..1..
..u..v. uuv uuu; unu 1IUII.
Ilreta Delhi of 'Stratton. Neb., spent
the week-end at the Alpha O house.
Annual Celebration In Honor of Grid
iron Warriors and Nebraska
Victories Will Close
1913 Season.
The date has been definltelv set
for the annual Cornhusker banquet
Frldn, December 5 Plans have been
on foot since enrl in the fall for r
good date and a good time at this
allair. and the official announcement
comes than on the fth of December
.there will be big doings at the Lindell
'I'hr elate net coiiwh-oii the Friday
I I M' K 11 TTTX. rT7TTT -ll - IIM ' tM,
,.. n,....i.. ...n.....i.. ,1... ti 1,1.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 111 i t -1 ( 1 vruu n 111, iiu 1 iuiiiihi v
.. .. ....1, ,.r .1 1...
the tootlmll season The banquet will
..ri..,..niv ... .1.. i...r ... ti... 1 ,
,.. MlHH,llir, v,.n,.v .i......nin,.
then-the Missouri Valley champions
,((r tlu. ourth tm,. (lmrrlnB ,.,.,.
dents). It will be one big allair in
whi, h all the men ol the school will
K,.t together.
The Alumni Associati,n is pushing
the banquet this fall, and it seems
probable at this time that a number
() alumni will he back for the "feed"
... .... . . . ..
land tlie ccienrailoti. In lacl, the
alumni are getting the habit of
dropping In occasionallv, and there
should be a goodlv representation of
I A rumor has been heard to the el
. . ... ...
lecl null Hie mrls ol Hie I UUerslty
are planning a Cornhusker-ess ban
ciuet of their own to be held the same
night. Nothing definite lias been de-
termined about their part of the cele-
' bration as yet. however.
Kansas Game Causes Postponement
Till After Christmas to Insure
Good Support.
Instead of the "Trail" as given last
ear by the ,i . W. C. A.. the will give
an entertainment called the "Onus"
1 this year It had been planned for
this wtek. but as much ol the su ess
ol the event depends upon the support
ol the boss, it was postponed on at -
ount ol tl
,., ,
likeh It will
( ount ol the Kansas iraine Most
,,..... ..... .
now be given soon after
Cornell Cuts Down on Booze
"No wine at the Senior banquet" is
tl... -.. ... .I.' .1... L I. 1
, , , lum "' u"- J,l,,," "aHS
1 ( f '. .i'ii ..1 1 I In Ih,.h.i U 1.. ,. . . . a . . . . t tin r
' '""''" '" v"" "' -
tit 'i lie .1 u.....twl .. .. tiTi? 4.. iim.i
.... ..... ... ,. n.-.w.i,. vim.- 111 -10 10 ..
university rrolilbltlon League
ulmt. Htudeiit drinking customs.
1 '
Alumnus Makes Good.
In a recent letter to Professor
Luckey, Mr. A. It. Lang mentions his
promotion to the superintondoncy of
the schools of the Canal Zone. Tho
salary Is $,000 and a completely fur
nlshed home free. Mr. Lang received
the Master's Degree in Education,
Unhersjty of Nebraska. 191)2.
Game Characterized by Fast Open
Play in Which Huskers Ex
celled the Aggies.
With the score 9 to 0 at the end ol
the first quarter. Nobraska came up
from behind and decisively defeated
the Ames Aggies by a sopro of 18 to
!t on the Ames grldirou. Al tile' (J lid
ol' the first quarter the AggioH were
leading by 9 points and even at the
(ontfltm w (t twilntu 11 rwl iivaii tit tlwi
" ' ,
' (M,d r t,,w -"ond quarter they were
I Btl" u,u'ud- but "' drnhlikor8 had
garnered six points. The third quar
ter saw a duplication of "the second
and Nebraska took the lead with the
score standing 1U to 9, and in tho last
quarter another touchdown was added
wliii h gave the Cornhuskers a very
( lear cut win.
Meek hi ored the first touchdown for
the Cornhuskers. It came as the re
sult ol the first play called In the sec
ond quarter. The ball had been car
ried down to the Ames two-yard line
in the first quarter but time wus called
with Nebraska in possession Of the
ball on the two-yard line. The first
play called in the second quarter was
a line smash in which Reck scored.
The last two touchdowns came as the
( result of the steady line smashing and
im running game which Nebraska
has used very successfully this season.
L .
Hrennnn, the speedy little quarter
hack III' tlio Af'i'lou tr.rtlr It. .tin r
Howard's punts and returned It 80
yards along the side lines to a touch-
down. Cowan failed to kick goal.
'After a series-or-line smashes by the
Aggies the succeeded In carrying the
ball to Nebraska' ;iryard line, where
Rrennan rtroptt&l fbaHt for a drop kick
whidi he made gbod. His kick wos
hif;h and the steady i Ind carried tint
ball squarelv betw-een the goal po8t.
This was all the scoring done by the
Ames team, but that was sufficient to
cause the Ames rooters to act as mad
l.nt tl... l.t..-,,,i.. 1 1,,,. ...1.1. ...i.ii. .....
..... v.,v ... i 1 11111111LI11N n 1 1 1 1 n.iii-i, 1,1.4
Cornhuske'rs came buck in the next
quarter showed that they were there
to win.
Forward passes were not attempted
a great deal, but Nebraska profited
Kmm "' l"",r UHt'' ,owle na8ed H'
1 ti i . f
, n in up-top shape. Rutherford's
..1.. ..1 .
piaying was consistent. He failed to
to, star buck field but thev wnrn nnni.i..
, . ......
to stand the severe tent which they
(Continued on Page Two.)
ic Applications for the position
r of Associate Editor of the Daily
Nebraskan will be received in
it the Offlce Of T. A. WMIInma -A-
ir Room B7, Administration Build-
He mg, untu noon Wednesday.