t ' Y-CTJP' t ". - MMwum.miMnxmmn 9tSKt BtBBMBBWWW6W9B Mmmmmmmmmmam THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Qtyr laily NebraHkmt Proporty of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. "M7 v7REE7) Edltor-in-Chlef Managing Editor ABBOclato Editor ABKOdato Editor Konnoth M. Snyder John L. Outright Frod N. Wolln KEPOHTORIAl. STAFF. II. V. Hurlun A I hi ot low Ethel Arnold Womon Dean McRrlon, Ruth Squlrcn, Robert Holland, LouIh Hornu, Clara DoddH, (Hon EvortH. ICail Kcofrr, It. V. Koupal. Homer I'hllllpB, Clar enee Hplei, Max Raehr, RoHwell WeeUn. Art. Huh. Mrmr. Frank S. 1'erkinx Circulation Manager J. ('. Heard Subscription price 2 00 per year. paynhlc In advance. ainglf Conic?, T centR each break of a few poor losers. Coach Stlchm has repeatedly beaten Kansas, and beaten them decisively. The evidence forwarded to Guy E. Reed yesterday does not prove the Kansas' contention that there was a gentlemen's agreement. Missouri's and Kansas' representatives state that there was such an agreement. Drake, Ames and Nebraska simply state that the matter was discussed, and that representatives agreed to use their In fluence to discourage negro competi tion. The Washington representative is not sure of the point in any way. All state that there was no official ac tion. If there had been such an agree ment the policy of the Missouri Vah ley Conference would be to permit Ross to play out hi6 allotted year of athletic competition. No action ever taken by the Missouri Valley Confer ence Km been retroactive. JUNIORS MEET AND ELECT I Entered at. the poHtofhVe at Lincoln. NebraHka, aH secondclasn mall matter, under the Ael of Cnnn-m of Manli 3, 1879. MINOR OFFICERS YESTERDAY Condition of Class is Serious Finan cially Accoiding to Statements Made at Meeting. Friday, October:!!. I9i: THE KANSAS PROTEST. The latest attitude of the athletic board of the University of Kansas can be construed as nothing more than insulting and petty. It is seem ed the game by insulting the athletic mgly trying to force Nebraska to can authorities at Nebraska. Without any notification officially by the Kan sas athletic board to the board at Ne braska, the lollowign article was au thorized by the Kansas board and given out by Manager Hamilton to the press: "Nebraska thi u the press inti mates that Kansas i6 protesting, which is not t-uc: that the rea son they aro protesting is because they are afraid of the negro, which is not true. "Kansas does not want to play the man, not because he is a ne gro, but because there was a gen tlemen's agreement not to play him. "It begins to look to me now as tho Coach Stiehm is getting just a little bit afraid to risk his reputation in meeting Kansas, and is looking for some loophole to avoid the calamity that is sure to follow, so that it will be our policy to simply furnish to the ath letic authoritioe at Nebraska cop ies of the letters that we received fro mthe faculty representatives from the conference schools, all of which say that there was an agreement not to play negroes, and then if they insist on playing the negro, we will play him." Any fair-minded and non-partisan critic can feel how small and petty is this action by an athletic board sup posedly representing a great institu tion. The attack upon Mr. Stiehm personally seems to be only the out- i Till- Junior fl.is, met yesterd :it 11 ::'.) in tli Temili' Theatre and dis cukmmI plans tor the coniini; semester. The following minor odieors won-I . leit"'l Viet I'residont. Stella Steven-- Seiiitary, .hunt Wheeler. Tn.i'urer, Kenneth M. Snyder Plie met that tin- class is forty dol lars in ilelit is one which hinders the eliis . i nun an student activities or fuiKtioi this ( ar. The only (hnnte is to I'.i.at notes anioni; the members of the i Kiss whith will pay this debt and liable the prom hop and play to j be Kien. A meeting of the Hoard of 'Financial Manager will be held soon I and il .-. uvs plans. CORNHUSKERS OFF T OAMES (Continued Fiom Pae One.) Hlble. Meek will play at Purdy's place, rlfcht hair; Howard will take Rock's place .it left end, and Coffee will hold forth in Howard's position at full back. Halls or Crosse will plug up the hole at left tackle made by the absence of Halllgan, unless Halligan hlms"lf will be able to play. The following men make up the sijuad that will Invade tho Ames camp: Heck, right half; Halls, Cameron, right tackle; Coffee, fullback; Gel- ' wick. Halllgan, left tackle; Howard, left end; Irwin, Mastln, right end; j Purdy, Itoss, left guard; Rutherford, i left half; Shields, Thompson, center; 'Towle. quarter; Hlwell, Abbott, right guard, Crosse, Delematre. HRINO HACK THE HACON, HOYS! WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 11 AND O STREETS TAN DRILL English Lace and U. S Bottoms $2.95 RUDD 141S STREET IT'S ALL EXTRA-- This careful tailoring on our Mackinaw Coats. Everybody has mackinaws at prices similar to ours and the pattern will be very similar too. But let us point out the differ ence in the tailoring the patch pockets--the yoke-back the storm cuff and the tailored storm collar. These details make the coat Thafs why you'll like our Mackinaws $5, 6.50, 7.50, 8.50, 10. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANT, ,S All our University Rings at 25 Discount This Week Only The Uni Book Store 340 N. 11th Street School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.-Funke Bdg. Everything for the Office" a Riggs Drug Cutter 3 CTADrC IIUYLER S CANDY I Try the Y. M. C A. LuncL $., I I Cafeteria P)n I ICitv Y. M P A 13tk ...i I SODA WATER LUNCHES OTKP sSprsm