The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1913, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL Xffl. NO. 33
Price, 5 Cents
Southerners Become Personal in Accusing-
Stiehm of Fear to
MeoV flansas. Past Scores
Tell the Tale.
Tho efforts- of the Kansas athletic?
Ijoard to haro it's protest against the
playing of Clinton Robb, the burly
Cornhuskor guard, sustained beramr
officially evident yesterday. Guy
Uecd, tho Nebraska manager, recoived
u letter from- Manager Hamilton o'
the Jayhajp, stating his grievances
and asking for immediate considera
tion. Ho stated that there was a
"gentleman's agreement" that negroos
would not bo played In the conference
games, doaplte any claim to the con
trary. Enclosed in this letter were
copies of letters from the faculty rep
resentatives of the universities in tho
conference, purporting to prove that
such an unwritten agreement actually
was arrived at.
This la the culmination of a news
paper war of words which the KansaB
manages-has been waging against Ne
braska for several weeks. The Kan
wans claim thut owing to the so-callod
"agreement" Nebraska is showing a
lack of professional honor in present
ing Rosa in the lineup. The question
was first raised before tho Washburn
game, but the Kansas authorities
quickly hushed the rumor that such a
protest had come fro mtheir headquar
ters. It was thot that aftor a satis
factory explanation was made to
Washburn, the matter was dropped.
But recetnly the southerners have
come out openly in demanding that
Ross bo retired.
At tho last trieeting of the Mis
souri Valley Conference Missouri and
Washington universities wore strenu
ously active in bringing up the ques
tion of tho color line in athlotics. Dr.
Olapp, Jthe Nebraska representative,
objected aud no official action was
taken. Tlie Kansans claim, however,
that an agreement was arrived at, and
that Nebraska is now evading the
spirit of tho agreement.
"The whole matter Is an under
handed attempt on the part of tho
Kansas management to humiliate Ne
braska to auch an extent that she will
withdraw Ross." said Manager Reed
yesterday- "There was absolutely no
agreement, and Ross will be played
against Kansas ou the 15th. ('ouch
Stiehm has been publicly humiliated
in a statement authorized by tho Kan
sas athletic board, when Hamilton
stated that 'Stiehm is getting a little
(ConHiu'Tu o 11 Page .Four )
-fc Applications for tho position
- of Associate Editor of tho Daily
- Nebraskan will be received in
the office of T. A. Williams,
f. Room-07, Administration Build- -fc
ing, jyiU..noon Wednesday.
1. Was there a gentlemen's agreement among conference represen
tatives? The evidence does not prove it.
2. Was there any official action 7
Each representative says there was not.
3. If there had been such an agreement, has the Missouri Valley
Conference ever made a rule retroactive?
4. Is Coach Stiehm afraid to play Kansas?
Let the past ana the Tallowing statement from the coach tell the
"Nebraska will play Kansas any time and asks no quarter, but she
does not propose to allow herself to be crlpplod thru the petty and mean
tactics of the Kansano."
The latest mine in the internal warfare of the Missouri Valley Con
ference has been exploded by the Kansas management. From some
where out of the dust and confusion of the representatives of the con
ference the Kansas athletic board has collected a jumble of words and
ideas on the color question and woven together a wonderfully vague
statement of a "gentlemen's agreement." This flimsy affair is claimed
to set forth a united stand by the conference to the effect that a color
line will be unofficially maintained in all conference teams. As a matter
of fact, the very sources from which these ideas were culled do not seem
to be able to recollect a "gentlemen's agreement. And on this very un
stable platform the Jayhawker athletic board authorizes its manager to
make the statement that Nebraska is afraid to play Kansas that Stiehm
is afraid to risk hi3 reputation in the game of the 15th. And all because
Nebraska refuses to recognize a color line in her athletics, believing
that "a man's a man, for a that."
The following statement from Chancellor Avery expresses the way
the university would view the question:
Chancellor Avery has received a communication from Kansas Uni
versity in regard to our playing Clinton Ross on the football team. He
announces that after having gone over the matter very carefully and
not having expressed any opinions as to whether or not there was evi
dence of a gentlemen's agreement, commencing at the conference at
Columbia, Missouri, that negroes should not play in Conference games,
he wilt request the Board of Regents at their next meeting to pass a
rule that the right of students of the University of Nebraska to partici
pate in any athletic contest, intercollegiate or otherwise, shall not be
abridged on account of race or color. And, furthermore, that Nebraska
will not remain in any athletic association or conference where such
right is abridged.
Nebraska Misses 8ervlces of Purdy
Cornhuskers in Good Condition ao
Bring Home the Bacon.
Today at 2 o'clock Coach Stiohin
md twenty of Ills disciples leave for
me.s via Dos Moines over tho Rock
Men of New School in the Depart
ment Form Fifth Branch of
Engineering Society.
At a meeting ot students in the
newly organized school of architec
tural engineering an organization was
effected Wednesday. It will take tho
name of the Architectural Engineer
ing Society and will form the fifth
Branch of tho United Engineering So
ciety, under the reconstructed consti
tution of this society.
The proposition met with the favor
of the men in the department, and a
number turned out. George Spoonor
acted aa chairman of the temporary
organization. A constitution was
drawn up, submitted and adopted.
According to it, tho purposes of tho
society will be to draw together those
men interested In the study of archi
tectural engineering and design, to
provide instructive programs of talks
and lectures by authorities on tho
(Continued on Page Pour.)
Applications Must Be In Registrar's
Hands by Saturday Noon
at Latest.
Do you want to be Student Aluuuger
ol the Glee Club? There is a good
opportunity for some young lullow
who hns had experience In the man
agerial lino to do plenty of good hard
work and earn a little piece of change
at the same time. Applications for
this position will be rocolved by the
Register until Saturday noon, Novem
ber 1. Tho usual eligibility rules will
govern tho selection of tho manager,
that is, he must have made at least
twelve hours last semoster and must
bo registered for twelve or more hours
this somestor.
The official duties of tho managor
will consist principally in arranging
the Itinerary of a trip to be taken
in the spring and making it a paying
proposition. Thore will not be much
oxponso In arranging tho trip, as Guy
(Continued ou Page Three.)
slnnd. They will stay In Uos Moines
ver night, going up to Amos Sat
lrday on a special chnrtored inter
urbnn car. Tho University band will
accompany them and a few rooters.
Amos Game a Hard One.
The gamo with the Iowa Aggies will
be a hard one. It is tho first big
gamo in the conference botweon load
ing conference teams. Hence, it will
bo watched with more than usual In
terest. The Cornhuskers are not
(uunting on an easy contest. It Is
going to bo a mighty stiff tussol.
So far this year Amos has won two
games and has been defeated twice.
The Iowa farmers defeated Grinnell
and Washington and was beaten by
Minnesota and Missouri. Hoth the
Grinnell und Washington loams are
weak this year, hence Ames" victories
fount but very little in conference
rating. She was dofeated by tho two
strong teams that were on the sched
ule. Honco on paper Ames doos not
loom up as strong ns NobraBka.
Hut this is a year of football sur
prises. AmeB may nose out tho Corn
huskors. The Ags have been improv
ing steadily since tho first of the sea
son and will be in their host shape
for Nebraska. It Is one of tho biggest
games on their schedule so thoy have
been pointed for it all fall. Another
thing that will spur them on to put
ting up a great fight is tho fact that
thoy will play before the annual home
coming of Ames grads.
Nebraska's Chances of Victory.
1 Nebraska will go into tho game
I minus the services of two of her star
i players. Captain Purdy at right half
'and Halllgan at loft Tackle will be
'missing from the lineup. Their placet
j will be hard to fill and their loss 1b a
! hard blow to Cornhusker hopes. Yet
the wonder-worker has re-comentod
ills machine and it will present an
formidable front agalnBt the Aggies.
The Cornhuskers should win.
Figuring tho dopo on comparative
scores the CornhuBkors uavo ovory
thing their own way. Minnesota de
feated Ames 25 to 0. Nebraska de
feated Minnesota 7 to 0. Therefore,
basing tho outcomo on this proposi
tion, Nebraska will dofeat Amos by
14 to 7. But Uiis is mere dopo, mind
you. The unexpected may happen.
It is a cinch that the Stiehm Roller
will havo to play the best football
thoy are capable of playing to defoat
the Ags. Hero's hoping.
The Linup.
With Purdy out of the backflold
tain tho strongest combination poa
"Jumbo"' has shifted his mentojtob-
(Continued 6n Page'TVo.)