LT?WNWtiiitinMqHyii THt DAILY NEBR4QEAN IW pfr Property of the; university of Nebraska Lincoln. M. V. REED Managing Editor.. . Konnoth M. Bnydoi AfP9lato tfcJUor. ..Jon . GVWteb' AMopty? Editor. -Fre4 N. Well. REPORTORIAL STAFF. II V. Hurlan Athletics KtuoJ b?W)d Womon Dean McBrlon. Ruth SqulreH, Robert Holland, LouIh Homo, Clara DoddH, r.h-n Evert h. Knrl Koofer, R. V Koupal. Homer Phillips, Clar ence Spier, Max Baohr, RobwoII Woeks. Act. Huh. MngT. Frank 8. 1'erklnH circulation Manager J. C- Beard Subacriptlon price 2.00 per year. Single Copies, 5 cents each Kntorefl at tho pohtoffloe at Lincoln. Nebraska, bb socond-claBS mail mattor, under tho Act of of Murch 3, 17. Ween, a 'ay. Octob r :9. 9 3 - ' ----- AN ALUMNI EPIDEMIC. The influence of alumni, when ox .rted In tho direction of the neneral Kood of the University, 1h moHt wel- omo. But when these alumni or ormcr ntudontH .start bucking thin trend of advancement, thoy Bucceod only In raining nn uncomfortable dis turbance which adds nothing to the ultimnte good of tho Institution. A delicate Hltuatlon hnB arison latoly. A number of article have appeared In one of the-Lincoln dallies, bearing on the work of a profeBBor In the depart iik tit of forCBtry. It 1b claimed by tho writer of tho article that the depart ment 1b being diHcredited by the work ol this profoflHor. The article Is not Hgned, nor v,ere the preceding "let tera" which attacked the nubjeet This is a continuation of a depart ment fight -which started last year, the first -year that the professor had boon connected ith the Institution. Tho leading part in the opposition 1b said to be in tho alumni and graduato students, In ttoo fight last spring nB buccmm. Fow prtfoffQrft eHM lto a department wRJujut piakfetg enomtes of some ntudonts who wore in the favor f er in sympathy with the for me prjqfefsor. Thereiore too, opposi tion which tboeo HtudentB ralBe ia like that whtci) Is created In other d partmontH. Rflch yr tho f&CttUa 07 reptij have U deal wUU tljia 9am o sort of opposition, from one source or nothor, In rnoet caaofl tho opposition dies out and the work of the dopart mont begins to go smoothly when the hold of tho alumni relaxes. Thoro fore it is fimall wonder If the attitude of the agitators 1b regarded with usu plcion iu somo quarters, until the per son under consideration has been given a rhnneo to prove his ability Believe not that the ways of tho edi tor are all rejoicing. Far be it from Buch when ho has a German printer, who has to euro a cold every day or so. a now llnotypo man and a date all the same night. Ordinarily only one or two ot tbeno prodioamonta occurs the saxno night but Monday (teemed to prooipUate all three. Hence tho turongo things appearing ia yesterday's ieeuo. TALK6 ON WATERLOO- (Qontinuod From Pago Ono.) f , , tor life nnd -iri 1 804 wna made em peror. Profehor Fling says that Napoleon Ras not nlono responsible for the ic torloB, but that he had tho power of making able men work for him. He had that executive ability which Is behind all glguntlo succcsbmh of to day The significant thing in Na poleon's hte was his ambition to be come a world power, a king of kingrf. He set out to form nn alliance with ill countries to crowd England out. He ann vi Holland, Spain, Portugal, Ital. one after another, conquered Austria nnd Prussia, nnd in 1811 af Taiii w( ie trembling in the balance. Then Russia refused to annex, and it was up to -Napoleon to abandon his gigantic ambition or to force Dussla to join Ho attempted tho latter, and when he sent a half million men to that country in a hopeless battle, it mniked the beginning of the end. From that time until the final defeat well as in the later developments this n isi:?, his strugglo was to hold what fall Howevor. last Bpring the move- j n,. had already secured, and one by ment did not gain publicity. It was ' ol. his ach!o omenta went for naught, agitated among the underclasHmen, I and a petition was circulated among them asking for their support ot a move to demand an Investigation Ah a result of the disagreement, it is I claimed that a number of underclnsH nien did not return to continue their work In tho forestry department this fall. Right here is where tho work ot tho alumni seems out of place. No doubt they mean well, if they are .sincere In trying to advance tho good of the department. But they prob ably do not realize that they arc merely ropoatlng what has been tried WEATHER HURTS FOOTBALL (Continued From Page Ono.) Three Big Games to Work For. Coach Stiohm has a stupendous job on his hands to send a toam to both Amos and Kansas that will bo able to win the Misbouri Valley chaTORlon Bhlp on forolgn soil. Yet tho wonder worker can do it, Tho machine that beat Minnesota, la not to bo stopped and barring future accldonts they will be for tho fith time chomplpoB of the Missouri Valley. The Iowa game. Bome Bay, will be by other groups of students, without Ihft harden game on the CornhusHer - . schedule. But It will have no bearing on th j Missouri Valley race for cham pionship honors, and hence not so Im portant By all means Nebraska must annex the title. Scrimmage Today. Woailu r permitting the arsity and treshmen will scrimmage tomorrow. "Jumbo" has a hard knot to solve iu arranging his machine, In its Btrongost position with Purdy out of tho game. But with an excellent Btrlpg of backs to chOBG from tho hole should be filled satisfactory. GREEK LETTERS MONOGRAMS CRESTS We can furnish all kind-, m thiee sics, either silver or gold. Get our prices. Suitalle, for Bracelets, King, loikctb, Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons, Bar Pins,, etc. EtaJ. 4871 Univ. Jeweler 1143 O The University School of Music Established 1894 Offers the highest class of instruction in ail branches of music. Students may enter any time. Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning thfo school before choosing an instructor. Willard Kimball, Director Ask for new catalog -:- -:- Eleventh and R Streets "T" AH jour University Rings at 25 Discount This Week Only umiiiii ui hi m-m The Uni Book Store 340 N. Utk Street mrr u v School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.-Funke Bdg. ; Everything for the Office' u Jf w The Cafeteria of the Y. M. C. &. There muat he some regard given to the fi n t l rtvne. n the choice of a boarding house, if one w ould get t4c irott n t d ftom his meats. A poorly ventilated iccm is nol a fit ictin The Cafeteria is located in a rcQrn well lighted and xwifttf'd Tho University authorities have fiethly painted the vttojlg'pryd reflbished the floor. This is a gocd place fcr hfndird y not for you? Th.e Cafeteria fojr the Students in the TemjoJLt' mtch COLLAR A QtMcM UUh 9e4 Noicf. CoIUr, 2 for 25 oent Ouclt. Pea bod r A Co., loo. Maker TRY LOUR.LUNCHEOJIETKES JJThe arc always thej tyest Ku We 5erv hot;aw tioUiggg drinks nil wintej lonp Lincol Cawlyr litcJlMi South Wei Corner 14th, 0 Street i I -v . t