t tltf ' " THE DAILY NEBRASKAN JF If, MV LV, 1 ', K" 1. THEATRES Oliver Theater Today 2:30 Tonight, 8:15 THE PRICE SHE PAID Night 50, 35, 25c. Matinee 25c Tuesday Night, Oct. 28 THE CONFESSION Benefit Lodge L. O. O. M. ORPHEUM Thure., Frl., Sat, Oct. 23, 24, 25 THE VANI8 A Fisherman's Betrothal," Featur- Ing Esther De Lour. Ethel Kirk & Billv Fnparty Hilda Thomas & Mr. Lou Hall In "The Substitute." Martin E. Johnson's Travelogues Stories and Pictures of the Jack London Tour of the South Sea Islands. E. Bert Kenny, f.R. Nobody and E. Booth Piatt Originators of Nobody Character . Singing Comedians Belle Claire & Herman Mat. Thurs., Frl., 15 25c. Sat., 15, 25c, 50c. Night at 8:15. Prices 15, 25, 35, 50 and 75c. Ly1!0 Theatre Thursday, Friday, Saturday Augustus Neville & Co. "Politics and Petticoats" NEWPORT & STIRK In "A Barber's Busy Day PHOTO PLAYS "PATHE'E SEMI-WEEKLY" "THE WIDOW'S SUITORS" "THE BALLYHOO'S STORY" "SLEUTHS UNAWARES" Daily News-4 Fash7onLifePnotos Three Shows Daily 2, 7 and 9 p.m. Mat. All Seats 10c; Nights 15c wircA fc w t FEATURE FILMS FOR THIS AFTERNOON and EVENING THE TAKING OF RATTLE SNAKE HILL A CLEVER STORY THE GIRL ACROSS THE WAY University Jeweler and Optician C A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED MISS STERKEL Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Switch Making LADIES AND GENTLEMEN B-4420 . Room 412, Brownell Blk. Y. M. C. A. CABINET WILL MEET Executive Board of Student' Associa tion to Ratify Its Actions at Noon Today. Tlie rpcoikI regular meeting or the Y. M. ('. A. cabinet will be held at noon today In the Temple Report h from the several oommittecH now at work have been called In, and at thin meeting action will be taken toward the plan of work for the semester One of the biggest problems facing the cabinet ond the united committee force is that of finance. This week two committee meetings were held, and fifty men present conferred on the ways and menns of getting out the financial support of students. Per sonal canvassing was made the basis of the work, and a full report of the success of the start made this week will be presented at the cabinet meet ing today. Bible and mission study committees will probably have a report ot this meeting. Other reports will be due from the rooms committee, the new student committee, the meetings com mittee, and the committee on publicity. REDSKINS ON WAR PATH Continued from page Minnesota victory they ought to show the original Americans a few fine points nbout the gentle art of lifting scalps. It promises to be one of the most interesting games of the season Liaht Practice Frldav Eveninn. The varsity indulged in a light and short signal practice yesterday after-1 noon which put them in fine condition for the game A god part of the time was spent in perfecting forward passes and special formations that will be used for the special delectation of the redskins After the hard scrim mages of this week, Hie light practice last night was all that was needed to put the Cornhuskers in good fight ing trim The Lineups: Nebraska Mast in Cameron Abbott Thompson Ross Halligan Beck Tow le Rutherford Purely, Capt Howard Haskell Indians re Williams, (Caddo) it Arkeketa, (Otoe) ig Eagle, (Creek) Stover, Creek) Ig Timothy, Creek) It Williams, Cap.. (Caddo) le Artichoker, (Winn.) I Flood, (Sioux) Hi Itowiue, (Sioux) , rh Richards, (Pawnee) lb Powell. (Cherokee) Frum-Pomeroy Marriage. Tlie marriage of Miss Alice Rey nolds Pomeroy, '11, to Mr. Sidney T. , i -An ...... ..... .. , . . i i-i urn, ii, wim neiu iuhi w'cck in snei by, Iowa, at the home of the bride. Af ter a short trip they will return to Da kota City, Nebraska, where they will make their home. Mr. Fruin located in Dakota City shortly after his graduation In 1909, and has become one of the foremost citizens of the town He now holds the ofllce at of county attorney. Mr. Fruni has been teaching school since her graduation, as principle of the Bloomington schools. Loeb's Orchestra, 1,-9896 or IJ 1392. Send - it - to - CLEANER AND Express or Parcel Post Paid One The Cafeteria of the Y. M. C. A. There must be some regard given to the surround in the choice of a boarding house, if one would get the mon rood from his meals. A poorly ventilated room is not u fit room ru fTafelcrm ,a ,ocotcd " a room well lighted and vcniJied. 1 he University authorities have freshly painted the wallf rtnd rennishcd the floor. This is n good place for hundred whv not for you? "I he Cafeieria for the Students in the Temple School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.-Funke Bdg. "Everything for the Office" A "Square Deal" for everybody is the "Spalding Policy." We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding f Trade Mark, that such an article will give satisfaction and a reasonable amount of service. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1616 Arapahoe St. - - Denver, Colo SIMMONS, THE PRINTER Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. Phone B-2391 Way 1 322 N STREET L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb. Preserve Your College Work The L. C. Smith & Bros. Type writer is invaluable to college stu dents who want a record of their college work after graduation. We give special attention to the needs of students. We have type writers to rent, as well as to sell. A few rebuilt machines at a bargain. WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 13 AND O STREETS Higby" DYER B1292 f ( I'-i V ' f Ml MftlUP W'ttw