V , iTSH-U- "-K -'W1 L,--',"fagwj Jpt..'jl.'ViJu.';f;.i.'.wy"PWi J 4- .lji. ,i.i ii I-, n i (.I i ,.,.,;. i", '" "Vl' ' u ifi I, i1";", t", :"' . i- t&g THE DAILY NEBRASKAN r lj latlg Jfabraakan Proporty of THK UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. "mTvTTieeu Editor-in-Chief THEY LEARN TO DANCE TANGO CORRECTLY AT ILLINOIS Managing Editor ABBOclato Editor ABfloclato Editor Kenneth M. Snyder John L. Cutrlght Fred N. WcIIb ct. Huh. MiiKr. Frank S. I'erklnn Circulation Manager I. C. Heard SubBcrlption prlco $2.00 per year, paynhlo In advance. Single Copied, 5 centH each Entered at tho poBtofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, up second-class mall matter, under the Act of CongrenH of March 3, 1879. Saturday. October 25, 19 K? Y. M. C. A. WORKS IN ITS ONE COMMUNITY Does Concentrated University Work Get a DancingmaBter from Chicago Why Not This at Nebraska? Th lango agitation at Illinois has taken still another turn. Recently a numlii i of prominent upperclassmen, both men and women, expressed opinions in The Daily Illini that tango darning in university society either should be. corrected or suppressed For; the last tow days there has been much agitation both for and against this popular new dance Sat in day evening it was rumored that two prominent seniors had con sidered i ho situation so severely that they were planning to start a tango I class for students. I It is the nlan to nive lesson tn those men who desire a better undor standing of the modern dances, and While City Organization Spreads. Some do not understand the relation that oxlsta between tho University and the City Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, and for this reason an explana tion may be in place, especially as the University association Is now making a campaign for funds. The University association is a separate and distinct prm ,. (anK() (lnncng hpro organization lroni the city association and has its own board of director budget, secretarial force, etc., and c.n lies on its work independently of the city asso( lation. The reason for tliiy lies iii the fact that tho student com attempt to secure the cooperation of the s"ernl dancing lubs in ('ham palgn for hotter dancing at Illinois I It is probable that with tho con-,e'it j of the arious dancing clubs an e perienced dancingmaster from Chicago will lie brought to the university from time to time to instruct and eorre t poor dancing at the club dances. When Dean T. A. Clark was inter viewed by the piomotors of the new tango school he expressed himself fa vorable to anything which would im- Too Weak For Minne. Clwle Williams, coach of the Min noMM i eecii, is attempting to can cel then- name with North Dakota, M-hedn'ed 01- n.xt Satunl.ix The ilc ........( standing as It does as more oi f(.llsi. uiv(u ,jy wmininB , , ,lfTort less of a unity can better be reached ( () havi. u, wmi(l stlk.kon fl()m ,,, ' bv a separate organization. especiall.M hHlt ,,. is ,h.u , D.llv()tus IU.(V QO ' since student lile and problems aicIWl.Jlk U) ghl, Mimi(HOta a R.u T,u, ' -onslderably dlffeie.it than those of , MllIu.M)tallh IUM,(1 haV( ,. ()f (x I the young men ol the city in general ,,, ,, ,1)f. OVorconndence Their' That the woik is thus separately or i,,,,,,,,, llm..hini; a , lian(,H ()f ganized docs not imply in the least Stu , s (, nluisKt.,s last S:ifimlliv uiiii mere is auvimiu; less man ucair i cooperation and good-will. An illus (ration of this, the joint gnancial cam palgn which the two associations an . , sliou d liold in check anv chestiness whi( Ii Williams' athletes might have a tendency to exhibit. Dally Kansan. planning to carry out among the clti zons of Lincoln Another example of the co-operation is shown in tho fact that next Sunday the two organizatiom C r. Alldritt, dentist, 200 Ganter bldg., 1240 O st. B-3905. Delta Chi's Visit. will givo a program in tho Oliver, at. Ceo I! Hush. Riverside Calif, Stan whlch the captain of the Haskell foot-1 ford '11, and M. E. Cornelius A R '07 ball team will speak. This will be a Law ')!) Nebraska are visiting at the meeting of special interest to the stu 'Delta Chi House Roth are on the dent young men. Many of the student young men de sire to join the city association in or der to take advantage of the dormi tory, swimming pool, etc. To all such as are members of the University as sociation the city association makes a reduction of fee eiual to the fee of the i University association. The city asso ciation also provides a special nine months' membership ticket for stu dents at $7.50 whereas the twelve month ticket cost $10. I governing board of Delta Chi Fratern ity and are returning home from at tending the National convention at Toronto and a tour of eastern states Jones' Orchestra, L-9CG6. Debel and Sorenson Advanced. Niels H. Debel, '111, has been ad vanced from scholar to fellow In po litical science and sociology, to fill the vacancy caused by tho appointment of Evans A. Worthley as student pastor ,ior the Methodist church. C. A. Sor- R R Monheck, H So.. C.E . 1!U1, enson, 'LI, Law '15, has been given is now in the service of the topograph- 'be vacant scholarship leal branch oi the United States (Jeo logical Survev on topographical work ( Telephone Yule Uros Laund, y to call at Auburn, Neb, in cooperation with for your work. R-2754 t lie state survey under Dr Harbour -- ... QHuBfiifipb (EflUtmu if Captain Rurdj is some bear-cat if on the gridiron, but he will never if do for a moving picture actor - if "Star " LOST Fountain pen on athletic field Mondav, Oct. 20. Return to Rav olllco. 10-22-5t LOST Check book, near mechanics arts bldg., Saturday. Return to Rag - 10k W JL ! Eg nm I " 2 M I I t 4 i Sot p" HERE'S A "PIPPIN" Made in knee length, with the very popular belted back. A swag ger model for college men. Best of all ifs made by Hart, Sdiaffn & Marx $18 and up ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY r.ipjrl.-bt Man SchaTnrr te Mir The University School of Music Established 1894 Offers the highest class of instruction in ;.l) branches of music. Students may enter any time. ' Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning this school before choosing an instructor. Willard Kimball, Director Ask for new catalog -:- : Eleventh and R Streets Box Paper to suit everyone, with and without University Emblem Do we have what you want for a little gift? Ask The Uni Book Store 34 on 11th Street in j , - I "spa" I !( Rhas I Cafeteria Plan I tl--JS! City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P I Drug Cutter 3 STOPFS iRJYLEirs cANnv -'M i office 10-22-.U M)UA WATEn LUNCHES