v The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 29 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1913 Price, 5 Cents REDSKINS ON WAR PATH HA8KEL.L FNDIAN8 DESCEND ON LINCOLN WITH BAND AND ROOTERS. MODERN FOOTBALLWILLFEATUKE Cornhuakai-a Are In Fighting Trim, Have Their War Bonnets on and Opine They Can Scalp the Aborigines. PROGRAM OFFERED UNI MEN AT OLIVER SUNDAY Haskell Football Men Will Talk and Band Will Furnish Music at Meeting for Men. PROFESSOR HOWARD TALKS ON STUDENT DEMOCRACY Freedom and Equality Better for Stu dents as Well as Institution Favors Faculty Control. By H. V. HARLAN.) -flound tbo clnr-p-rm-I Tho rodsklns On Sunday afternoon at 3:15 p. in., the doors of the Oliver Theater will be opon to those wishing to listen to a musical program by the Univer sity band at 15:30 followed by speeches by Captain William Williams of the Haskell Indian team as well as by the Director of Athletics at Haskell, A. M. Vernne. Thlc prnflmni i nmlcr the auspices are coming! They are hot on the trail of the paleface Cornhuskors with blood in their eyes and revenge in their hearts. They are after scalps. Watch out! The Haskell Indian football team, with coaches, a bunch, of rooters and a bond arrivod here this morning. They are all full of redskin pep and are determined to w ipe out the mem ory of the awful beating they received at the hands of the said paleface Corn- huflkera in. 1910 when they were swamped by tho score of 119 to 0 What the Coaches Say: Coach "Jumbo" Stiehm, the wondor worker, rlaes in the council of war and discourses thusly. "I canaidor this name one of tho hardest on the sched ule. It will be one of the greatest exhibition!) of modern football that the west ha) ever witnessed." Coach Kenned, the mentor of the swarthy aborigines chants this battle cry: ' "My men haw won every game this seaaoD by large scores. The de feat of Minnesota by Nebraska gives us a chance to be Western ChamplonB. Game Will Be Some Pow-Wow. Tho game today on Cornhusker field will be a heap big pow-wow. The Indians use the open btyle of playing and are counting on victory because of this. Inasmuch as the Cornhuskors won over Minnesota by using the mod ern, open dtyle mode of playing it can be safely said that the game will Ito a greaf exposition of up-to-date tootball. ft will be a game of speed and fast snippy opon field playing. HaaWeM Indians' Strength. The Indians have been reinforced by five Carlisle plaers They do not play under conference rules hence a man is played as long as he makes good, be that one. two, four or five years. The redskins are a decidedly unknown quantity They have won all their games so far this season and that by largo scores, beating Emporia college 60 to 0 and Uaker 18 to 0. Hut the teams they were playing wore not what might be called strong. Then too, the aborigines fluctuate from year to year. One year they are a tribe of howling good players and another year they are a bunch of squaws. Wit ness tho game in 1909 when they beat the Nebraakans 16 to 5 and the next year the Cornhuskors ground them In to the dust by the score of 119 to 0. Thoy are said to have an exception ally good team this year and are bound to put up a game fight. Unless tho Cornhuflkers are carrying an over load of confidence resulting from the Continued on page 3 of th1 University and City Y. M C A associations. The Htudent body will no doubt bo glad to take advantage of the opportunity to hear the leaders of the team that will have played us today. Turn out fellows, this is for you Professor Howard of the Sociology department gave a vory Instructive talk on the question, "Domocracy In the American UnlvorBlty yesterday." The student body, Professor Howard thinks, would do more and better work if given more freedom but at the same made responsible In certain ways In their organizations the stu- dents should manago to get In only responsible young people and then give them the privilege to carry out their policies in their own most ef ficient way. Professor Howard expressed an earnest desire to see the faculty con trol method tried In this school as It is In some of the prominent schools of the country. A Faculty Board for the purpose of planning and prescrib ing a curriculm is a method which ac cording to the speaker should be en titled to consideration. That Nebraska has no sex line or color line is a great point in favor of the democracy we claim for our i school IF SIXTY GIRLS BUY TICKETS ENGINEERS PLAN A TRIP ANNUAL INSPECTION JAUNT MAY BE TO KEOKUK DAM ACROSS MI88I88IPPI. WILL GO THRU MAMMOTH PLANT 8uccess of Trip Depends On Number Desiring to Go Rates and Schedules Are Arranged. Minnesota Spirit Not Dampened by Defeat Just Grin and Bear It The tine spirit displayed bj the of ficial publications of the University ol Minnesota is seldom excelled in any university Following what must have been a severe set-back to the Minnesota expectations, the papers have rallied to the support of the team Unqualified confidence In the ability of the Gophers to "come back" fills the daily columns. And what Is more, they accept their defeat in the man ner of true sportsmen, alottlng to Ne braska the honor which is due a team defeating that of Coach Williams. The following paragraphs were i course will consist of twelve lessons clipped at random from the Minnesota and will end February 12. Alumni Weekly, and they hold out a ( The final pro-requisite to the giving school spirit which explains in part , of the class is the signing of sixty girls the strength of the northern campus for its pursuance. If more than this Nebraska 7 Minnesota 0. numoer desire training oi mis sort, au- "How did it happen? This question umonai classes win ue auueu to me has been asked thousands of times course l ickcis win oe on saie m ine women's gymnasium from 9 to 12 and iroin 2 to 3 Thursday and Friday of this week Price $2. Arrangements as to suits and details will be announced after sixty tickets have been sold. Miss Gittings desires that at least sixty buy these tickets, as that num ber is absolutely necessary for the class If present plans aro carried Into execution tho annual InHpoctlon trip for the students of tho onglnooring oullegu will be one through tho newly constructed dam across the Missis sippi river at Keokuk. As many stu donts as care to go in other words, tho more tho merrier will bo ollglble to take the trip, and spocial rates and schedules have boon procured. The Keokuk dam is the biggest en gineering feat of its kind in the world, strotching for more than a milo across the Mississippi Enormous power Is developed, and a plant has boon con structed which will furnish eloctriclty to cities for miles around. Tho latest ideas in all the branches of engineer ing have gone Into the making of tho dam and powerhouse, and it will be a valuable trip for students in these subjects. The trip will depend upon the num- ULA55 IN SWIMMING ASSUKtU I ber signifying their Intention of go- ! ing. Should a sufilciont number so Prof. Ina Gittings Announces Final oxpross themselves, definite arrange- Perparations-On Sale Thursday men,K wil1 bc ,midt' 'oncoming the trip in detail, and Friday. Final arrangements have been made for the girls' swimming classes to be given by Prof. Ina Gittings at tho City Y. M. C. A. beginning October 80. The . Marquette OTHERS HAVE "BIG NINE" BUG since the game last Saturda The simplest and trueHt answer is that Minnesota met a team that played a more effective brand of football. We have won for so many years that we have come to think that the Nebraska game is to come to us as a foregone conclusion. We forget that Nebraska has a large student body to draw from and that they have had good coaching and that there Ib no reason why they should not win their fair share of tho games with Minnesota. "Doubtless many excuses will be of fered. We shall offer none. Minne sota was up against tho real thing in football and was not able to make good. To be twice Inside the 5-yard line and fail to got the ball over either time doos not look good. "Wo might get a lot of cold comfort by quoting to give her the credit of winning the game last Saturday be cause she had the better team." University a Runner-Up On Schedule of the Conference This Fall. It is Interesting to note, at this time when many Nebraska students are figuring on the chances of getting into tho Big Nine, that other universities have this same hope. Marquette Uni versity, counting on Its past efforts against the northwostorn teams, Is said to have applied this fall. Nebras ka will be content to got away with tho Missouri Valleyluck and tho ele ments continuing to shine favorably, before going further along the ladder of football promotion. WOODRUFF DELIVERS LECTURES UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Applications for student manager ot tho Glee Club will be received by the registarar noun the are many of the registrar until noon, Saturday, No vember 1. Sophomore football men report for try out promptly at 3:30 Monday, at tho Armory. Practice will start at that time. United Agricultural Society will meet Saturday evening at tho judging pavilion at the State Farm at 7:30. This will bo tho first meeting of tho 1t'kk-kki(itilC'kiil('kk year and all first-year men and women ft -fc aro urged to attend in order to becomo WATCH FOR ARTHUR I acquainted with their older class- M w mates. A good program Ib promised jiMMMMXM.xxMkM.jMt. and a good time with refreshments. i Former Nebraska Man Now High in Geological Survey Work, visits Campus. Mr. E. G. Woodruff, who has had charge of geologic field parties for the United StatCB Geological Survoj In the far west, stopped at tho Uni versity and delivered lectures Tuesday and Wednesday to tho classes in min ing geology, field geology, and goology I. Ho left for Washington on the noon train Wednesday. Mr. Woodruff was a former Btudent in tho University, was later an assist ant and instructor, then professor of geology and mineralogy in tho Uni versity of Oklahoma; a follow fn Har vard University, and for tho past six years a member of the United States Geological Survey. pBItFfWPWMBHW