siiS ,"WK-?P "'Sffc. csw-'st " THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ' , f . . ,-- J . .. , " '- f --- - r f- i y " ' -y '" ' '-' "y m"n"" ... -y 'i 'I ' ' " j ," ' ' "I I ' Seniors Arrange To Pay Off Debts And Give Events M ,i ting nt tin senior (lass ycs- i iTiliiy ' whhh an number over tlio luorun : twenty was collected and lolainod only w Ith dMHculty, the inut inr of d' barging the cIiihh dobt and holding (I.MB flinctloilH ttHH dlSCUBHOd at length The first business of tho moot ing wan flic tlM tion of ( Iiish officers, which roHultod, after n spoedy election, tn thn choosing of MIbh LouIbo North nip as . ico president and Frod Keith ,is nocreLrv Aftor i (llacuHHloii as to tho poBBlblo method?? which the class might employ to override tholr present restrictions, two wore decided upon as permitted. One wn.1 to pay off the outstanding lnhlH hy hi nunnflRtiiftnt nnri tho other waH the forming of a committoo to ns sumo pergonal rosponBlblllty for dobts to bo incurred. Mr Kavan. In a very extended speoch, spoke of flvo claBB departments In which monoy could bo inado for the class which had hercto loro oltlur been lost In many cases by poor management or made to enure to personal benefit The flvo depart ments mentioned wore thoso of the program, pin, hop, play, and prom, with tlio posuibilitv of tho introduction of a lass fair or carnival as a money inakor. He then moved the appoint ment oi an executive committoo of nine .portions to take ontlro chargo of .til departments and dovoto tho entire pioceedu to class debts aftor pledging personal leponsihillty for the flnan i ial mi' -. ol each affair or transac t ion i ne fi iiiiou ol me molion as voted wa halted by the motion which was paused as preliminary thereto pro viding that a commltteo of three bo appointed to ascertain the rightB of the clans as to whethor It could give affairs this year without paying off for mer debts by private methods involv ing individual responsibility, or wheth er tho past debts muHt necessarily be paid off bcioie any committee in anv Nay representing the seniors could give .iffaira foi the class As the matters now atand, luture action all dependB upon the leMilts of the report of tho ommittee of throe, consisting of Drls t oil, Kaan and Hess, In ascertaining the ability ot the class to proceed in .my mannei The clas.s treasurei was not elected, it being a portion of Mr. Kavan's mo tion that the treasurer of the executive committee elected by that body from among its members be likewise tho class treasurei The following chair men, were announced on interclaba com mittees, the remainder of the commit tees to be chosen by tho chairman and president In private consultation: Haskell, basketball, Racely, football; gor, debate, and Gunther, athletics. 3Tn Albert Slinw wire fmTnoTiy-aFfUHU,l, vlv-ld-nnd vigorous-btyle, lie uounced as commencement orator ANNUAL Y. W. C. A. RECEPTION TONIGHT AT GOVERNOR'S The annual Y. W. C A reception v ill bo held from 8 till 10 o'clock at tlio governor's mansion. Invitations have been sent to tho freshmen. Ever University girl Is expected, however phort musical program has been planned. This is another opnortunitv io find your place In University nffalrB. 'The Friday noon meeting will be In charge of Marguerite Long CONVOCATION Our musical convocations this yeai have been finer than ever and are bet tei attended tnan last year, paiticu ln 1 1 by the men Last week Mrs Sloan, a former enthusiastic member of the Univoislty chorus, gave a wry fine song lecltal Mrs Sloan sang with a simplicity of manner and sln oiit of emotion that won the sym patic of tho audience at once We sincerely hope that she will sing at convocation overy time she returns to Lincoln. Today there was an Im promptu program in place of the quar tet which has been announced. May we often have such impromptu pro grams An encore was called for, the iuaJorlt of the students refusing to move fbi- H6hlo lima H Ih unite- evl dont that the interest In good nui I" ' growing All of the members wore enjoyed, but most paitirularly the An dante from Mendelssohn's "Italian Symphony" and Balh-Oounod's "Ave Maria " Mrs Raymond waB at the organ, Mra. Molzer and Miss Elrhe. violin and viollnlello, and Lorotta Spencer, piona Next weok tho string quartet will play Carl Srhuberth's "My Journey Through tho Kirgis Steppes," quartet op .17. Watdh tho Nebraskan for detailed notlro Inter. TICKET SALE PROMISING FOR 8WIMMING CLA88 SOON . . . . . All But Eight of Required Number Have Signed Up Still Time Today. Swimming for coeds is a sure thing, so says Miss Gittlngs Thus far thirty seven tickets have been sold, and theie Is no doubt that the required number will be made up In another day. Thurs day, October 30, Is the day set for the first swim Jonos" Orchestra. L-96GC. The agricultural engineering depait ment invites the attention of all per sons Intel ested to a plowing demon st i at ion which will be conducted on the University Farm property on East Vine street. The Rumley Gas Tractor Company lias a new plow, which may be seen in operation Friday and Satur day of this week Loob's Orchestra, L-9896 oi B-1392. AMUSEMENTS In "The High Road," which Mrs. Flske is to bring to the Oliver this ovenlng, theie Is said to be a back ground of political and social problems of tho moment, and a dramatic render ing that is in Mr Edward Sheldon's raises a live moral Issue, one that 'luring the successful Now York en gagement of tho play last season iroused more attention than any other tage issue in years, and he treats It along the lines which modem justice is causing to bo more and moro unl "ersally held. Tho Individual opportunities In the "ole of Mary Page are said to bo imong tho most comprehensive to which Mrs. Fiske's art has been di rected In a number of years. C?r Alldrltt. dentist, 200 Ganter bldg., 1240 O at. B-3905. We Cater to Student Trade Our Dining Room is Complete to Serve you Anything in the Eatable Line. Open after the Shows, Dances and Parties. We make our own Ice Cream. Sherbets and Lunches for Parties. THE FOLSOM CAFE 1315-31 N St. :: Lincoln, Nebraska School TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.-Funke Bdg. Everything for the Office' Special Afternoon and Evening Classes IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS at hours to suit University students. We enroll many University students each year. You aie invited to 1 visit the school and get particulars. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere Cor. 14th and 0 Sts. :: :: :: Electric Building (Elagfitfirft (Knlimm PRIVATE coaching in Germany, jclen tide German; appointments to suit Box 1403. Station A. 8-21-3t LOST -Fountain pen on athletic Held Monday, Oct. 20 Return to Rag olllco. 10-22 6t LOST Check book, near mechanics arts bldg., Saturday. Return to Rag ofllce. 10-22-31 LOST At Olympics, a tootball head gear, skull nnd croBBbonoB on car flapy Return to Rag office. LOST- At Olympics, a red sweater .'iid a cap Return to this olllce. LOST A pink bead bag containing a fountain pen. Finder please leave t Gertrude Hall. Helen Bralnerd FOR RENT Two furnished rooms In strictly modern house, and also a 'linked number of boarders. 511 No. 1Gth st. Phone B4835. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th Supplies j HOARDING Two blocks east or Uni veisity ; regular $i board at "club late of $3.50 if you will call Will C Dahnke, phone L-4503, between 7 nnd 10 p in SOMETHING STARTLING Olympic plctuies on sale at the "Rag" ofllce, between 10 and 12 a m and 1 to 3 p in today and Saturday ; price of pictures, unmounted, only 25c. B-3050. THE person who borrowed ralncout from M. A. 100 might leturn It to "Rag" ofllce and receive reward. LOST Boston bull teirier, white neck and face; lost noticed In chemical laboratory ; answers to name "Steve " Notify Daily Nebraskan ofllce, reward LOST -Nebraska seal pin; call L4151 on campus Can be reclaimed, It identified, by calling L-!7(7. LOST- Ring of six keys, 2 largo, 4 small. Notify Rag olllce or 1228 S street. LOST Gold watch, In Armory Thurs day night. Waltham movement, open face. Reward for return to Ne braskan office. ROOMS at 1436 S st. from $4 up; board if desired , Si 7' f y & !