,.., y.4 ."$,. "t - lso , Z.T ZvW- The Daily Nebraskan VOL 'XIII NO. 28 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1913 Price, 5 Cents - r tJS - l p. SPECIAL GOES TO K. U. GAME FINAL ARRANGEMENT8 MADE YES TERDAY FOR UNION PACIFIC TRAIN NEXT MONTH. ROUND TRIP TO COST $7.50 Low Rate tu Given as Train Goes by the Way of the Marys- vllle Cutoff. Nebraska will Bond a special train to Lawronco, Kas., at the time of the .layhawkor game, the middle of next month, according to information Riven out yesterday by Quy Reed. The trip will bo mado ovef the Union Pacific by way of Urn cutoff and will cost $7.50 lot the round trip, with sleepers $1 'xtra each .way. Tickets miiHt be bought 'Of -Kluy- Reed in IiIb new office in the 'basement of Administration building. The first tram will start at 10 o'clock Friday night and arrive at Lawrence at 7 o'clock the next morning. Accom modations wiirfce made for 500, with leej)ej-a tor" as many as reserve them, if more than this number wish to take tho trip fcrfotbier section will bo run shortly afterward. Tho return trip will be made from Lawrence Saturday night, starting at 12.30 and arriving at Lincoln at 7 o'clock Sunday morn ing. Any that do not desire to return till Sunday night will have their tick ets honored over any U. P. train. The team will make the going trip on the Burlington by way of Kansas City, but returning with the special Saturday night. Soph Machine Elects Officers for Semester-Co-Ed Vice-President Sophomore class meeting was held yesterday in Memorial Hall and of ficers for the coming semester were 'lected. A good crowd attended the mooting,, including a delegation from the fominine part of the class. All precedents were upset in the election of a woman to the office of vice-president Tho laws hae set a good ex ple. Those elected are as follows Vice-President Lulu Mae Coc Secretary-' Burke Taylor Sorgeant-at-Arms Paul Dennis Orville Chatt was appointed by the president to servo temporarily in the place of tho treasurer elected by the class, who was unable to serve. The ofllco will be' filled at the next meeting of the class. Tho sophs have decided to wear caps and a committee has been appointed to choose suitable styleB from the lat est modes on Broadway. Tho mem bers of this committee will be given out as soon as the same have been verified as to their eligibility. .WW Plow at Farm. An exhibition' of plowing with a gas oline engine tractor will bo given today anaSdthWaiit the State Farm. This is expected to bo of great interest to all agricultural students, who aro urged to attend.. Elxty or seventy acres will be cultivated. REGIMENT ORDERED TO FIELD I i Lieutenant Bowman Directs Mimic Op-; orations Against Imaginary Enemy Three Battalions Solving Problems. Practical problems are occupying the time and consideration of tho second year cadets now While their (list year comrades are drilled nightly in the intricacies of the manual of anus, the older men take to the Held. Commandant Howtnan has made a survey of the land available for this purpose, and has found several blocks of open ground within a mile of the Armory Wednesday night the regi- inent. operating as a unit, took up an advance guard problem. Last night tho throe battalions acted separately under tho command of their majors, again taking up advance guard prob lems. The first problem took the men to the open country north of the Tenth street viaduct. The three battalions were each incorporated into a single I company, in command of their majors, bettor known, however, ns Stub. Ho An advance guard, support, and reserve 1h a Boise, Idaho, man and a member were formed, and the men returned I of Phi Kappa Psi. from the march in time to be dis- Frank Perkins, who succeeds Dis missed In front of the Armory. j coll as acting manager, is a Junior. Last night the fields at Seventeenth"0 waH elected assistant last Juno, and S and Fourteenth and X were un(1 hft,1 from Fremont. He is a mem used in addition. The 'three battalions ' bor of Sigma Chi. handled tholr own situations, Lleuton-: ant Bowman accompanying the third battalion. Practical field work of this nature. and within the time limit of the one - hour drill, is to bo the rule for the rest ' of drill before cold weather compels! class work to be taken up. I TEMPLE Y. M. C. A. INVITES MORE USE OF ROOMS Will Be Glad to Have All Organizations of the School to Come In. The University Y M. C. A. Is en deavoring to be of additional service to tho student body by making the lobby of tho Temple building a more attract ive, more sociable, and more UBoful place. Arrangements have been made to have representatives in the lobby oflice all day. Either Mr. Charles worth, Mr. Sleeth, or Mr. Fowle will be there at any hour of the day to be of service to those coming In for In formation or accommodations as aro there to be extended to the students. Those in charge of the work request that all organizations, such a football teams, track teams, literary clubs, or any other student organizations leave information and advertising in the lobby of the Temple, for many hun dreds of students are there each day and have an opportunity to see all an nouncements. Secretary Ewing says it will please him greatly to have stu dents come in at all times with a broad grin and true Nebraska Bpirit. Ags. to Hold Smoker. Tho Agricultural Club will hold a smoker tomorrow night at tho Farm house. All agricultural men aro in vited, tho plan being for the men in tho college to get acquainted. Mem bers of tho faculty will bo present, and short talks will bo made by these and the older men in the club. DRISCOLL RESIGNS POSITION Gives Up Business Management of Daily Nebraskan Frank Perkins Elected Acting Manager to Fill Vacancy. The resignation of J. L Driscoll, present business manager of the Dally Xcbrnsknn, was received and accepted b the student publication board laBt night. A special meeting was called and Frank S. Perkins wns elected act ing business manager to fill the posi tion. Mr. Driscoll has been connected with the Nebniskan staff for one year, serv ing as assistant business manager both semesters last year. He was Tlcetrd business manager Intit Juua,. and assumed the office at the begin ning of this semester. However, after getting the paper on a good financial basis, he has found it necessary to give up this work In favor of other activities. An Innocent, captain of Co. D, and a leader in tho senior class, Mr. Drls- coll is well known on tjio campus, LARGEBT NUMBER 8EA80N TICKET8 EVER I88UED SOLD 1114 Students Purchase Privilege of Admission Still on Sale, Season tickets will be on sale for lhe lttBt t,me n,s week- A11 desiring to got tho benefit of tho season ticket j must purchase them before 0 o'clock on Saturday, for they will positively not bo sold after this date. ! There have been 1JH SOasou Uckots sold this season, which Is the largest number over issued. Tickets for the rooting sections for the Iowa game will go on sale at Harry Porter's at noon on Monday. Those desiring to get a good seat bet ter get there early, as the sale for this game threatens to rival that of the Minnesota game. Advance sales aro thought to be larger. Orders are being received from overy part of the coun try, due to the Increased lntorest in the gnme since the victory over Min nesota. Don't forget that season tickets will be on sale for the last time this week. They will be on Bale at Guy Reed's office for the rest of this week. Also be sure to get your Boats reserved early for that Iowa game. Aylesworth Will Be Judge. Prof. L. E. Aylesworth has accepted a joint invitation from the Univorslty of South Dakota and Iowa State Col lego to serve as ono of the judges of a debate between these two institutions. Tho debate is to bo held at Ams on tho 14th of next month, on tho ques tion, "Resolved, That tho United States should grant independence to tho Philippine Islands." Notice. All sophomores wishing to try out for class football report at cast end of 'ttflnory'tnls afternoon at 3 o'cloclt. ANNUAL BEING PLANNED PICTURES FOR THE CORNHU8KER MUST BE TAKEN BY THANKS GIVING AT TOWN8END'8. PUBLISHED A MONTH EARLIER Entirely New Plan to Be Introduced Into Arrangement of Book In the Form of Running 8tory. With a novel plan of arrangoment for t he material of tho 1014 Cornhusk er that will be an Innovation nt Ne braska and that aB a plan perhaps has never boon found In any annual In the country, the present staff has bogun to tako active Btops toward tho publica tion of tho book. All former pains are to be entirely discarded and Editor Trimble announced a now ono that is to be a distinct addition both to the attractlvoness and tho interest of the publication. The essence of the new plan is to eliminate formal departments In the book and havo tho material ar ranged In chronological order after tho fashion of a magazine. The first step in tho publication of the book is the announcement to the upper classes that positively all In dividual pictures must be taken by Thanksgiving. By such a plan a double advantage is secured. In the first place, the book will bo put in the hands of the students at least one month earlier than ever before. In the second place, the individual photo graphs, which will bo set on suitablo mountings, wjll bu available us Christ mas presents. A contract has boon made whereby Townsopd, the photog rapher, is to devolo his entire time primarily to student trade from now until ThankflsJvlnit A hitting thifl year will tuke no longer than ton min utes, and such promptitude will char acterize tho work that a picturo may almost bo taken between classes. Appointments for the staff havo not yet been made out, pending returns in some cases from Dean Engborg. The appointments will be announced early next week. GIRL8' TENNIS TOURNAMENT OPEN8 WITH TWENTY ENTRIES Largest Number Ever Will Wield Rachet for Championship on Courts. Twenty girls havo entered for the tennis tournament and are now pluy Ing off their first matches. The sched ule for tho first matches are: Esther Bennett Carey Butler. Helen Carroll Frances Tuthili. Hazol Mellck Cristine Hanson. Hoien Sorenson Celia Davis. Bertha Rathko Camlllo Loyda. Floronce Malono Delia Rich. Lucile Leyda Hazel Poland. Marld Clark Cornelia Frazler. Beulah Harris Olivia Sturdevant. Faye Tolles Verna TInkelpaugh. Tho winner of tho tournament will play Miss Savage, last year's cham pion, for the collego champio&Tp. .- ..i..--.