The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1913, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. YdU N 27
Price, 5 Cents
Semi-Finals of Tennis
Tournament Will Be
Played Monday or Later
St e the RS'j(t3 J- "he Saturday Game
as a Predict! or of Later Sea
son Results.
Nebrask i n viitnn oi Minnesota I In I'nniisitv tennis touinauun1 I his w i k in.iiK- tli opening ol tin
and the eliminalioi oi Drake as a con- has iea(hed the semi Im, ils In pup j mission studs and nnal pioblem hi inly
lender for fho H'fenino champion 'aiation for tin luials Kills is to pl.i lasses 'I In oppoi tiinit to im tease
Y. W. C. A. Opens Mission JACK best, dreamer OF
and Rural Problem ' VICT0RY-BACK AT POST
Classes This Week
-hip were ft . outs Hiding leatures ol
Saturday 'n football aim'fi in th Mis
Williams Meyoi to pl.n l'loi s a som knuuli il.i ol social bettcimeiit
result of an injuiv lo Mcmm's nnkh uoiK is ,(l hand Tin- (lass on China.
souii Vallfty f'jnfor ( TIip raeo foi i .mil ol the uiiluoi ablt vwallici ik n ii ' i Miss I i . t K t nines Wednesdav
tht c hampt "imhir was narrowed to trnlin, tin games wic post poind in ,at .'. o loi K Ks aneline Long has tin
lour teams wit. liake out ot it ' d hnilelv , and will piohahlv not Im ( l.iss on tin stud ol I it m II i gills'
Wdshininn nn 'r Kansas Annies a 1 bolon Mondas Tin- duals to'woik on 'riinihda at .'. o'clock Miss
tenlv .tr'' 'nnii i'.ii Washington b . detci mini tin- boUlct ol the (up and Uli-s has t h nual pioldcm (I.ns on
I wo si - Mil'i ir ..- ,it the hands of tl' ssinini ol the will In pl.ii 'I h 1 1 1 i l.i at 7 lh Ks nic has the
K.uisa- i i n ml Manhattan h mi (In das ioIIowiiil that ol tin si nr is on India
I .e i
I i
Hi.' C
i or Misho. i
-ota wa.
( ! -II
lenders, lor th
title, arid N'- br
that twn
teams in tn v.
hunkers in 'h'
,i w ecu ago ' lluab
Ml M nine 'ot.i I s
ii- a l.i iic hoc t
ootb.ill 1 1 inn
one oi the ( on
v -i i iii Confereni i
-,- - Ktoiy ;-tamps ' Because of Expulsion of Five Men for
hi I he strongest' Hazing Critical Situation
It puts the Corn Threatens i
I ad lor the vallej i i nnllion S I), (M t 11 The sit
i humpiormlii-) for tin week at least national the South Dakota I'niwisiiv
l'ho hav i gr m' toiwaid passing l"e to expulsion ol hc students loi
learn, arid i' wa- 'be combination ofiha.inr became ( toda, and tin-
Towle (niirtet aid Heck, left end, dangei ol a student Mnko seenn d
usiti'; the f.-vi pass that beat the,giealii l a mass meetlim ot stu
C.ophen, dents tins morning a holida was de
Kansas sv -nt a. iiiu.ud piovinu th ilaied The students also asked foi
i l.uni ol ', i Mit, a.- stioiiKest touin in a loini uniting ol l.nulls and stu .
earsby pu'Mng I 'rake out of the race h nts at I o ( loi k I bis al lei noon Tin I
i0i tb h i iioii-.lMp The score, 11 i.n ultv membeis hae gmn no sign
to 0, wa-4 n le . , . touchdown, a fleld "' (hanging then position
-oal, ami -,at I In .Javhawkers I hi football game between South
bad the i mf , in weight, and in Dakota and the Unis cisitv of Denvci
-pito ol ' i ak- - stubborn defense at Sioux Kails next Satin da has been
rallied rim ' rn i- mound than their ' ailed oif and the pln.veis haw turned
hghti i opnciu r f Kansas showed m theii suits Thiee ol the expelled
skill in fl" us. oi the forward pass ' students w ei e members of the football
and the pU o 'In- ends, Ruber and team
Strouther.- ,i- 'it'( iallj brilliant
Simon-. fv Or iL- -Mi. did not show Engineers Smoker
to great -j i v.ttit .... '1 he Kansas team Mi l''nda evening, Octobei IM. al K
was win t. v nib him P ni the engineeis will have a smoker1
.del a- oi the strong Okla-( In l'iowiii-11 Hall. South Klewnth
bi v - that the Tigers will -tieei Ml engineeis out, as a unique
.'(ivHm1 with lor the con pioiam is being piepaied Commit
"i Missoui i line looms tt i
at ' 'i nils and t he sec
is,, ',) pbnt ot loom I b Sc andina i.iu Club meets next
I Inn -da. the i bl at 8 o clock, ill the
i Mi i . .(in still in the l.nultN hall ol tin Temple Twelfth
ies showed Satin -"nl It stieets
Music Hall. Temple, 7PM, "Democ
racy of American University."
'I lie thlld Ol I IIIM ls( , ( .
nldiissis will be gien b I'lol l
I! llowaid in the niiisK hall ot the
'lini)le building at 7 p in this en
nig Ills subei t will hi. I)i hum ia(N
in the nieiKan I ineis( ' on
inition with this subje( I the possibil
it", ol student sell o i i niiienl will be
ill all with, and the (uestiou ol moie
ibmoiiatii i l.i I Ion bet wet ii tin stu
dent bodies and methods in student
allaii' will be emplnisla-d I'lolessor
I low, ml will disc ush the question as to
win tin i oi not the atious student
bodii s an hiiuleiiim the piognss ol
deino(iac in the l'niersit
boina ''lev r
have to hi
ler in - til i
.up stiorig
jndai )
i unpr.iv
ine-. i
ac lb
n i
' H' !
1'ioliabh the best little excitement
thai (an be imagined will be that of
Nebiaska after we detent Wisconsin
'lib ago and Illinois
I '1 he wai (is at Lincoln last Satin
da night was "Let's haw auothui,"
I .i 1 1 I the passwoid, "I don t caie it I
'do ' and the topu of coin ei sation was
i p
I II In luck in a minute
Did you get back7
Sigma .Nil aiiiiouniis tin pb dgi ol
b i ( 'one ol shland
Jdav th.f i . most decidedlv in
it f ' 'o r nubbing the admin
-.t i o! f 'A .isi 'm'on shows that the
H n-' rs i gom- in meet a stioug
leain a' ' -s i.---.i M,itui(la wasn
ingtoi in Mitilu-'td it appears but
oinehow dop'- alwavs goes wrong
,vln 'I th Ttge. - pl.o in St Louis
Gcman Club Meets.
Ibr a.'Utocln -eHifte Veiein or-
fammelt .- eh h -ute Abend bei Prof.
..auteru - t osst; l. 1 Soutli seven
teenth str-i i Milgliedei werden
1. W C A. Receives Saturday.
The annual rec'p'ion of the Uniwr
sity Y VC. A will occur on Satur-
ay at 8 o'clock at the governor's
'I be gtrlb' hocke gauieb are getting
lo bo faat and mterosting for specta
tors as well as players Plans for a
natch garre are row undei way
Applications Must Be Filed with Reg
istrar Before Noon of Novem
ber 1
The tilee Club has been teoigani.ed
it has been made a pait of the School
of Fine Arts undei the supervision ot
I'rofe.ssor drum maun and tho music
committee. Tho University has as
sumed the liabilities of the club and
engaged Mrs Raymond as director.
This action has met with the most
hearty approval of the members, and
thej all express themselves aB highly
pleased with the outlook for the com
ing year.
i a nn cling ol tin (oiiiimtiii liom
(hi ( lull ,Hl(l the lilllsK (Oinilllttee es
nidiij it was di i Kb d to adwilise loi
a student manage! to be elected b
theinusK i oiniiiittee pplicat ions loi
this position must be (lied with the
Registrar b Satin da j noon No win
bi i 1, lill.'t The usual mles as to
hours will govern the selection to the
olllce applicants will be requiied to
be registeied for twelve hours' work
in the Universitv and must have made
al least twelve bonis the semester pre
ceding the election This requirement
will bar freshmen The manager will
ret eh e the fiibt $100 net prollts, 50
per cefft of the second $100, and 25 per
cent of the amount of net profit over
und above $200. No sum Is guaran
teed Applicants may obtain any In
formation desired from Paul Griswold,
president of tho Glee Club; Russ Israel,
secretary; Ned Allison, Claronce Clark
or Erie Keefer.
Illness Proves to Be Cold Contracted
Through Exposure on Field
ld Jink Hi st, the veteinn liatini
in llu- huskei (amp, is again al hir
post in tin tialning quiuteis ot tin
meal team alhra shot l illness Old
.link a slight (old In Ion the u
ol tin Minnesota giiini lie was some
what Heisons as to the ollt( Ollie ol tile
gaiiu and theieloie dei bjod that It
would be best foi h i ill to be on (he
In Id lis looking after the butts of
Honn ni the men he neglected himself
sslth the icsult (hat lie contracted a
won. (old lie was troubled some in
lnathmg on in ( mint of the sote
llnoai and loiind that be must
hoiiu and take aic oi die ( ase befoie
it ties i loped into aiivtlilng worse As
is alwass the i ase, old .I.n k foigot
hinisi when he attending to the
tumbles ol anothi'i
( n l In das ol the gi eat i onlest
Ink was dclu:hlc to shake bands
a am with old meiiibeis of the squad,
soiin basing ( nmc fiom fm off Two
on u ( aiue wa liom Canada lo see the
g.iim and it s,c this spiiit that made
.1. II k h i I so good The pli'M'Ilt teilllls
.Hid all lln teams l the past tWClltj
lis i seats that .link lias been in ser
sue haw i onsidei able ciedit to give
lo tin old tiailiei foi his competent
woik along this lim It was due
laigelv to the piesciice of old Jack on
the Held Satindav the spirit of
the men was kept up .lack savs. "I
would like to see moie fieshmen get
out foi the football team Let's sec
some ol this spit it fiosli
Personnel of Men Who Will Run Class
Given Out Yesterday.
Sophomore committees weie an
uouiK ed wsteidas as follows
Sopboinoie hop (oinrnittee Kile
Keeli i i bait man. Clarence Splei ,
inasti i ot ( ei (-monies (jlen Evert
Willaid Foboin Liu lie Lesda, .John K
I .a 11 I loi em e Ta loi
Di hale lominittie Aitbui Ackei
man than in. in Paul S (Jood, Arle
It llinman
MhlelU loiiiiniltee 'ic Mackluiul.
(b.mmaii W 10 lOldn-d, Dave Bow
Thursday, 11:00.
Trio for Strings and Organ.
ndante con moto. Mendelssohn
(From the 4th Symphony)
Aie Mai la . . Dach-Gounod
Romanza . . . Marschner
Seronade. Victor Herbert
Mrs. August Molzer, violin
Miss Lillian Eicho, 'cellor.
Miss Loretta Spencer, piano
Mrs. Raymond, organ