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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1913)
THE DAILY NEBBASKAM ENGINEERS WILL DANCE 4T LINCOLN NOVEMBER 8 DEPLORES SPIRIT OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Limit-J to Ninety Couples and Prom- i;i as the Best Dance of the Fall. I'la - e itlmosi completed for the lnM MrMv i-rslt) hop of the year to be held .1 i in Lincoln Hotel Saturda, m. !,. 8, l the engineers Limit i-d to in'.il) ( K'iples, this promises to he oii'i V! the be.t dunces given Music will l- uruiulied by .Joiih' orchestni I h kci . -'-ll for $1 f(), anil may be oh Mined ittei Mondav October 27, from iiiv o. the lollowtng cominltteemen I, Hickman (chairman), I. W. Ilaits M (' It P Wagner It Is e ih le.i '"'it thltcts will uo rapidly, so lie ji'it' is adi-."d i) hustle out and .'IN, til f tU I '' Quality is what Counts WHif MAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co i N1) O J.TRFETS TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES l arc 1 n i - tic best ,(.", t- ho' ,ind cold 1 nU '11 w inlet long Lincoln Candy Kitchen .', ,i v..c 'i. I Nth O Street i' College Inn Cafeteria 1132 Q Street MF.Nl FOR THIS NOON OCTOBER 22: lie m up and Wafers ..05 J-red Halibut .09 Pork Chops '10 Berf Steak ... 10 Baked lJork and Beans .05 Mashed Potatoes .04 Baked Potatoes . , .. . ..04- Fried -Swee Potatoes . 04 luue Peas . . ... .04 Stewed Turnips ... .04 Hot Roils. . 2 for .03 Corn Bread ' ... .01 Sage Pudding 05 Fruit Salad 06 ( 'ottage Pudding. 1 lot Choco late Sauce 05 Cherry Cobbler 05 Orange I cm 05 Home Made Pie . ...04 1 me Made Cake, . . ' ,03 Home Made Doughnuts . 02 " FOR MEN AND WOMEN HOME COOKING Professor Grummann Regrets so Many Stay Away from Convocation. rKr'tul)ly -mall uHHcinhly of Htu ilfiiiH nnd faculty iwt in Momorinl Hall Tuesday morning to hear the convoca tion lecture on l'eiti by Prof. ('. K I'er Miiner, professor of American hiHtory. who ttiiH Kiven a leave of absence from the I'nivcrHitN last Hetnester to con duct special HludieH in that country Prof M M. (Jrummann, convocation manager, l)ltterly denounced the Uni versity spirit which induces a mam moth crowd to attend a football rally, as was held Monday, and a meapro h.'itidl ul to hear a lecture covering the expert and detailed work of one semes ter by eminent professors. Prolessor Persinper showed a nutn l)i r of stereopticon views of scenes of hi - li'fi els. pi iiiK a running account of 1iN iidvpnlnri's mid imnrcHsionw The ; business dihtiicts were a source of wonder to him The stoics have no windows, but display their goods in the open The streets are so narrow that street cars no up one streot and back down anothei A complicated system of passing pedestrians added to the narrowness of the streets iH (infusing to the stranger. When pass ing an inferior one is supposed to walk on the inside when passing a person of siipi i ioi rank or a woman, the out side ni the walk should be taken. Piolessor Peisinger"s sympathies weie with the burros in that country The are not onl beasts ol hea bin di luit h.i low .ilk o i l slippci obbb stones "l'eiu is heaM'ii for the women, put gator) for the men, and hell for tin1 burros." quoted the professor That the lailioadiug of the Andes l the most wondeiful piece oT engincei ing in the woild is Ids opinion Here the Mains climb to a point highei than Pike's Peak withoul using cogs The school and uni eisit) buildings ol IVm are imposing and adanced in studies. Prolessor Persing said that he found il dillicult to escape being a gambler in a small way, as lotleiv tick'Ms are lor sale ever) where and by everybody. .They think gambling in this way is I justified, as the proceeds are used for charitable purposes .Moving picture shows hae taken ,the ctoud.s fiom the bull lights, he said The latter amusement is not nearly so popular as in former years, whereas eveiy village has its moving picture show and they are well pat ronized Y. W. C. A. VESPERS YESTERDAY. Continued liom piKr 1 Margaret Mcllenry, chairman of the Hible study committee, followed with a few remarks about the personalized ideal which each of ua has. She ex plained the value of Bible study and announced the new schedule for Hible study. Mar) Chapin, chairman of the mis sionary committee, urged tho Impor tance of getting in line with mission study. She told the meeting of the advances which are being made In the countries where mission work has been done. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Broa.. Printers, 1313 N street. NOTE the style in the new LION 'SHADOW.' And the LION comfort features make 'SHADOW one of the easiest collars smart dress--ers have ever worn. Has the famous "Slip-Over" space and "Pliable-Points." Oldest lirand wion (pilars UNITED SHIRT G? COLLAR CO., Makers. TROY, N. Y. Exclusive Agents for Lion Collars ED'S TOGGERY Home of $2.00 Hats m &W 4& WE ARE GOING TO The Huffman's General Supply House For our SCHOOL and OFFICE Supplies We get more for our money at 208 South 11th Street -:- -;- Lincoln X mar y . A "Square Deal" for everybody is the "Spalding Policy." We guarantee each buyer of an article bearing the Spalding Trade Mark, that such an article will give satisfaction and a reasonable amount of service. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 616 Arap ahoe St. Denver, Colo. button-hole, " Kasv-Tie-SUde" 6 for 75c 2 for 25c. i Aitifiri 1042 O Street L. C. Smith & Bros Typewriter Co. 125 North 13th, Lincoln, Nebl ' Preserve Your College Work The L. C. Smith & Bros. Type writer is invaluable to college stu dents who want a record of their college work after graduation. We give special attention to the needs of students. We have type writers to rent, as well as to $cll. A few rebuilt machines at a bargain. clFk-1- - ' r