THE DAILY NBBEASKAN "We Told You So" We made the following statement on the megaphones which gave to the students at the Minnesota game last Saturday: we . all remember nineteen-two When Gophers met their Waterloo It took Nebraska to come thru With Six to Nothin. Eleven years have gone since then And now Nebraska's husky men Are going to come through again And we're not blufrV ft iH You Will Find Our Statements Regarding KENSINGTON & KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES to be equally trustworthy MAGEEr & DEEMER SCENE FROM VM BRADY'S I 'ERFECT- PRODUCTION WAY DOWN EAST- AT THE OLIVER TONIGHT, WED. AND WED. MAT. Special Afternoon and Evening Classes IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJKCI S at hours to suit University stuck nts. We cm,. II University students each year. You aie n.Y: .. :.. visit the school and get particulais. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmospheic Cor. 14th and 0 Sts. :: :: - Electric Biuijimj; Riggs Drug Cuthr 3 STORFS inniiMm oi tlii I omc (it in i datives in '' I 1 .1 I lettei I look tin , II. I i ii i o i i a ii!.'il h to leach ni and I --I ill i i-i-i ii it lirini . i In- ,K t ii. i la I ii! i Ii. I'm i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .-1 1 ' ) lo'low iiu; tin- I. ill o ' ' I rl I !. Jap-, Ii. id a i,L; ( ( . na ii'" i'i Mi' ' ii nl S'-ni This is i i ' ' about I ."iH linn .mil I lii'i . w i i . il nil I ,,ii'Mi , In, r ) !v p.ii i in i l( hi '" Ii lilil ci . hiai mil Ml 1 1 1. C ,,iYtn , . I I , "l Mi' iPl.alui.iiM-. ic ,u IiUiii:: -ty Y. M. C. A. 13lJ. nJP I '.llll ll'lll '.l .III. I ill. IHIIM , i i' ' ' iIk 'I In i i (, 1 1. Japs w a , """ "SPA" Try the V M.C. A LuncJ. R Nippon :,ila, i;ipoi. Cal.i. Nippo.i -it ,iiL- i.k i .,,, die f 1 1 I ,n (Jala, KiUi magida r.anai, :.,n-.. '""" "' "" ""' ''"'" -' " I'.a .".." uhiih. vli.i, lianslalc.: ' " " ' "" -'''I'" "..!' (In iiothii.,. , I'l.'.-u, I,. is ,,,.i(ni,.-..(, ItuHHl.i ''"' "US !,S "" ""'h T' Hi uci is I" ate.., Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah-!"'"1 ,,,'r,tor ' 'nessed the me, T. us- was decorated with ,It)1 I M'0111 ',,,I" '' '"" t oi lh.- liar WI...I.S if Ja;a..(:- lant.rns whicn ,'or '"'(l " WH! "xtl 'll,"l '"' n; unc stretch. (1 all around tlw city an-., Wn'" a ,M,'S(Ml lu" u J"sl "' 11 Sl.IKe A NEBRASKA STUDENT DURING JAPUISSIAN WA Continued from page 2 d'nlion ot linking ih.-ir osstls, and alter all men hud boon taken aboard some. forelRii verfhols which were anchored in the harbor the Russians blew up their ships. "'I Iiuh the ouuonie oi the ijrst bat tle of the war was a Japanese vie- Li. ' It v as ei excitiiiK to thot. !'o w.i-i in the immediate vicinity. I ik tiring could be distincth heard -!'. miles iwa) at Seoul "The tail 01 l'ort Artliui was p. poitid m America about two months befcii the ictual fall ot the fort This .as due to th fact ilia: the papers "re running extra editions during 'In tin;. fell hack on the report lo Rain (.in ulation It was notified Jones' Orchestra, I-rDUGG. Loeb's Orchestra, L-989G 01 Ii l.;i. up into the siirroundiiiK mountains During tlie seige of Port Arlhui th'Te wiiy noun little ecitenien; caused in Chefoo when I was goii.g to school b the attempt of a Rus sian torpedo loat to leave the pon ri. AllM ' tI 4 ...,.,,, Cr Alldrltt, dentist, 200 Ganter bldq.. and go ior aid It got away and had 1240 O st. B-3905. about a quart r of a mile start on the pursuing Jap vessels The port Telephone Yule Bros. Laundry to call of Chefoo war a neutral harbor and)'0'" OUr "rk U'2764 when the Itussians peiceived that the Artistic danco programs and menu weie being lollowed the head. !, Tor particular people. George Bro., sCaighl lor thi harbor It was a ' Printers, 1313 N streeL x- S3S7X7b 3RBSJtuijJiiiwiinMii