ljp latlji Nrhraakan Proporty of THI: UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. M. V. RICED Kdltor-ln-Chlef ManaRlnK Editor Kenneth M. Snyder AHBOclnto Editor John L. Cutrlght AhhopIjUo Edllor Kred N. WoIIh HuhImohb MiuuiKor J. L. Drlflcoll AKslHtnnt MiiniiKcr . Frank H I'erklna Circulation Manager I (' Heard Sut)Hcrli)tTonl)rTco"$2".00" per yca'rT payable In advance. HIiikIc Copies, 5 cents each Entered nT the pOHto"fIleeat Lincoln Nehraska, as serond-claHs mall matter, under the Act or ('onrens of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, OCTOHEK IS. ); GREETINGS, ALUMNI. Kor the seroncl lime in Nehraska history the alumni are reluming to ic new the hond of friendship and ol loyalty to the alma mater As the active HtudentK, we extend a hand of Hood fellowship to our predecci-Hoi k You who have onc through the .same t.rouhles and Joys that we arc experi encing dally are most welcome within the Kates. Y.ou will note elianes in the rainpus, in the throiiK which ( rowds Nebraska Field this afternoon, and in the very air or spirit of the institution, and we t rust that these i hand's will meet with your approval Nebraska Is dealing with the problems of student and campus life which ou met, and we believe that progress is being made with each year Certain it is that a change is being made, as the oldtimers will witness Athletics still remain the all rniversitv point ol inteiest. but for the oldtiine 1 1 ee-for-alls, at which the police were Ireinient attendants, we hae made no Mibstitute You will note that our class elections are strictly businesslike al lairs, and the class meeting ol past years has given way to committee work subject to the direction of the Austral ian elected president Class hops, last ear ami for several years preceding, have been rather pretentious affairs compared with the simpler dances given some ten or twelve years ago s a result, class hops this year are a debatable ipianlitv The mailer ol finances has been more than the stu lent- i, iied to support, and a Mmpli'i lorm ol dance or social activitv tor classes as units will probablv follow The single tax. which some ol jou worked lor, has not vet been installed, but agitation on the (piestion is not vet linislw d Hut the most important change is taking place in the ranks of the alumni The organizational)!' this force of citi zens has been vrorking itself out in various ways, and -All the while a greater unity has been secured This eflecting an organization is no small task, and each year it seems to the students on the campus that some new step has been taken And each year the organization is assuming more force The Cniversitv is fully appre ciative ol the work attempted by its alumni, leellng that the future of the institution is sale m their hands SPORTSMANSHIP. Just u word for the benollt of those now Btudents who may not yet be aware of the standard of Nebraska HportHmanBhip Wo meet a great foe today, and in tho excitoment of the game it Ir pofiBlblo that nomo will allow their enthuslanm to overrule their good sense Speaking plainly, that form of spirit which consists in berating I he umpire or field Judge, in "knocking" their decisions, will not be tolerated on Nebraska Field. Scat tered Individuals, townspeople, or small bojs may go the limit of the umpire's patieiue. but for a Nebraska student to outgrow his dignitj in this manner there is no excuse It is improbable that any such sentiment will be ex pressed, but in ase a situation should arise, lorget it and get down to good, healthy tooting which will be more efllclent in everv vvav CORNHUSKER IS SOLD TODAY Management Will Take Subscriptions at Game from Alumni. For the benefit ol the alumni who are here today in attendance at the Minnesota game and homecoming, the management of TT7e i 'ornlmsker are' taking subscriptions for the I'M 1 ear book This will be the most opportune time lor the alumni to secure the books, since man ol them will not be In the city again belore the book is pub lished The opportunity to subscribe foi the book todav will do away with the necc s.sity of sending in orders later and pos-iblv forgetting to do so until too late This will be a great convenience- to the management as well as the alumni, and will assure the pub lishing of the book on time NORTHWESTERN SOPHS WILL ASSIST CHEERING Will Form Own Club to Aid in Root ing at Games. novel and original scheme will piobablv be piescnted belore the Mplioinore class al its next meeting, s.ivs the D.iilv Northwestern The movement on loot is to organize a sophomore men's tooting club, with a chec r leader chosen from their class The idea is not to compete with the varsitv cheer leaders, but rather to assist tliein MOONLIGHT FOOTBALL FEATURE AT CORNELL The CoiihII vaisitv was given a double dose ot h in k vesteicl.iy and the moon 1 mulshed the only light on the field when Shelton made a touchdown on the senilis and ended the practice It was too hot lor anv kind of work until alter .". o'clock, although the team vas on the Held some time before that Hurrah, Vassar! Mler a v ear's studv of the health situation at Vassar College, the au thoiities have decided that cotton mat in si and butter are not conducive to good health As a result butter is now barred trom the dinner table and the girls are required to sleep on hail mattresses. Wisconsin Basket-Shooters Out. A record-breaking number of men turned out for basketball Forty men reported for varsitv and sixty-eight foi the freshman team Many of tho old men relumed, and it is thought that a cracker-jack team will be de veloped this ear - Wisconsin Daily News. w 1 if ) ' v? I 1ft 1 HV -sr Linco vO 1 1 " ' II V Home-coming Day To Alma Mater To Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Armstrong's We venture to say that 99 per cent of the Alumni that visit Lincoln today were for merly, or still are customers of this store. WE WELCOME YOU to thoughts turn to CLOTHES- welcome to look us over. Armstron 4 iJrvf-Ktt frx Good Clothes x V- L'J. J.J.J. J. V CoprT'tl't Han bvhaflucr & Mx Merchants A Real Winner An extra heavy shaker knit sweater in all colors, in both shawl and straight collar, $8.00 value $5.85 A suit for any occasion has but one answer and this is 5 I 30 Clothcraft blue serge special at $18.50 it's well worth $25.00 Our Stonewall Stetson Hats Regal Shoes Phoenix Hosiery Notair Sweaters SPEIER & SIMON We Save You Money CORNER 10th and 0 STS. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA I US R99S I "spa" Iry the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room er I I City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P I fcfl Drug Cutt 3 STORE ... '1ihsiamjy w uftVUL. iUMWAIhK 1.UM.HHS A WtrNlt.MUIMtMIVVv frr- nnyimivqfyjn