The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 18, 1913, Image 10

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Afea; Home of the Alumni Association
I'll" Alumni A ion, which is
responsible thiough its olliccrs lor tin
gratin ing response ol the alumni in
answer to a call for a home-coming, Is
now newly Domed in the Adininistra
public at m, i of t he Alumni Hu
lirsi issue of which appeal
ne.v lorm last week.
lletin, th.'
ed in its
tion building The ,i Dully Nebra-kj.n-Cornhuski
r oilice, in 'he south
west corner of the basement, has bee-i
relmished and fitted for the offices )'
the associa'ion and T !' AWilliams
Here the alumni are to feel at honi"
while on the campus They will b
requested to legisUi during this
home-coming, and to gel the "Honi'
comcis' badge Hvd, the acting
secret.u, v of the ion, is in
charge 01 .his and lequesls that each
grr.d aflix his signal tin to the Roll ol
lb noi
I'he ol!n ers or the Alumni A'.miciii
tion are: V. () .lone.,, Lincoln, presi
le't, Miss 10 a O'Sullivan. Omaha,
vie -prt siut m , (lUy 10 K ed, Lincoln
acNng seretar, X 'A Sneli. Lincoln
tie.isurer He'd is in charge of tin
Ruth Mitchell, Helen Drake and
Mrs. Drake of Beatrice, Vernon Story
of Red Cloud and Francis Nolan of
Alliance will spend the week-end at
the Alpha Phi house.
L. C. Smith & Bros.
Typewriter Co.
125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb.
Preserve Your
College Work
The L. C. Smith & Bros. Type
writer is invaluable to college stu
dents who want a record of their
college work after graduation.
We give special attention to the
needs of students. We have type
writers to rent, as well as to sell.
A few rebuilt machines at a bar-ain.
OUY E. REED, '11,
Arting Secretary.
Ot.aha and Soutn Onnha Sending
Banner Delegations, With Other
Towns Fully Represented.
'! lie Omaha Aluiniii A.-ociation will
inn .-peci.i! tram, into LiiKcli' thii
noon, w i' : .c i"ast S')0 Nebi.iska '"
thusiasts abroad. The South Omaha
Stock 10chatige will run a special
train ol ;(.lout 70(1 to see Nebraska
meei the .Minnesota team Resides
this, special connections on all roads
hae hi en arranged tor, and every
train into Lincoln have several extra
and special cars attached, bearing th"
NebiasK.i home comers
Nearh every cii in the stale is
se:idi-ig a d"icgntiou ol enthusiasts.
KearncN will provide twenty Red
Cloud, Wjmori, lloldrege, Fremont,
and the (itiis ot this si.e are sending
from (ifti en to fifty each, with more
coning Irom the smaller cities.
As each delegation arrives a parade
will be lornied and will march from
the station through O street. The.
cadet baud will be on extra duty, and
four bands are coming with the dele
gations (Jrace Cannon of Syracuse and Sa
lome Schwertley of Odell, Neb., are
viHiting at the Alpha Omicron Pi
LOST A pink bead bug contuining a
fountain pen. Finder pleafeo leuve
ut Gertrude Hall. Helen Urainerd.
CLEVER dressers are all wearing
the smartest collar style of the
season4 SHADOW 'the LION col
lar with all the LION comfort features.
Look for it in your dealer's window the style with
"Plinhle-Points." 6 for 75cor as usual 2 for 25c.
rSV .r ,J
ftnuwl f
f - - in America
Oldest Drancf
Nebraska Cheer - Leaders Explain
Psychological Reasons for Con
centrate Rooting
Tod,i Nebraska meets Minnesota
upon the loot ball Meld m the ancient
annual struggle lor football supremacy.
The tactois that will make for Ne
braska's ictor in this game are sev
eral Those husk, scrappy men out
there on the field fighting lor Nebraska
will be one factor The careful coach
ing those men have been getting from
Stiehui, Dudley, and their auxiliaries
will be another factor. And then there
is the participation that the rooting
squad will take in the day's work
Granting the other factors named their
deserved portion of credit, too much
importance can not be placed upon
the contribution of the rooters In put
ting the Cornhusker ball over the
Gopher goal
Rooting is not only an established
but an essential part ol" the great
American game of football The en
thusiasm of an excited, loyal crowd is
contagious And the team is suscepti
ble to infection therefrom. When the
team is tired, sweaty, and heartsore,
when it seems they can not keep up
the fight an longer, there comes crash
ing out over the field a thunderous
"U-U-UNI" and the blood leaps faster
through the players' veins. They grit
their teeth and fight harder than ever.
Hut in order to supply this vital stimu
lus those who essay to root must yell,
yell, yell, without ceasing from the
first kickoff to the last whistle.
F,ver man in that rooting section
this afternoon is there for the para
mount purpose of rooting. Don't con
sere your dear little voice; yell with
out a trace of restraint it's your share
In beating Minnesota. And hang with
the yell leaders on the yellH. Keep
interested in the game, of course, but
be attentive to the suggestions and
directions of the yell leaders. When
one of them cries, "All in on No. 1,"
get with him. and let 'er go with all
the lung power joii'vc gol Gel in on
It n on i soil and him' that the men
around jou whoop It up When the
last whistle blows ou may strut down
O slice) with the best of them, happy
in the knowledge that urn did your
share in beating the Gophcis of Min
The football game was oer and at the
parlor grate,
A maid and a long-haired youth were
lingering rather late.
They talked of punts and drop kicks,
but found It rather tame,
Till Cupid put his nose guard on and
butted In the game.
Quoth he, "It's mighty funny if I don't
arrange a match,"
So he lined the couple up and made
them toe the scratch.
The outh was growing nervous 'neath
the weight of new-found bliss,
And he kind of thought (he scrimmage
ought to end up with a kisB;
He charged upon the center, he tackled
left and right,
And the way they held that chair for
dow ns was simply out of sight;
He tried an osculation, just an amateur
Hut lost it on a fumble, and instead it
struck the air.
Then as he landed on her ear he heard
the maiden say,
"You're penalized for holding, Jim, like
wise for offside play."
With set teeth he tried another, UiIb
time succeeded fine,
For he scored an easy touchdown on
the crimson two-yard line.
And as they sat there by the grate,
communing soul to soul
The parlor door swung open and her
father kicked the goal. Ex.
Hazing at Michigan.
Considerable hazing has been going
on at Michigan lately, despite the
vigilance of the faculty and the efforts
of the students to stop it. The council
has declared its intention of dealing
summarily with all offenders, expell
ing tho guilty onea.