THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Man a Shy Shopper Is Mil out, 1 1 li I .1 1 id dull I li'i nloi t tin i annon s mouth ,ui(l ne i i t In ilk s of II i n ( In n k w li n .ill (1 to Mi i c d.umi i oi n (In i li.iidMnps the average man collapses at the idea of shopping He known what ho wantH, but wuld i.iIIki tnki ,i lukin Mian "shop Now Mi Man we ha t.iki n ( okim.iik ol this l.u ( in anaiiKinj .K.mirl to lin.l it M. Man put,. s to dod,;.- into a si, e plank down his "" MKNS lii:i'IITMi:M I'fllC OI'U S!tK'I SKMI N Ml' A I . M KN S money, Ket his bumil, and I, in in out WKKK S KK which begins Monday Morning and lasts All of this Week The Mens l,..aitni( nt is It ST INSIDI. I 1 1 K K S'I () STUKKT HOOK where it will be an easy matter for YOU to "dodge in," etc Th ihiiiUH sic( mlh pned km this w.ek and this includes nearly everything in the department arc di-pl.i ! whole it will he imm to sci most ol ihcni VK IIWK COMI'KIKM and (Ol HTKOl'S SI,KSMKN TO (K1CIM W Ml ON YOC Men's Week Sale Items $1.50 White Shirts, $1.10 Hosiery Specials in. Whit- .Shuts Plaited and Negligee mad, ol Fancy Striped Madras. ;U K t,hM;I SS n HllUh U.m. ... made I,,; wo.mnr Iwo ttirrfltlb with wide oi n.iimw pleats 01 plain bosoms and plain White Muslin Negilgee Shirts. U OP WHICH XUH 1 "" l.l KS Oin pi u e lot IIIIS MH "s I.Kk oI.Y $1 10 Neckwear Specials l()M lb. I thlis eiMHU a hlh MIL like lllstel lint a Ml II MILIUM! WI.XUINC, SOCK lllN I 111- OKHINNK'l l.l. SII.K (INK We eon sulci tin in a uood alu loi pan 25c MKDll'M WHICH I CO'I'ION II h!' 1IOSK s( ,unl, ss e,ood (lttiiiK, in and Tan, and lemilaih old loi I "o a p.m. an MKNS WKKh SI'KCI I.S at 9c New Silk 4-in-hand, 50c I bis is om ol I In m i at st aim s w i ha i i ei olti i d loi a Halt Hoi in Theie an si i n diiiiiiiii d( -uiis and (oloinms oi silk patterns, . hii h we have had maib up m "" Shaped 'I les l'he ai e a i i w ide in and the valii's loi oui pi n an ieall leinaikable HOI'K ( l Wll.l. I.OOK I IHIM 25c Silk 4-in-Hands, 14c oOO Plain Color Reversible Fcur in Hand Ties made full length ol llaia ' lii a Silk lie i oloi i i li ili la i oon Si n b t (animal Ko a I ( 'a (let Gloves i smoki l'i ii' Hiliiliop IMown uni l.aih 14c $3.00 Derby Hats, $1.65 I )l HI . M l' -s I'l'h s, ,; , ,,, , oiti i in a Inniti (1 mini In i ol . t u '. mi KOI.I.i ) sMll.l Hl'Kr.N ll I in six different slinpes nnd ill sizes, loi t he alio i i I low pi u $1.00 Heavy Flannelette Night Robes, 69c I In si uiinniils .in (Hi full length ,i h.i tin 1 1 ( k oi Hat ( ol , I Hi Hi ei i pt lOII.ll I 111! till Olll pill' Ol K I.1:I)1:K in (bis Mm is an KNOUSH ( I'K CLOK in sewial shad's o! Tan It is a Uoi thai wi think will i:ne ou nood service MK S W KKU pan $1 15 Underwear $2.00 Heavy Wool Union Suit, $1.38 I In . odds aii mill inns uid an subji ( t to ii slight impeitei lions thoii-rh not linp.i n (1 as to i i i i qualil. uood qu.tlit .nn is nn.niiblv ii-i il and tin Ml is u "- n 1 1 piileit $1.00 Wool Shirts and Drawers, 79c TJiib is a sei icabk', natuial uiloi rd Hat wool Ljaimmt, $1.00 Ecru Cotton Union Suits, 79c I his i- a 1 1 1 a W eight ( ot toll ( la i im nt -li lit 1 lb ( d I be are mad i anjvb h nM li w it h long s( s Sweater Coats for Men Some Very Special Values Offered $3.50 Light Weight Wool Coat, $2.98 $7.50 Jumbo Knit Sweater Coat, $4.98 lln mil i n i(b n' ' n 1 1 a Kopi Nam has Sb.i w 1 oi hi-hiollai i in (!i.i s 0t(iid oi Maioon sli.ub s $5.00 Heavy Knit Wool Coat, $3.98 I his Swi ai. i ( oat i- lull I islnoned has hi h i oll.n ami donbb i nils ' i onii s in Ian l! i a and St ,u b I $20 and $25 Value Suits I'm MKNS Wl.l'k O.N I.N wi make this oltei These aie suits loi vl . n and Young Mi n 1 lu ait all I'll'. II 1 all and W inti i Meichandise i"d aie hints that nsiialh s, 11 loi fiom vjo no to $LT (id The aie in I hi- k a ,(hi I Mi d nun W ( 1 . lit is i at i i (oat niadt ol Inn ai n uni i i lo knit Its ( o'oi mi i'an !n, and Wlnli $1.50 Wool and Cotton Mixed Coat 98c I In e Suiatti Coats .1 1 made 111 (lia Onl The ale stiongh maib and (spiualU ad.iptd to 1011-I1 wi.11 IIIKN HK WARM AN1) skh 101: MILK $20 and $25 Value Overcoats We aie showing a wide variety of models and materials in tabiics that aie 11 Wool ( 'liuu billiis with Belted Back and Shawl Collars, Plaid Hacked Cloth (warmth without weight), Keises Light Top Coats, f0 inch Tweed Coats, in tact almost any style Overcoat you desire rn.i be lonnd beie FOR ONE W'KKK ONLY loi $17 50. $15.00 Ail-Wool Overcoats, $11.98 i',iil all the New Colois Mixtuies C,ias and Nn Hlne The ma ' llls 1)l K iuide up ot extraordmai y values at this price You an bin almost an stle in the HO inch Ml Wool Ooneitible Collar Coats, Light Top Coats, et( , all of good fabrics, with the .issuiarue tint you aie buing New, St Msb Gal monts $15.00 All-Wool Suits $9.85 special assoi tint nt loi oui .Men's W ( ek S ile These suits an stnrtlj I.L WOOL and MND TMLOHLI) and the patterns and (olois aie blight and .ittiactive Tin labiHs aie Woisteds, Cheviots, Cashiiities and Naj Serges 'llals ale Seines l'we(ds Chelo(s, Cashmeies etc You know oin Clothing Hepaitnietit is Hiand New and we aie -i ihlishing a ( lu ntaLt iliis m;ii i.ithei at tempt iiik to make moiii r mi this depaitmeiit Rudge & Guenzel Company miwMwwmumjfr .' .,