. r " " 1J-'Mf -- ' '' JrlT THE DAILY NEBEASKAN LONG LIST OF DEFEATS GOPHERS HAVE WON MAJORITY Or GAVES IN LAST TWELVE YEARS. 1902 THE ONE BRIGHT SPOT Short Histo'-y of Minnesota Games and Men Who Coached Them With Scores. Tomorrow Nebraska will meet a foe which has been one ol her m'atst midirou e:-"rlPH throughout her foot hall histor Only once in the past thirteen J"-1 hao the CornhuskerK deleated tl"- Oophprs In l'.iOL' Ne braska de'ejed Minnesota on her home terri'o-;-, and since then has not 1 i-ppatpd th ptor In 1908 Nebraska hclil V.inn--' to a tip score of 0 to 0 on In i-w u Minds sidp from thesp I wo . i - to" - 'lie Ciophers hap pach V'.'ir tutte- scalps nf tin- ('oiiihn.sk- crs w t.O all honrti i a supprhuman llht -against heav odds In 150- aska sent a band and , Mime iw.- '-rirnl rooters to Minne ; apolis with r-T team TIip eventful i u-toiy ir. !''- was not due to any n markiible spirit on tin- part of Np- braska. Nv over two hundrpd rooters I . collected a the station to sec the team I . off, and o:C tvpntyfip of this mini-( i bei maiiae-' to find enough courage to ! , p pii aUirj' a sendoft Coach Hooth i was the spirit of thp ti-ain For the ( a .-i. y ars previous to this ictor, with a minimum of men from whom to sp- lect Couch Booth had tuincd out teams . that made a wonderful showing Nebr'i'ka did not pla Minnesota in l!iu:, u 1904 the Coi nhiiskers, under i tin- W ailei-Hhip of Captain HciiPdict. anam r. 1 1 the (iophers at Minneapolis . ban 'I of o.OOU Copher students met the Nt-.' raskans at the train and es , ported '.hem to their headquarters Al ' though Nebraska was outplayed man tor m.ui, and seeieh handicapped, .-he held the northei nei s to a score of 1L' to It". Kvcr;. effort was put lorth in 1 ' m " . and lb. motto. "We must beat Minne ota." .iTpPulpd to I lie plllt ol the .school Coach Hooth, togpthpr with Captain Hor, attempted to lead the men t Minneapolis lor a second i toi. .hu' the Copheis piop(l oi w lielmiril ilioim and delf.ited tin lsitor- ;j..ri to n In 1H)() the ( 'oi nhukei s, iiudi i .ip tain MiiMin, weie .mam delealed h a m oi e ' J.' to Ii 111 1 'HIT ( 'ol( ll Cob and 'm pupils, with Captain Wells .MOied .r to Minnesota's S This was K i tit; Cole's lirst ear at Nt hi aska, and lb iipws thai came over the wne that the Uopher's line had been ( loosed ( reati d howls of delight. Nebrnska has alwass bei n le.ued b the northerners, and in IJHiS thplr leais piovod true, lot altei a sjuiited content each .side retiiined lioni I In Indd .v.th no scoie The lollownm eai '"ouch Williams ol Minnesota and his tiuskies managed, att r much cllort. 'n secure II points on Kin-: Cole'.- juotet-e- This ear's -;uiiie .-taitet! as a repetition ol that ol tin eai t'lure, lor the Cornhiiskei s In id tile (I- ptiers to a lie scoie the fust hall ii 1 i) 1 J Nelnaska lost to Minnt sola at Minneapolis b a score ol 7 to II McCovern was the stai ol the game tor Minnesota, spoiinj; 11 points In 1!U1 N-bra'-ka was auain dpfeatpd at Mininapo'is b a scofp of 2 to .1 The -,'ftiup was hard fmmht. although the 'or-' 'iskcis wpic badh out (Continuod on Page Kmu i STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR UNCLE SAM'S HOMESTEADS More Than Eleven Univprsity Men Go ing to Drawings at Valentine and Broken Bow Today. I'niv eisjt students to the niiinhfi of p1-pii hae signified their inten tion of attending and trinn their link at the land drawings ;it Vaentin and Broken How this week It was mi imi-- i ' sil)le to ;et in touch with an otheis 'who niinht he koiiik. hut it is pioh lahlc that at least twice that nuinhei will make up tin- Nebraska deh nation I at the draw iiiRs I The names of the men who aie j;o ' inn toda are as follows C llel.er iV Hale. Wilson DpI.pII. .1 MacKai land, (Men Haines, I'errs. Walter Mac Donald. Kaiuh. I. A Hickman. din ther Y W (' eption w ln h was to hap been held Oetobei IS, has been postponed till (Xtober ':, The Krls' meet.im to.li. will be led hv Norma Kidd 4r 4r - ir ff SIMIAKO STYX TKYOl'TS if TKMIM. :: to r r i K KltYIIOIlV KI.ICIKI.I'. if Scene from the fuillliebt : play ever written AT THE J)LIVER TONIGHT, VaPfiV Ft -. BK2-t?jJP'' -.--f''nW BMns?aBalBBaBfl yC" ty ' tBfei?v?Sv$.? VflMjCvT EflVAVflBVBBmV -Ar fSKi-tJF i - ViVMwMwMwMwMwMwKt't) BEKlr S-!i'P5'BWOwff XXi'iP I f'-'Sfl HHVjSKiSkl. Sljilvi.HBHk BBlu vuiOuinili! s. iu,iiBHHmi:L r ., x iPtf -ffjH'A'iSi'Vjiaf5"-H F Y Jr' jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBKBrVBBBBlBBBBBBKlM "'IBRo 5 BLflS vvbVb STIEHM SPRINGS SURPRISE. (Continued from Page One) H haul line hu ks and ml inns the aisit worked the hall into trpshman lei i ii in alter the klekofl. and Klw.ll madi the Inst mat ker t hrouKh the lelt winu The tieshmen then pepppd up and 'hainlierlain. Hasiniissen and I'oltei went tllloill'll the aisit toi i ohm lent uains The varsity held on then iiiiejnnl hue and Kt the ball on lowiis l'aile, lieslunan riht end, leioMied Heck's kick and ran is hai k iwintN lie aids lor the onl liesh man touchdown ol the scrimmage The scrap was loiiKht up and down the eentt 1 ol tile Held lor II VP 111 ill lltes with honois eei Then the ai sil lii'HJiii a slow walk touaids the Ip'shinan una I line In the shadow ol then uoal the freshmen stiffpned, but not enough to keep Klwell Ironi diaw ur; thiid blood Coach Stiehin then -i hi I hem all into the n in Minnesota Arrives This Morning. -, h(. ;,,.,,,,., s, ,,,.,, h(1 o,lli(illi; hlllHi I () M Wllll;imK .,,.,.,,,.,, this .,,.; uih ,( hnjil ,nm(.h () m(,irs , , ' Williams will probabh send them I thiouuh a tdiort siunal nracticp loda I on the Countrv Club giounds The lineups and lull partb ulars will he in tomoi i ow 's "Kan Dr Midi ill. dentist, L'imi Caniei hid n. 12 In () st It ::!Hi.'i jr Ml men who handed in lln-n -k if n imi' as ilshels lin the Mlnin if - sota p. inie will meet on the ath ' if bin held l''iida altiinoon al 1 if o clock I'hnes will be assigned if if al thai ti , "BABY MINE" SATURDAY and SAT. MATINEE W I c nun II V" nJ stcntT i 7 f rRACTKC - Bear dope from the Cornhuskei camp is that the line is weak. But Nehiaska's line is as strong as our line of Kensington ready-tailored clothes-thcy don't need to fear Minnesota. 1 lere aie some of the things Kensington Clothes will do for you: I liry II llmliir vim rx(luivr fnlxm mul niodrln vvliii Ii nrr nliown nnwlirrr rlir in I lll( olli I liry II ivr iu unnlHinrcl but (lnlllutlK nlylr, lolally iliffrrrnl ltm otdlnniy rrndjr l. wrnr (ArinpntH I liry II ir vnu InHlinu nnd ntinf x lur rrvicr dr rrmill of drpendnhlr rmitrnal ncl run' iriilinun worltitiiintliip . 1 liry II uivr yon prrfrct nnd irrmiiiirnl fit. nltrrutionn if nrrriiaarv will hr citncldy inntlr l) him nkillful tailoiK willioul nildit lion a I ( linl ur All of which means that in our opinion, Kensing ton suits and overcoats will satisfy you more tho roly than any you have ever had at the price be forenot even excluding "tailor mades.' Kr iiHinult Mm nrll n follows Suits $25 to $40 Overt oau $2" ti Uie Stop oimi tfrt a HiffH)li(iiP with our turn plilnrntn MAGEE & DEEMER LINCOLN AURORA OMAHA L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb. Preserve Your College Work The L. C. Smith & Bros. Type writer is invaluable to college stu dents who want a record of their college work after graduation. We give special attention to the needs of students. We have type writers to rent, as well as to sell. A few rebuilt machines at a bargain.