I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 2Hjr latlg NrbraBkan Property of TI1K UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln M. V IlKKD Editor In Chief 'r N An m Kenneth M Snyder John L Cutright Fred N. Wells Managing Keillor Associate Kdlloi Associato Editor ( Huplness Mnnagci J 1 Drisroll ' smhIiiiiI Mnniuvi LtankS I'eikins iictilntion Mnnagei J '' Heaid sTTTTr r 7j lion price $2 00 pel venr. payable in advance Single Copies .". nnlH each Entered" at llir poHtollhc nl Lincoln, Nebiaska, as e ond lass mail mallei under Hi'' l "I I'onntcs, of M.inh 3 IST't FIIIHW ()("1 OI'.KU 1 I'M WE MUST BEAT MINNESOTA1 ' rallv is s I' duh-d l')i this nmi n i ii Li. ;it which the lootball piopln-ts ol .mil off ot the inmpus will peilonn their rites The lliuht ol blids and other barbaric signs will not lie used hv these modern seei s Instead of no Inn Into a trance the will remnin re inaikahly awake Thev will base theii predictions on the in inn. visible sinns tit N'ebnnha spint. and foi that rea son it is itnpoitant that the iall be a t.vphal all I'nivcisitv aftair Fred I J mi tt r, a Nebiaskan ol deepest dve, will be chiei prophet assisted b tin band, the team, Stielim. the Chancel ldi. and all those niads back for the bomecommn who can be induced to lace the crow d 1 f ! Y7 " vr v. I kV Y I J i "A VV-T-' -r x !l U j) rw K ... ,.,. I . -..,..., -.,,..,. sYhl.,1 llro- MaWr,, k Lialtlmnrn N"vYorl READY FOR THE BIG GAME With the Greatest Trio of Stars In the Good Clothes Game Society Brand, Fit Form or Sam Peck are the acknowledged, greatest makers of Young Men's Clothes in the world. Their product finds "high clothes tavors" at Yale, Harvard and Princeton. THEY'RE THE CLASS OF TODAY Because they arc specialized to meet the demands and metropolitan idrv,- of the clean cut youn University Chap. Come and see these smart clothes at L.. mollis largest and bt st young man's store. -::- 10 to 40 are the extremes Kit the hit of today are the suits and overcoats we're showing at $20 and $25. Mackinaws to keep you warm -- Rooters' Hats with Bands of v. - w-rsity $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50 Colors MAYER BROS. CO. The Store Ahead ' oppni t llll II U's offeicd b till- mIioI.ii i ship ol ( '(( il Rhodes Other tiling that v iM t nti i into t'n ' in il aciountlng ol th, .;.ime Saluidav i.d piobabl.v e ei . fan has thought I "ii in aie the wi.uner eonmions i . .. , , . ' t I I .1 . IIMIK I ' 1 w . . . . ... ...i . . . . . . ..:...! .1 ,.!,,,..,, ,f tl.. II..11 I Wlllll, I lir i mimmuuii vi in. in ii i ondit ion of mil t am and ot tin "Getting Outdoors." n some icspects comparisons ol tin- methods einploved !lt (lllteretlt colleges I'l I I I I Ol III hi rn team, and the way the loot et together undei the leadership In ir cheer leadeis To be sure, the est element, is our team versus the (lopher team, but tin- Cornhuskers will do their best it's up to the weather man and the school to see that the result is a laorable one misleading 01 without lesult, bei aus( ot tin- dissimilai it ol conditions m the collects N( ei theless, in spite Ol the various difterences, almost all ot tin New England colleges hae certain (uestions in common, and it sometimes happens that it is interesting as well las piotitable to look into the was that oui tn-ighbois grapple with then pi oh lenis Down in Middletow n. Conn where Kansas Wniversit v is ha nig tiouble Wesli-vnn Lniveisity is. situated, a with the tango The best vvav to (lis no-l plan which seems c.-itiiin to in pose of it would be in make M a u- i rease the number of men aailable (puted study Little Hoc U ik i ".a lor athletic teams has been adopted ,.(1,. l-'ei tieshman is re(UUed to elec' ome loim ol outdoor athletics which TUP IIMPOPIII AR CLASSICS il'' U-M l"'sUe lllllll tile ( old W.-atll.l V K A W JhW'3tfiU I V. 11 aSW WE ARE GOING TO The Huffman s General Supply House For our SCHOOL and OFFICE Supplies We get more for our money at 208 South Uth Street -:- -:- Lincoln The present unpnpulai M of tin- -.is in l'"ort live have chosen tia(k, i ne in fht'ii i iiu mi mi i.i i ii 'i " , ,, , teiiui-. lias a tollowmn ol loitv, twentv (basics could not be belter illustrated , ,, i audidates are out toi baseball, and than by the ieeni examinations toi , , , ,, tin iiesliman lootball squad is i on) the Rhodes Schol.uship 1 hese eam . pie-i (I ot tweniv i-mht men In a nu inations are giv en in Latin, (reck, and shell, one hundred and thirtv three el mental v matin-mains, and out ot a ,, K. , , men aie interested in and are actuallv state the si.e ol Neluaska onlv tluc- pai in ipatini? in athletics As many men answered to tin- call 1 he eann , , , . men tioni a siimle class in a small nations are said to be ei tlioiinmb , , ioIIiji ai e (Ioiuk M'Kular athletu work and concei ncd in mmhc ol the moi , as tin ii out toi the same sort ot work liukv points ol the subjects ( oik ei ned , , , , i i -1 ill loin ( la-ses at Hi own It is Hut nev ei thelcss th-v an- not iiiml' h.t'i in pit-diet that such a svstem will balder than the on. - m n to the Luc x . . ai i H-iphsii ;i asl amount ol nood ( on Msh school bov s iiiltilii-; Oxloid. .ind Mill tin- llllplOV emellt 111 V.ilsitV atll should not be ol siK h teillble piopol l'-tu i ams wlmh must lin-vitahlv toi i ions as to detel ( ollet;e student-, 11 om low ( o.istder the oelielits vvhlih the (oinpottni; In tin- eastiiu states ., indiv idual is ( ei tain to ie-eiv e Hiown where more emphasis i.s placed on tin- Mi laid ( la-sics than hei e m the west, the e amination is moie contested. Often ... , LOST Nebraska seal pm; call L4L1 a many as twentv-hve or thirtv men o up from a state, and the winner is picked from anions the seventeen or Artistic dance programs and menu t wenty who pass It Is time that more for particular people George Ilros Ni bnihka underclassmen realized the Punters, 1313 N street We Cater to Student Trade Our Dining Room is Complete to mtm you anything in the Eatable Line. Open after the Shows, Dances and Parties. We make our own Ice Cream, SheibcN .md Punches for Parties. THE FOLSOM CAFE 1315-31N St. :: Lincoln, Nebraska Gym Classes Begin .No more span- hours and etia p riods to loitei on the (ampus (!viu nasiuni classes will begin next Mondav ai cording to schedule posted Patronize our Advertisers