The Daily Nebraskan fx VOL XIII NO 23 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. LINCOLN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1913 Price, 5 Cents ST1EHM SPRINGS SURPRISE MASTIN, VARSITY RIGHT END. HAS DEVELOPED INTO DROP KICKER LAST SCRIMMAGE YESTERDAY Light Sign Practice Tonight Will Put Co'-ihuskerB in Great Shape 'or Big Battle. In a c .' '. StiebtU -' w :u fiO" - ' . hefo'o low ' V. HARLAN ) ml drearv oi Id Com li lav attcrnoon put his -h tlifir last st i ltinnage -; thr (Jophei s lomoi - a 111(1 blew JlcKI-s Coin llll!- I'-T " 'lilt till- pla.V I s (llilli ! no'.j' t ., mucli thev w t i e k t too Uu-'- I. ' 'ie augmented oaching MUa(J. 1". oldtimeis were out in loreo an (J '""'.gs did hum tor a couple ol hours War. n a Drop Kicker. H fa r biggest surprise ol" the war was - mg this week by ".Jum bo" whc, l presented bin "Bing" .Mastiu, va.r-.iiy right end, in the role, ol sta" dr :- Kicker Stiehiu has been working M'-tin on diop kickiiiK in .-ecrecy, a-i: not until this week did ilie at gef .-ut ot the ban In practice .Mast in lut - een booting tin- pigskin ii ' l.e 1 post-, with astonishing accuracy "ii the thiity and fortv .nd !in No one has suspected "Kings" r -mg abilitv, and the sin l 1S IS plete Tills l.ilsrs Ne hraska. s v. "Mig hopes aboe pai. and as it is K'r -thing that .Minnesota has not (iieaii : ol. it will throw a scare into the e-..-rcontideni Swedes ol the north T'u drop Ki K will undoubted 1 llgv.'ie if 'he score Changes In Backfield. Coa-li S' "hin. the wonder worker, lias anoth trick up his sleeve which shows tha' the Nebraska mentor is on die job a'! 'he tune He has shifted Colli 'o ;'lback and put Howard in ,u but .;ii(' This leaves He k as a sub stunt'-, a- the ( oaeh will have a I'i eshtriiiii ' send in at either iuartcr or end shou'.d an accident befall Towle oi one of the two end men. The ma ' : part ol the piatice v es ierda' wr-- running signals, pvfec-t-inu fortna'' vis. and line charging. The work was last and siiappv Said Coach Stiehm af'-r some particularly fine work. "Tin' is going better than at any time this year " And Fred Hunter added. "Th -re is pep here tonight " Twenty-Minute Scrimmage. After the regular signal practice the V. W senf Rutherford, Towle, Purely, Mastin, Cameron, Mulligan Howard, ThompKon and Abbott to the gym nasium Me was unwilling to risk their gett;"g hint in a scrimmage. nelemeter Klwell, Heck, (lelwlck, Hugg. Berouist, Irwin, Hnilis. and Hel ler filled up the varsity and thev scrim maged wifh the freshmen for twentj niinutet; Th- coM weather was responsible for u lot o- fumbling on both sides WE MUST BEAT MINNESOTA Today will be held the biggest rally of the year. Minnesota is here with her teeth gritted to bedazzle the Cornhuskers. Stiehm's little army has been wearing itself out every afternoon on the field of secret practice and now is nervously awaiting the clash at 3 o'colck Saturday afternoon that will mean the supremest struggle of the season The boys are in that precarious state of nervousness that attacks a person on the eve of a great battle. What they need is support. For the purpose of giving them a monstrous supply of boosting in a way that will stay with them until the whistle blows tomorrow, the gang will assemble in the Armory with a superabundance of those cheers that will loosen the rafters and will intersperse them with some speeches that will tingle with valor of old football heroes here for the big home- followed in lour or live days b fold ers gotten out b the publicity corn mittee of the college It Is the place ol the alumni association to send out about fiiui postal cards to alumni whom thev know- are especially Interested ami then a little later to send out an other lot io keep them reminder1 of the date Ilel ween two and three hundred aine la-' .war, with onl.v a month in which to put a new Idea Into opera tion, o ibis vein ought to see at least I w k e i hat until I S C Student Y. M. C. A. COMMENCES ITS ANNUAL FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN Thirty-five Hundred Dollars Are Need ed, of which Students Are Ex pected to Give Half. The I'nlversitv V M C A has this wiek begun its financial canvass Three thousand live bundled dollars will be needed for the year's expense Ii is hoped that $lfioo ol this amount can be raised among the student young men The balance, $2000, will have to be seiuied as follows Faculty - $.")0ii, citizens ol Lincoln, $looo, alum- ENTRANCE STANDARDS RISE Y. W. C. A. DISCUSSES PLANS " ,,r ,h" l,,,h,"rh,,-fi(m IN SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE A J'1'" """'bersl.lp and Holds Live Meeting Last Evening at ,:,,,",!,i" is ,'," -"Kluctcd The .. .. j- , a.u r,. -r.., - membership fee is $1. and to all sub Many Now Enter With One, Two, or Headquarters. . ' ,,,.,, si r ibrng .'j.l or more a member-ship tick Three Years' High School i ii... .,,,.,. t .,,,, ()i , i. ,. ,.x(.,,i i. ,. ,.,.,., .mi- , , mi. J ' "" mi i iing oi (in- t ei utiv e com ,. uji , issued which will be lion- Work niillee ol the V V C A the plans oi'i'il in any association for the full The liunibei I egislei lllg in the S( hool i,,, ,1(. (oming semester Wi'le dis- Vil'1"' ' $' This applies to the Lin- ol ne will gientl exceed that ,.,.,, T,. M).la, (.om m j t , ,.,. ma(il. '' association, which many Mil- ' ili ntc douii'ii Li initi Moiw Lliiliiniu ol last war Last evening the en, oil ,, h ,,,,,.,,,.,. r M)(.1;ll ,.., , ' , ' , -...... wish to contiibute more than $1 tor ment had reached lot! within a very m.,,,. ai raiiemeiiis im- ilw inv im-hmi-'v. . , . . , ar a,,. mi, hi. im,uu ins ioi in govirnois membership, some giving $f. $10 or lew ol the total number registered last ,.,.,.,. ,)tjmi T. ,jj,u. st(lv connnitt,.,. $i;, The association goes betore the .vear The senior class numbers about I;1S ;, nilnibei of classes in iniird, the sl,l('1'1" ,i(H'x " lls nierlls alone, and if the investment Is not a good one Iroin the standpoint of the welfare of the I'nlversitv life, then It does rrot desire support and does not ask it. However, prospects for the campaign look well coming and ring with hope and encouragement for the morrow's battle. What will be needed at the rally will be Nebraska boys with voices and ambitions that inspire to victory and Nebraska girls whose modesty will not preclude a healthy support. A program that of itself is a big temptation is to be sprung. Foot ball heroes from the big northern school will be in plain view. Foot ball heroes of Nebraska, past and present, will tell how it has been done in past years and how it must be done tomorrow. The band the greatest pep-instigator that Nebraska has seen in years will open the program in a blaze of harmony. Chancellor Avery will introduce Fred Hunter, who played for Nebraska in 02, to be in charge of the meeting. -'Doc" Williams, Minnesota's coach; Captain Aldworth of the Minnesota aggregation; "Doc" Cutter, and Dean Ringer, who was one of the boys that beat Minnesota in '02, will speak. The band will play the "Cornhusker" and other pieces. An effort will be made to get Johnson, end in '08-'09, exCaptam Temple, ex-Captain Westover and ex-Captain Shonka on the rostrum. Lastly the team will be called upon to give their idea of the situation. IT IS GOING TO BE A RALLY THAT YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO MISS. AGGIES PLAN HOMECOMING DATE OF GAME WITH NEBRASKA IS DECIDED ON FOR THIS OCCASION. SEVERAL HUNDRED EXPECTED Accommodations for Many Will Be Provided and Entertainment for More. mi s. la . Oct It; (Special ) 'om ruber 1st will mark the second bom coining as well as the Nebraska nies game 'I hi' October Minimus will start the luo, ami the junior lUfi. An unusually M1iJj(.(.t ()f WM,., wi ))(. ouiic eil large number are entering from the HOOI1 smaller high schools, with one, two, Thi. ,oomK committee will can- tor I and three years' credit. "This," says the rooms and assist in the decorating. I'rincipal Hradford, "shows a remark- The membership committee was iir ' able advance in the standard of pre)- '''"sed in number and-a campaign for ' aration of students in the school." new members planned. A Y. V. C. A. .Many students with four years' cred-,,a ' m' lu' possibility. it are entering into the practice group in the college. , Girls' Tennis Tournament. Ten entries have been made for the The first convocation will be held i ,,i.-is- (,.n,iiH wJ.i,i, u t, Friday at 10 o'clock. The Y. M. C. A held a stag party in the Judging pa villiou last night. be held the 21th and 25th The first of the week will be used for practices and scheduling of games. (Continued on Page Thret-i Nebraskans in Arizona. Word comes from Clifton, Ariz., tell ing of the work of F. J. Lynde and "Sog" I'earson in that country. Both men are of the class ol '16, and are putting in this year in practical engi neering work. A new railroad is being constructed from Clifton, and they are engaged in leveling. Minnesota Rally 11:00 Classes Excused y gtggBSPBiSIMUStMSaesatxmmaKMaimaam UmMMMmm