THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES Oliver Theater Tonight, Saturday ana Saturday Mat. OLIVER MOROSCO'S Fairyland Extravaganza THE TIK TOK MAN OF OZ Original Company of 100 Direct from 4 Months in Chicago Night $2 to 50c Mat SI to 50c New Hats, Ties E. ORPHEUM Thurs., Fri., Sat. Oct. 9-10-11. mTLtonT pollock & co. "SPEAKING TO FATHER." WILL ROGERS The Oklahoma Cowboy THE TITANIC DISASTER" -LORN A zmd TOOTS POUNDS The Carrrvng Australian Misses GEVE MULLER TRIO LAANCE & McKNAB -NCES & DEMAR Mat T-.'i. Fri. 15 25c Sat.. 15, 2oc. 50: Night at 8-15 Prices 15. 21 :-. 50 and 75c. and Shirts they're just as essential to the well-dressed man's appearance as are his clothes. A new suit worn with an old hat, frayed linen and a wrinkled cravat is worse than putting a beautiful picture in a homely frame. Your clothes and furnishings should harmonize they should be mutually helpful. No matter how perfect one is, it will suffer by contrast if the other is inferior. Lyric Theatre THUR-FRI-SAT., OCT. 9-1011 THE BANZI TROUPE Sensational Artists BERT WIGGINS &. CO. In "A Trip to Joy Street." "Pathe's Semi-Weekly," "The Other Woman," "The Missionary and the Actress," and "Never Known to Smile." 1 herelore, don't spoil the effect of your new suit by wearing an old hat, shirt or tie. We can MJRN1SH you as well as we can CLOTHE you. The newest and most approved Autumn fashions in headwear, neckwear, shirts, etc. Make a list of your needs and see us tomorrow. Special on Sweaters Saturday See our Window ee & Deemer "PEPLESS" PRACTICE PALLS (Continued fiom Page 1) Rcss Will Be Played. The nthNtie hoard met Thursday morning and decided iiiianiniously that the written r-qu--,t of the KansaH Ag gies that Clinton Ross not he allowed to participate .:: the Nebraska-Aggie game on the ("o; iihusker eleven Satur day he ignored The fact that there was not a (liss'-hting vote shows that the powers tha be in Nebraska ath letics are hnn :i their stand against drawinir the .jor line in Missouri Valle uam.-.- The sense and stand of the board is expressed in the follow ing set of r solutions which Coach Stiehni submiM-d 'First. Wlxrf,, The University of Nebraska do"-, rot discriminate against students on a c-tunt of race or color "Second, Vbiu.s, The University of Nebraska athletic board has never barred athletes from intercollegiate competition on rhe ground of race or color "Third, Whereas, Mr. Clinton Ross has creditably represented the Univer sity of Nebraska in athletics during the past two years. "Fourth, Whereas, Mr. Clinton Ross lias in the past played versus all con ference teams on the present football schedule without protest. "There, be :s Resolved, That Mr. Clinton Ross be permitted to partici pate in collegiate athletics as a repre sentative of the University of Nebraska." In (r lays Pages From Past History 1901 Over 1.000 excursionists left at 1 : -1 f today for Minneapolis, taking advan tage of the $:! excursion rate to see the Minnesota-Nebraska football game. 1905 Nebraska defeats South Dakota b a score of 42-fi The new Physics building will be completed in thirt days 1908 The sorority girls close their houses to their gentlemen friends Sunday The action was taken in compliment to Miss Ang Manning Taylor of Chicago, who is the guest of the local Y. V. C. A. the coming week 1908 Five years ago today the Cornhusker eleven defeated Grinnell in a closely contested game of football We are unable to give the score, inasmuch as the two-column article on the subject made no mention of the score. (Clyde E. Elliot, '00, was editor oi the "Rag" at that time. 1909 The rushing season is over and 80 freshmen are reported pledged to the twelve fraternities. How About It, Gopher? "Minnesota had its usual difficulty in winning from South Dakota. Or Is it that foxy old Williams didn't show Jiis hand "-Daily Illinl' , Bureau Gets Documents. The documents of the League of Ne braska Municipalities were transferred yesterday from the vaults in the city clerk's office to the State Legislative i ) Reference Bureau on the campus. Here they will be filed for th use of the municipal research department, to be used by them in conjunction with the reference bureau. Loeb's Orchestra, L-989G or B-1392. MANY CONTEST VAUDEVILLE PARTS TOMORROW MORNING Large Number of Characters Needed for Spahro Styx Production Make Chance for All. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the Spharo Styx competition will be held in tin music hall of the Temple with Professor John T. Prince of the Con servatory presiding The purpose of this contest Is to pick the cast for their first vaudeville and minstrel show which will be held the latter part of November About thirty women's and about the same number of men's parts are open, and an opportunity will be given all who enter A good bit of green ma terial will have to be worked into shape, ho evervbody with an lota of dramatic abilitv is urged to come out. Any dramatic selection may be given. All that is desired is that some basis is offered on which to judge of the contestant's ability No musiacl selec tions are desired, although the fact of musical abilitj will be considered in a few instances The majority of parts will be wholly dramatic, however, and this will be largely considered tomor row morning The show itself will be written by local talent and of a thoroughly high class order. With an all-University cast it will place before the public a type of entertainment which has never been brought out before. IfUmirrmty Nutims Plymouth Reception. Every one attending the student ral ly at Plymouth Congregational Church tonight, Seventeenth street, corner or A street, is asked to Impersonate In some way ttie title of some well-known book. Jones' Orchestra, L-9066. Sophomore Olympic Committee an nounced by President Gentzler Is as follows M E Poteet, chairman; Roy Cameron, Hill Locke, class rush; .1. U McMasters, CJ. F Liebondorfer, medicine ball; Henry Pascal, wrest ling; Walter Hlxenbaugh, boxing. Geological Field Saturday afternoon. Members of the class meet on sec ond floor of Museum at 2 p. m. Agricultural Club Meeting -A lantern slide lecture on European Agricul ture will be given by Professor Pugs ley Saturday night, 7 .',(), In Ag. Hall, Farm campus. Olympic Men, Notice- No street shoes or heavy shoes of any description will be allowed in the annual Olym pics Saturday- Chairman Com. FROSH AND SOPHS RALLY Continued from page 1 officials. First, work lost by absence from classes Saturday morning must be made up. according to a special no tice issued by Dean Engberg. Second, it Is understood that the rreshles are to mark themselves with green paint and the sophs in some other appro priate manner. Third, it is likewise distinctly understood that no shoes or heavy footwear other than possibly tennis shoes are to be worn in the big event. These rulings are absolute. The following field judges have been selected; Dr. Condra, Professor Scott, Lieutenant Bowman, and Dr. Maxey. Engage formal music now. Hagensick. Ted Marriner Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799, 235 No. 11th.