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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1913)
THE DAILY NEBEASKAN FIRST BIG RALLY TODAY PREPARATION FOR VOCAL SUP PORT OF 1913 CORNHUSKERS AT CONVOCATION. WILL HEAR COACH AND TEAM Band and Glee Club, Coaches and Team, Enberg and Maxey to Predict Nebraska Success. Tin' tnt miit enough football rally of tin- year will be held In tin- ebapel at tin- convocation period this morning in pri'p.iration for Hie 1)Ik Karnes ho day's Kami' losi. at li.u'd Acting as a baionietei BE8T SCRIMMAGE OF YEAR (Continued from Page I) Towle being In for the major part of tb.. mix-up Rutherford played " slaiih Ihk Kivme He . ko"b to make a name Toi hiniHelf. While the men were o dead tired that they could hardl drag thrmsclve in after prnc tid no cno was hurt Ah a whole it wa - one ef the most satisfactory sciimniam'M of the season. Ross Protested By Kansas Aggs. ( oaeh Lowncui of the Kansas Aggie- has filed with Coach Stlehni a foimal protest against the presence of Clinton Ross, the colored left guard, in the Comhurtker lln" up for Satur- riils re(ueH' secniB tin- I 1.1,, t IVnnli Gl Will 111 Iliwl tllP re.ihiniiiui'- i" 'ulm .,....... ...... -- Athletic Ucard for the reason that the EN WHO DRESS CAREFULLY as to taste and expenditure they are our customers. College Tailors College View Phone BO-X-A-48 l tin- .itb'.-tle spirit on the campus, i;n,MlK ApuieK hive played two years ii will" to indicate to the coaches agam-t Rons without saying a word ,, i,t ....,!.., nt minimi t '.ilx.iit it This is the Vggies first Him un' . i .1111 ri wii.1. ..... 11 .1 i .--ii I )i- ,ir- j i ing Tin I and. follow id b the (Jlee eai Tii THe Missouri alley Confei- eiue and one would naturally suppose lull w ill open the game After them .itid interspersed between the clieeim- and practicing ol songs, will come the ..a-li (Jumbo) and assistant coadie- Dudley and White, with some real "diip-" on the prospects The prospect in the persons ol Captain I Puidv and :he team, will hold forth , In tin n r.u !! will take up the question , ol atti tula' .', and the rall will be ( brought t'i a close by Dean Kngberg ami I'ioI' -or Maxe Needless to mu tlii -" i ri - w 111 all be there , School Supplies TYPEWRITERS thai the would abide by its rules. , I in there is nothing said in the Con 'fen n e ui'es thai would draw a color ' line Heme their request seems not I only unreasonable but unfair. A meet-. inf, ol the Atliletie Hoard will be held I toda. at 11 o'clock to settle the mat ter There are stiong probabilities thai the will not consider the request i Coach Stiehm is anxious that there be a Mrong representation of the stu dent bod en the side lines for the pi act ice this afternoon which will bo bed on the Cornhuskct Held at a -CO. It is as i's'i ntial that the fans turn' I out to practice as it is to go to the The Agr.cultuial Engineers Club, ,r W( aif. lo !lMm.x ,hl. t.hsim uiM'h.. ..11 the students ol tin- dc .,.,.., t,.u r 1 1 ' I I "i 1 I I r ii- 411 no 'iuii in iivi mu d con-e thii'iigli with theii earne.-t and w hole hearted suppoi t Tonight a '.uge number ol the coeds will grace th side lines 'lheie should be five or si bundled rootei . out to cheer tlie team ami show th- boss that th ca.i lel.i on studeiii help 1 JOT'S I IA : 'I l IK l!.'D OCT AND Will)')!' THINCS li WILL VOL CO.MK ("T. MR I'NIVKRSI i II iN'h .D I.K.N I HAND0 p.ui i t. at their lust reftular myel in : tlii. i Special matteis pretain ini, 'ii th t niversiH lOngiiieering So-ci-t ,iiu! ith.'r impoitant business is np tdi m lesion Meeting to ie eai:d t'p "iptlv at 7 :io this iening in M H.i 11 room liOtl University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOIR PATRONAGE SOLICITED $7.50 Jumbo Knit Sweater Coats $4.95 Jc Sophomore Olympic Try-outs -Jr will be held in the Armory im- - -f mediately following the rally. All those wishing to take part - in the events in wrestling and -jfc fa boving should appear at this time. STCDKNTS. TKK NOTICK KuM class laniil board for a limited iiimi her of students, two blocks east ol lTlll el sit . rates, pel week 1 1 Hi S st Phone li f.L'aO StVdKNTS. TAKK NOTICK First" class family board for a limited num her of students; two blocks from Uni iersit; rates $1 per week. 143G S st I'lione l!-t;2.rt) LOST Opal stick pin. I-Mnder please return to this oflice and receive reward. KLINES 1132 0 Street LOST- Nebraska seal pin, call Lll.'il LOST Lady's linger ring, moonstone surrounded with small diatnondb Return to Rag oflice. I'oi Sale. Two Ores.-. Suits, Sixe Ml, $f. 00 each-Ludwig'b 102S-O IJKRSON seen taking book from table on 1st lloor Law building must re turn same to Dean's olhce or action will be taken at once Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St.-Funke Bdg. Everything for the Office" The Cafeteria of the University Y. M. C. A. Reasons for the High'Cost of Living: Abuse of free privileges. Waste of food, taking more than one can eat. Careless use of equipment by customers. Choosing food for its pleasant taste rather than for its nourishing quality. Help to reduce the cost to yourself. i wKr W IBB I EVERYBODY will be wearing the smart long point collar style a year from today. Get your 'SHADOW' collar now while the clever dressers are wearing it. Ask your dealer for 'SHADOW' the style with the "Pliable-Points." 6 for 75c or as usual 2 for 25c. fon (pilars Oldest 3runcf " in America UNITED SHIRT & COLLAR CO., Makers, TROY, N. Y. MISS STERKEL HairJDressing, Manicuring and Switch Making LADIES AND GENTLEMEN B4420 Room 412, BrowneU Blk. HA VE THE EVANS DO YOUR WASHING X