The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1913, Image 3
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I THEATRES Oliver Theater Fri., Sat. & Sat., Mat., Oct. 10-11 OLIVER MOROSCO'S Fairy land HxtravaRan.i THE TIK TOK MAN OF OZ Original Company of 100 Direct from 4 Months in Clmao NiKht $2 to 50c Mat $1 to 50 ORPHEUM Thurs. Fri., Sat. Oct. 9-10-11. MILTON POLLOCK & CO. "SPEAKING TO FATHER." WILL ROGERS The Oklahoma Cowboy "THE TITANIC DISASTER" LORNA and TOOTS .POUNDS -The- Chormim rg Australian rvmreer GENE MULLER TRIO LAFRANCE & McKNAB FRANCES & DEMAR Mat. Thurs., Fri., 15 25c. Sat., 15, 25c, 50c. Night at 8:15. Prices 15, 25, 35, 50 and 75c. Lyric Theatre Mop., Tues., Wed., October 6-7-8. KNIGHT BROS & SAWTELLE DIXON & HANSON In "Joining the Navy." PHOTO PLAYS "Salvation Sal" "OUR NEIGHBORS" "A RAY OF GOD'S SUNSHINE PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY Three Shows Daily 2, 7, 9 a. m. Mat. All Seats 10c. Night 15c. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb. Preserve Your College Work The L. C. Smith & Bros. Type writer is invaluable to college stu dents who want a record of their college work after graduation. We give special attention to the needs of students. We have tyre writers to rent, as well as to sell. A few rebuilt machines at a bar gain. WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 13 AND O STREETS I Features foi Thursday: 1 L Under the Daisies. 1 reels A 'J UisSeciet Bio Diama I And the W'akh Came Back 1 I Foi Friday After noon andHveg. 1 1 'I he Two Motheis 1 reel. I 1 TheTenr'ei foot Crook, Comd'v I I Autocrats of Flapjack June- lion C( nudy I I0WANS FEEL CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS OF GRIDIRON SEASON Second Team's Work in Ames Game Raises Hope Meet Mount Ver non Saturday. Iowa Cit, Iowa. Oct 7 (Special ) With a ictory of 1f to :l against the State Normal last Saturday the Hawk eye foothiill season is now well started with tlie brightest prospects in many years Tims far this season there has not heen an injury to mar the work Coach I law ley is conlldent of several further victories, barring mis haps More than two teams were played during the amc last Saturday, main of the second team making won derful showings Dick. Parsons, Cap- tain McOinnis, Kirk, (iiirms, Ho won of 1 the first train showed up in almost mid-season form Because of the extraordinary show- t ing made by the members of the sec-i-owl t-nn-m lnn Ka-Hmhy Hie ndvnnce 1 lineup next Saturday against Cornell can not even be guessed. It is likely, however, that the regular squad will I be started and others substituted, pro- 1 viding the game starts the. swing to ' the Hawkeyo favor. This will prob- 1 ably happen, as it is understood that the Mt Vernon collegians are weak this fall, having lost many of their veterans through graduation and through a fraternity quarrel lasl ' spring OLYMPHICS RALLIES 7 P. M. Continued fiom page I signal tin two classes will clash in til' ,ent,r of the field The object of tin tight will Ik for each side to g I as many ol the opposing indivi.l .iab as possil le over then own goal Inn Such a plan is intended to g've e.K h i".li nlual an opportunity to "get in tin game'- and the opportunity for flu ii man to put up all the light h wi in- i, limited only bv his own ca pa'ulities The libt will last twenty minutes Speeril attention of both classes s called to two verv important rulings in connection with the light Abso 'uiely no shoe, or heavy footwear will i)c allov. ed Male feet, tennis shoes and M.ek.-. not strong enough to be de sli,iieCiVe will ht allowed Moreovi , Dean KnhoiL' ha- sent special noti'-e to the Nebraskan ollice as I'ollov.s. " oi k missed Saturday on account en tin Olympics intisl be made up at as eaily a dale as possible Instincts m til-- subject allected will grant pe. inr.sion to do this" 'i he Ohnipit coinnii'tees are as foi low s Freshmen- Harold .Morgai., chair man. Brian O'Brian.; ICrnc -.t Cut n.el, i ielicin Ik-II light; Ernest lloppc, wrestling event. Jack Hart man, boxing event; Grove Fort r. wrestling event; K A. Corelson, free-foi-ail. riophomore: M. L. Foteet, chair man, Ro. Carerjun, Bill Locke, class rush, J. L. .McMasters, G. F. Dieben doifer medicine ball; Henry Fused, wrestling; Walter llixenhaugh, boxing Waldman's Orchestra, phone L-!)543 Leader, a student of University. Thr Peru Club will be entertained by Miss Lonils at the Home Economic Hail, University Farm campus, Satur daj evening, October 11. (thurs, Fri, and Pat ) Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. 3ln (!Pr lap Pages From Past History 1901. The Hock Island Route makes the following cut in its rales to Minne apolis to accommodate the largei bunch of root is wishing to attend' the Nebi aska Minnesota game Two bundled rooters will make the fare jr.. l'".o $i, :!2.r) $:: ' 1902. , Hon W II Thompson, democratic nominee for governor, addresses the students and laculty at Convocation 1903. Nebiaska arsity leaves over the Rock Island lor Denver The team was accompanied by the coaches, the, manager, a physician and a contin gent of rooters 1904. The Nebiaska defeated tootball champions are given a hearty recep tion by the studt nt body. The score ol (I 0 is forgotten by the students' when the varsity returns after a su i perhuman fight a' Colorado. j Dr. King, president of Oberlin Col lege, addresses the students at Con vocation. 1907. Two hundred girls r"gisti for Bible iindt r the supervisit n of the V. V C. A 1909. Nebraska defeats Knox by an ovei whelming score ol ;tL' i) The Illinois men pul up a stubborn light, but were no match foi the pupils of "King' Ct le 1912. Monnie" Mdimirn allAineiican 'iiari"i and -tar plavei lor Mlnne sota visjis tin I'niveihity campus. Hopewell-Hervey Nuptials. The marriage of Walter M Hope well and Miss Ola Bell llervey ol Omaha took place at the llervey home in Omaha last Thursday evening. The following is an account or the wedding as ji appeared in Friday morning's Bee: "The wedding of Miss Ola Bell Her v ey. daughter of Mr and Mrs C W llervey, to Mr Walter Melvin Hope well ol Tekamah took place Thursday evening at X :!u o'clock at the Lowe venue Presbyterian church Rev M Marshall, president of the Theologi cal Seminars in Omaha, odic ialed and was assisted by Rev Samuel MeCJiflln The church was dec-orated in palms Ferns and white roses filled the altar ' Loeb's Orchestra, L-989G or B 1392 Slit trousers have made their ap pearance on the (auipusat the Univei sny of Illinois. It is claimed there that this nev, fad will in a short time j rival that of the fair co-eds Special Afternoon and Evening Classes IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS at hours to suit University students. We enroll many University students each year. You are invited to visit the school and get particulars. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere Cor. 14th and 0 Sts. :: :: :: Electric Building J0 CmJ This Week The World's Series is one big attraction-another is our Kensington Clothes They Fit and Stay Fit If you're a "tailor-made man, you don't know wha! phenomenal improvement" has been made in building Readv-To-Put-On Suits and Overcoats In our men'n clothing tcction you irlr t thr style of your uit nof fiom n Millrd fashion pl.tfr, but fiotn n dorn smnrtly tailored mod rig which ou an try on ,n iter just how thry look on vou f frrr, sclri tinjj the (nlin n not .i KiirfiR baaed upon a strip ol pirc r Koocln for vou tan see how it look m.ulr up in .i unit brforr c ti buy Wr har Iwn skilled liili,r who i .in niiikr nnv nrrrsftiir ,illrinlinn inkh and isfnt tor ilv w iu imlre fit and Hittisfnttmn I hr suit will be rrntk ( v.'-.n thr lav vou pick it out-- no tivm no waiting If these facts inteiest you wed like to prove how thoroly we can satis fy you for a moderate outlay-say $20, $25 or $30. MAGEE & DEEMER LINCOLN AURORA OMAHA M,Ck COLLAR A Graceful Hitfb Band Notch Collar. 2 for 25 cent Cluett, Pcabody A Co., Inc. Maker Wl NON B MBSSSOSSKSBSSm