The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1913, Image 2

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r TPI l 1VT I ,-(.4. MOVING AT FARM.
ullir flaug fimiramunt' ,.,. ,.,,. , n. ,. nam
-- "iinlimli b.illdiiiR nl Hi.' Farm campun
Property of ,,.(H ( ;MlM () somt. shifting In the
TIIK 1'N'IVKUSITY OK N'KHKASKA j 1R1.onil11 (i, .,.,,, ml The cxpeil
Kdltor In Chief
11 1 ! t .1 1 ili'pni liiH-nl has moved out of
1 evpei Inieiital Mall inio llu- new build-
,in, and ;i p-irl ol t!." instructioniil
.. .. ,, ,, , ' depni tmeiit into the hall
Managing Kdltor Kenneth M Sn d.-r , ...,..,..., ......
. . , i , J i l IIMIVi' I " II" -i II' ' II .(" "
IOI1II I'. in 1 'K"
AfHoclate Editor
Associate Editor
Fed N Wells''" ""' s,,n,,MM" '" '-"I "l"' returned
. .1. I It . I 1. . . ,...,. I .111,1 U'lll
1(1 MM' II II I "I -H (111-, wit l iilivi
HhkIiu'bb Manager ' Drincoll ,.,,,,,., t .,,!,,. ,. assistance in instruc
AHRlHtnnt Manager Frank S I'crklna , ()). ;,n, ,,,,, n c Meriick who'
Subscription price $2 00 per ear, ;M) ..pent the "iinimei In Knrope lias
payable in advance n Mimed his school ork '
Single Copies, f. I'dilB each
Entered at tTie pontofnce at Lincoln SECRETARY TO BE IN Y. M. C. A. i
Nebraska, a so. ond-clans mail matter., LOBBY ALL DAY NOW
under the Act of Congress or March I
1R70 New Arrangements Made In Order to
Make It Center of Temple
rhvusdiiv. OctobiM ). lilKl Activity
Tradition In the Making. In- llo.ud of Dlnttois ot the I'm I
v , .... i. ,,! i I,,, liicklni: i'i Hisiu oiiu ; Miiis Christian Asso j
,M'l'l ilSllil i. "" '
t.-nlltlou Those cxprcsslAhs' HI' school cial irn mini ,il llieli iim'iIiih TnT
spin! which are so prominent in som, I. iv eienuiE to male iimiiiRrniriit
un.ersities Pie said to he .iitllH H.-i-ii .lie omce in m.- ioiiii in
foreign to our campus
And tho'-ei I einp'e luiUlng sill he oci upied
ho make this claim " ii " : ' ,l" "'" l!l" ''" Xl "'" lr"-Mit
argument against the efforts of w hose j i ..,... Mi Sh-ili il.. i:iiipUim. nt
who would n,-er.heless arouse Hi- r.-u i. Hi-,, I. mm hot.,., e:wh da '
spiri' Hhk-h Is In th in niereh l In,; Tin' ;i-mm in- hm nill anange to li;.e,
dormant The claim is doubtless inn ; i - Luy Hm-iv during th hou.
tsonieteKree. lor Nebraska cm hanl i'i"-' Mr Sl-nli ,. ;,.;,j TliisuilL
y be said to main spoi'taneoe
e.pre' sion-. ol enthusiasm I'm ''
is iUl. t ill.' '.ii t that tin- iiniv ii,x
i still miim With onlv lort Iom
, .us as a bu I.RiMiinu loi lb.- tradi ' '
., . ..... . mi.-1-. ' ' hi InMiv i-. t In i nli i ol the Ten i
tilll- to I'CSl UflOII II ' '"" - J
pli lilllhllllK .Hill (i tile llle 111 11 .111(1 II
in .( -mi. He :i provision 101 si nom s
Mi ( 'Inn b sw 01 ih will laki chin ge i
p. i.t ol til.- linii .mil an addit ioiii'1
in i n will In .. ni (! I j I In- i imii.i in
,,,,. tl,;, ,he .H. 'Mil lew
Toilav a ii.uliiion 1
si'ile inr the iii. iiiit narce ol these new
v ill ,ele ill lv
I- ol lie- 11111111" I iinpoi lain e that som
, , ,!,,. niilklllf; "lie IHMH.I ! Ill Hie .mice ail ui
. t i ; . . . , . v ' 1 1 1 1 1 . i In. ksiii citwiti i , I innti
I. -inied last e;u when a Minn "" '
Ml ut In 111 Wii"- llos. II flolll .lllioll
,....:.,..! ..... il, I- I. mi. ..i- Mil.- HI. II el t!'. Olll.
n.h- , waslea.UM.l on .he Clc , lub. "" '"" '- '"I """' "' "'" '"" I
,U, Vtls allow-.l to .Hop ...o .U-us.. i"rf , .onnedeil will, the uiinersnyj
. . hi. The l)l:in has llle .IIIIiroMll ol i
X, u t is In nr; .inn nec.iii--
,, . v I , ., I ., u llieli I'll I ll.HK IliM illlil U I' the purpose
Ol the loalt IO .NeblilMMl Willi il
i. i .. ,.... -.ikI the, Of llloi lllleie-led to make the Tell!
iins in ejich ol Us, .inn in.
i i .1,..!,,,, i,, ii,.. ,.i))i- Pb buildiiiK aii ei n moie lively cer.
H, eiii.'e swlnn and ilnthin In tile ctioi-
i i.i ,.,,, ..,!, i,, ! "I silldollt lite .111(1 illlel'est thilll
u-. it needs only to be piopein in
in.diiced to ;he student body Its ac " ,M"N '
ceptaqce is ceitiiin s to the Inrli
lion wh.ii that anthem is sunn th" Ted Marriner Cleaner, Hatter, and
t'ornhusker Anth. m- eery Ntbriisk.m Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th.
is to rise to his 01 her feet, in tok n
ol honor to the uniersit At the P.ofcssor H. B. Alexander, of the
rally today lhi practice will pi in'o l. p.n iiinil of I'lnlosopln will address
elte'ct Its use will continue m ih. "" l"",lllt; o1 ,,,' V -M (' A- in
f.otl'll Kami- to ionic And in V ll"' M,s,t" UilU' T,,,1I1'. 'oniKht His
ears following v e)ed to see it will be. T.ible Study AmoiiK
continued N'-bii-ski. i.iidilioi.s are in l'"ncrsi. Men" The meetinK will
the makiiiK. and ihe are in our hands b.:n .it 7 o'clock
KngaKc formal iiuisk now. H.iycnsick.
Jones' Orchestra, L9GG6.
Season tickets will be on sale if
if at the "Rag" office Wednesday, if
if Thursday and Friday from 1:00 if
if to 6:00 p. m.
This Ad. Good For FOUR DOLLARS at
$25.00 TO $50.00 1028 O
Think of it Fellows You am bay
Gloves for street or full dress, and
every pair guaranteed.
If they rip any time, any place
any wherewe give you a new pair in
Not ordinary gloves, but the
emiinn'D. & JPSJempstox-&-
Place), in either Mocha or Kid--and
in black, tan, grey or white.
$1, $1.50 and $2 the pair
Armstrong Clothing Co.
Good Cloth is Merchants
Get All
"Home Coming" Souvenirs
C4 I
The University Book Store
340 N. Eleventh Street
University School of Music
Established 1894
Offers the highest class of instruction in all
branches of music.
Students may enter any time.
Anyone expecting to study music will do
well to get information concerning this
school before choosing an instructor.
Willard Kimball, Director
Ask for new catalog -:- -:- Eleventh and R Streets
Drug Cutter
7. QTODFl 1321 S M' Store
O OIMRLmO Cor 16lhnndOSU
27th and Randolph
I Try the Y. M. C. A. Luach Room I
I Cafeteria Plan I
' I City Y. M. C. A. 13th .d P I
- I 1