The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1913, Image 1
tf The Daily Nebraskan I VOL XIII. NO. 17 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913 Price. 5 Cents ..- ;'V ,' n- ' BEST SCRIMMAGE OF YEAR VARSITY PLAYS RING AROUND SCRUBS AND FRESHIES AT FAIR GROUNDS. KANSAS AGGS PROTEST ROSS Athletic Board Meets Today at Eleven to Consider Aggie's Unfair Request. (H V. HARLAN.) Rmr around rosie goes U' seene of the :m'y practice It makes on" (H. ,-i tring to follow them One ELIMINATION OF DEBATORS DECIDED BY THIS EVENING DRAMATIC CLUB MEETS TO NIGHT FOR FIRST MEETING ot !. -tlw. Twenty-five Debaters Given Final Try outs This Afternoon and Evening. The preliminary debate- to choose the members of the Intercollegiate I)e bate Seminary will be held Thursday afternoon and evening in Memorial Hall Ou C Klddoo. presiding, w.ll open the afternoon session at 4 p m The evening session will begin at 7 1 f ' p m , Ralph V. Garrett, will be pro I ing officer Contestants allowed seven, minutes, with the exception of th" first speakei on the ufhrniativ e, who will be given five minutes foi open Plans Are Under Way For First Play of Year to Be Given Soon. With the arrtingements about made foi" the Diamatlc Club tryouts, and the trvouts of the Spnro Styx to be held Salurri.'u . lnt'-rest in dramatics is ts siiming new life among the students 'I he Kosmel Klub has not yet made (h liu'le arrangements for their annual pi ixliietion I he Dramatic Club will be the dr. t one to pioduee a pla Alreadj the OLYMPICS RALLIES 7 P. M. BOTH CLA8SE8 WILL PREPARE FOR BIG INTERCLA8S CON TEST SATURDAY. ALL EVENTS TO COUNT MUCH Cnphe Representatives Necessary For Each Contest If Victory Is Expected. The fit shman and sophomore presi de nts have madt long strides in organ i 7 mi, tli-'l- cohoris foi the fight of Satin -din morning Both have appoint el v..1 -, ; nr tltr- suite rami, air '. ( ernhusker field, and . ill i' ;it V telope park esterday I,. ' : "-M-h at the Fan ground-. Af-co-iMig t. the latest reading of the st. tr constellations they are sched uled to appear toda at Cornhuskor field. And for once the said stars' (, N Vi)hU are correct. The Cornhuskcrs are going to practice this afternoon on their old rtamping grounds, Cornhusk or field Hard Practice Yesterday. The practice yesterday afternoon out on the Fair grounds was hard and consumed Bomo forty minutes For twentj, minutes the varsitv lined up against the frtshmen The balance IHU' siH'ecn 'tilti tunv iiinnii("t rf ' I,I' """ '""" bw4w" "'"'""'"H ('miiiiilllet's lo take charge of the vail- rel.t .n-als started Th" first play the initial neiiat-rs Holding numnen ' ()llH ,,V(,nh !111( i,avt )0,.n gathering from 1 to 21 inclusive will speak in uil1 P-1'" l" '' "riic Devil's Di-, bv C.eorge Ih-inard Shaw This '" i.jw. The first organized meetings of the classes as political bodies will be held tin. si ft in-iinnn 'Plume itl n imiliei Clpll laini 1.1 to IT. inclusive will try out is "I his strongest plas. and by it. in the eveninir The Indues Dean ,,1(' Dramatic Club will show ita . . . . . 1 . i. i . :.. .. I.. . I. .. a ... Tl.. f-.,l, W G Iliislii'K-. Professors. Fj(ns jw el.ange In I lie natui e ol tlie plays mat nrauiRm iii.wu.uui,. ii.mi., 1 ie (i () Viituo C A Stenh(ns "" v " hereafter pioduee ' n wll, moe" in the east end of tin i The public, is cordially Soon following the production otiAxl"ovv ,M ,,1,, K'llliHlum J"11 tl" invited lo attend these preliminaries Shaw V ' pla . "The Servant in the; GIRLS DRINK TEA AND TALK FOOTBALL AT 3:00 Stiehm Will Have Practice Game For Their Benefit at 5:00. All university gu is and women of the laculty are unite el to the- infoi- if (he period they clashed with the mnl college lea in Ait Hall this aft-scrub-, the latter using Minnesota for-1 ei nooi- Horn to ". The girls of the 11 .tioas These' 'he cream and white 1 "ion and Talladian Societj will serve jers.ei t,o - had little difliculty in j -I'ul assist in i eceiv nig Coach Stiehm M)iiig 'a fact thev plaved rlnjM,11" promised a football practic al. .unci both 'he sci ub and freshmen game at .'. and all those who can In the coui". of the scrimmage the possible arrange- to K should do so. ai-sm made what would have been Main girls ha e all eady signified their ei-ht KMiclidowiw on a regulation ' iinmtion ot going and it is expected field. Forward Passes Work Well. Thr whole catalog of varsity pla'.s was used and with satisfactory re suits Line plunges, end runs and for ward passes all came in lor their shar oi .ittnti'ti Good g.ins were made wi.h n-a"!j In- whole repoitoire E -- peei.ilh did II: worward passes m;ik .Miss Graliam will conduct tie. crowd going from I lie Art Hall while Miss Gitting.s will take charge of the compiny that lorms at the gymna sium at the same hour SIX FNTRIES TO DATE ON 1913 TENNIS CONTEST sophomoies will meet in the chapel .it the wc-l end, both meetings; to con vene at s.-en o'clock Several Hpenk ers iiom among iln upperclasBnieMi will give whin advice they deem help ful and reminiscences they retain fiom going Ihiougii the battle In for in i ;f:ii'H After the rallies, Hie tr oeli- for tli various events will b) he '.el lv both c lasaes In tlw gymnasium Th' winneis onlv in the tiyouts will compete Satin day Tlie eMits will he scored and ar lauged as follow .s Hoxing events ." points Medicine ball fight 20 points Wrestling event ."i points Hexing event f points Wiestling event Fi points The big free for-all H.'i points Total 70 points file impoi tance of securing tiblo alliletes lor tlie single events is ap parent from the fact that each ono counts f points Tlie winning of .ill 'I he sophomoies stole a maich on ,lu ''I'iKle f.enls toge llier Willi tlie l In- tieshinen and enforc.-d th' ap niedicine ball light oi the winning of nile with a vengeance dining class ,1"' fl ee-for .ill with one single event House," will do given Moth of these plavs will be produced during 'he til. -i .semester, and b the selection of such plays, and the strong casts that will produce them this will undoubted Iv piove a bannei year In dramatic" 'I lie Diamatic Club v a , the first oi gaalation in ihe school lo produce pi ivs It oigani.ed twelve eais ago. a'id up to the tmu of the lormiug of 111.- Kosmel Kiuh, it has been tlie om.v organization of it;c kind to en coinage- college diainatics It has pro duced during tnese twelve years, nunv nieinbeis w ho have gone into' acting as a prole-t-sion. Tonight tlu Diamaiic Club will hold .Us first monthly meeting of the year, in th' club rooms and moie definlt'j ai laiigemi nts made lor the tiyouts , OBERLIN SOPHS. ENFORCE RULE DURING MEETING gu..d Mastii. Heck and How.M-d got L"st Yer's V,ctor Wl" Not Enter b0 ,IIIK Mon.lav ..mining While the I "'' det.' the victors ch m s.-vtial 'lines after receiving the pu'skin '. in 1 he aii line iV.uh S .elm! expressed himself a benig i.i(h pleased with the show-. ,(" ,1,(' "'"'" ).ii nament which w.U Chances Are Good For All. Six entiles have alnadv been madi lieshinen were assembled in St urges . T1"' lgle e-venls will be inn off He has again begin Moudav Some ol the men a:e new, hut all the mateiial is good and hi'- ot the -, arsitv slulievl 'he line up Ross was back in his old place at lelt guard wj.l, ', mclic ations an' that the games w ill b' TI..II.... in .-.t rlHn LiHflo Csintain liu'' ilI1(i c-ompet Hum strong I'm J lias sevmingl.v recovered from hi- sl-ght indisposition of Tuesday night and hack in the line-up deliver'ng the goods Towle and Heck again a Tenia ted at the pivot position, Continued on page I SJ'HARO STYX COMPET1- TION, TEMPLE, SATURDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK SUGGESTED SELECTIONS AT THE DAILY -A- NEHRASKAN OFFICE. Hall lor election of ofliceis th' w il sophs slipped into the vestibule and leinoved all but the regulation caps fiom the hooks These weie taken to a local clothing store with the undei .standing that they could be redeemed when their owners had bought or other- 'llii.s tmu nament otters an opportuu-' W1SU I)rodnced the regulation "peanuf It v for those who do not care to enter I jM,a(j(ar the football strife to win a coveted "X" as well as the desirable loving cup which will be awarded to the .v inner by the athletic management. Guv Williams last year champion as well as city champion will be out again this year. However some of the I. 1.-. iiilcklv as po sible between the new players bid well to give him a close chase for the final honors and trophy. Drill Lockers will be on sale today for the last time. They may be ob tained at-the eiuartermaster's office. L. A Hickman, Q. M. Take heed, Nebraska sophs Stock Judflinfl Team Home. winneis ol the lipoids. In the medi cine ball llghl, the two teams of aboet twiitv fivi men each picked from t lio two -lasM s will be lined up some I oily lods a pa it with a twenty foot pel mid .a between. The object oi the e-Milehi.inis will be to seeuro Hi.- heavv medicine ball from the top oi the pole and get it over the goal line of either side. In the free-for-all all the members of the classes will The Nebraska Stock judging team '" enter d en masse. The two bodies returned yesterday from the Royel will be lined facing each other on Stock Show at Kansas City where '' V respective goal lines. At a given they placed fourth. Ames Missouri Continued on paKc 3 and Kansas placed above the Hunker! . team. The men who took the trip' -fc.. were F. R. Truinhle; C J. Schulte, I -fc K. C. Fonts. V. J. Heine, and S. Cham beriain. The judge who through the r Juniors meet today at 11:30 jAf in Memorial Hall. Important. - boys Into the ueuthn of hard luck was y. w W. L Carlylc of Moscow Idaho. RALLY FOR THE TEAM-11:00 MEMORIAL HALL