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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1913)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 3ln 03r lap Pages From Pat Hlttory 1903 Tin University of Nebraska Is in vited to Join a proposed oratorical league to be composed of tho stato universities ljing in the Mississippi valley. 1904 . The women's building was thrown open to the faculty and townspeople. Much interest was taken in the affair, as this is the first year that Lincoln can boast of a building devoted entirely to women. 1908 The cadet band wins out in Its peti tion for a room for regular practice. Through the efforts of the band offi cers and Captain Workizer a room was secured In Memorial Hall. 1909 Professor Fogg of the University de bating board announces a prize of $60 to be given to the University inter collegiate debaters this year. The prize is the gift of ex-CJovernor Sheldon of the class of 1892. Johnson, for three years star end on the University "of Nebraska, football Held, and now a law student in the University of Wisconsin, has offered his .ser ices gratis to that university as a coach to the Badger ends. 1910 The University of Nebraska geologi cal department Ih performing some aluable teM-, upon shale deposits dls coered near Falrbury A favorable icport of these tests may mean a big boom for the state of Nebraska JUNIOR CLASS WILL ACT ON INNOVATION TOMORROW Continued from page 1 GIRLS' RALLY A SUCCESS PLENTY OF SPIRIT DISPLAYED "Pep" Displayed Leads to Conclusion That Girls Are Most Active Rooters. The rally yesterday morning went off with a spirit and enthusiasm show ing that it is no farce, but that the co-eds are really interested In football and all that will tend to help the Corn buskers win. Miss Gladys Hunt, president of the Rlack Masques, was in charge of the rally. Under the direction of Mrs. Ray mond "The Cornhusker" was rendered with a vim. (Juy Reed commended the girls on their general interest and the whole some feeling that exists between the men and women of I he University He further urged the girls to deprive the men of their company and go in alone to the games, saying a better spirit would bo croatod by thin method.- TRY IT TODAY COLLEGE INN CAFETERIA 1132 Q STREET First-Class Food Immediate Service Lowest Prices A Restaurant especially for Univer sity Men and Women. are dire(tl responsible and who will do the work themselves can be de pended mi where a large committee who is not used to taking care of such matters will not do the work. The result in the latter case is a large deln u mi h as the two upper classes tared last ear These are the argu ment alauced by the proposers of ih eei mie council, or board ol man .i - i plan Miss Graham mentioned what prog ress has been made in furthering in terest in athletics among the girls In a short time, and as rooting is not always a startling success when un dertaken by the girls, suggested tho plan of each girl carrying a banner of the colors and displaying them at all opportune times. How to tell when such times occur was discussed by Miss Ina (lit tings, who said each girl should become acquainted with the game and its rules so she will be able to support her own team and not through any mistake boost for the op posing squad. For Thursday afternoon Coach Reed has arranged a practice game and in ited the girls to be witnesses They can also practice the discharging of their enthusiasm at well spaced inter vals It is hoped that many girls will go to the Held Thursday afternoon after the college tea in Art Hall Or Saturday afternoon all who wish may meet at the gymnasium and with Miss (Jlttings go in a body to witness the game with the Kansas Aggies n WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co li AND O STREETS L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb. Preserve Your College Work The L. C. Smith & Bros. Type Avriter is invaluable to college stu dents who want a record of their college work after graduation. We give special attention to the needs of students. We have type writers to rent, as well as to sell. A few rebuilt machines at a bargain. THIRD UNI GIRLS' TEA THURSDAY Union and Palladian Girls Will Serv in Art Hall. i 'I he third of the series ot informal college teas will be held in Art Hall' Thursday afternoon from ' to f. The giris of the Union and Palladian So cieties will serve and will assist in l receiving. Many of the women of the, university are forming tho "tea" habit. AT. aie, invited. Drop in Thursday, hae a cup of tea, meet your fellow students, and become acquainted with Art Hall. The paintings are worth your study. Special Afternoon and Evening Classes IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS at hours to suit University students. We enroll many University students each year. You are invited to visit the school and get particulars. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere Cor. 14th and 0 Sts. :: :: :: Electric Building School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 12th St-Funke Bdg. Everything for the Office ( y Engage formal music now. Hagensick. Louise Chase of Hastings is visit ing at the Alpha Omicion IM house. Enoch Nelson, scholar in botany, re turned yesterday from Montana, where he has been engaged in forest survey. Waldman's Orchestra, phone L-9543. Leader, a student of University. Doan Fordyce leaves this noon for York, where in an address before the annual convention of the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs he will make a plea for the Introduction of the industrial arts in the public schools. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. CLASSES CHOOSE MEN. (Continued from Page 1) was cast, a total of IlIIH Green caps 'abound at the polls throughout the j day, the first-year men picking up ibe i rudiments of the game quickly enough, i Practically every one who passed Me I mortal Hall, whether professor or stu dent, was solicited by a green-capped youngster to vote for his man I Class Scrap at Polls. Not a little excitement was caused during the afternoon by an attempt of the sophomores to keep the first-year men back of a line fitty feet from the Armory entrance. They were at first successful, but the frosh refused to stay put, and kept swarming back un til the older men gave it up as a bad job and allowed them to canvass for votes. A large crowd gathered within a few moments to see the fun. He yond a few torn clothes and scratched faces no damage resulted. Committee appointments will be given out within a few days, declare the newly elected presidents, and in side of a week class affairs will be running Binoothly. It Is imperative In the lower classes that the Olympics committee be appointed at once, as the annual struggle between the two takes place Saturday morning, Octo ber 11. Sophomore Appointment. It W Gentzler, newly elected presi dent ol" the sophomore class, an nounced late last night the following men as menibeis or the Olympic com mittee: Chairman Marcus L. Poteet. Class Rush .Jack Emley, Roy Cam eron. Races- J 1, McMasters Wrestling -Garret Folken. Medicine Hall G. F. Liebendorfer, Paul Temple. Hoing Walter Hlxenbaugh. STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE First class family board for a limited num ber or students; two blocks from Uni versity; rates $4 per week. 143G S st. Phone M-GL'SG. LOST Opal stick pin. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. LOST Nebraska seal pin; call L4151. LOST Lady's finger riig, moonstone surrounded with small diamonds. Return to Rag office.