The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1913, Image 3
I ! ! pt 'iw THI DAILY MIBBAIKAN THEATRES Oliver Theater Today 2:30 Tonight 8:15 THE WHITE SLAVE Night 25c to $1. Mat. 50c & 25c. FrL, 8aL &. Sat, Mat., Oct. 10-11 THE T1K TOK MAN OF OZ 100 People. Augmented Orchestra Night $2 to 50c Mat $1 to 50c ENGINEERS RECONSTRUCT CONSTITUTION FOR THIS YEAR ORPHEUM Thurs., Fri Sat Oct. 9-10-11. MILTON POLLOCK & CO. "SPEAKING TO FATHER." WILL ROGERS The Oklahoma Cowboy "THE TITANIC OI3A8TER" LORNA and TOOTS .POUNDS "The Ohai'itiing Atretrattan Misses GENE MULLER TRIO LAFRANCE &. McKNAB FRANCES &. DEMAR Mat. Thura., Fri., 15 25c. Sat., 15, 25c, 50c. Night at 8:15. Prices 15, 25, 35, 50 arid 75c. Committees Are Appointed and -Interest Aroused by Officers of Socioty. On account of the inefficiency nnd lnck of interest on the pnrt of tho members as well as those serving on committeos last year, the constitution of the Engineering Society and other minor details concerning Its welfare have been reconstructed and a new foundation put under things. Under the new constitution it is the purposo of the society that each department of the engineering college shall become responsible for their portion of interest and enthusiasm displayed In the En gineering Society. In order to arouse the true spirit of loyalty among the engineers, the vari ous committees and officers have been appointed and are busying themselves with the following schedules for the Lyric Theatre Mon., Tues., Wed., October 6-7-S. KNIGHT BROS & SAWTELLE DIXON &. HANSON In "Joining the Navy." PHOTO PLAY8 "Salvation Sal" "OUR NEIGHBORS" "A RAY OF GOD'S SUNSHINE PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY Three Shows Dally 2, 7, 9 a. m. Mat. All Seats 10c. Night 15c. TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14th O Street semester: Engineers' Smoker, Oct 17 H E Cotton (chairman), F. G. Gunther, W. A. Nelson. Engineers' Hop L. A. Hickman (chairman), L. W. Harte (M C), It. P. Wagner. Orpheum I'arty W. A. Dauman (chairman), H. F. Kramer, C A. At well. Membership Committee of Engineers' Society L. S. Phares (chairman), G. E. Thompson, L. E. fckman, Charles Wohlford, I) P Weeks. In view of he fact that the Engineer ing Society holds its regular meetings on Thursday of the third week of each month, and that each department in turn has charge of the program, the following schedule has been made and approved to avoid any conflict or mis understanding on the part of the vari ous branch societies- Oct. 15 U. N. S C. E. Nov. 19 A. S. A. E. Dec. 17- A. S. M. E. Jan. 21 A I. E. E. Feb 18 U. N. S. C. E. Mar 18 A. S. A. E. Apr 15 A S. M. E. May 20- A. I. E E IWW fL COLLAR A Graceful Hlh Band Notch Collar. 2 for 25 oeati Cloett. Peabody ft Co.. Ino. Makar MISS STERKEL Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Switch Making LADIES AND GENTLEMEN B-4420 Room 402, Brownell Blk. FEMALE RACQUET TOURNA MENT ALSO ON THE SCHEDULE Will Begin October 25 After the Men's Finals Have Been Played. Another Held of athletic activities will be invaded by the co-eds when they will hold their tennis tournament Saturday, the 25th The aim of Miss Gittlngs and Miss Pound, who are managers of the n flair, is to encour i;;e inoi girls 'o vhiy the game It has been announced that Misses Lottie Savage and Linklepaugh, who ire considered champions, will not en ter the contest, so the average players will have a good chance of reaching the finals. Those who wish to get In practice may use the courts near the football grounds. STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE First class family board for a limited num ber of students; two blocks east of University; rates, $4 per week. 1436 S. st. Phono B-6256. Loeb's Orchestra, L-9896 or B-1392. Civil Engineers, Attention. The C. E. division of the Engineer ing Society will hold their first meet ing In M 206 tonight at 7:30. This meeting is an important one and a good attendance is urged. Freshmen and sophomores should be there and acquire an early interest in this soci ety. Committee. The Cafeteria of the University YiM.C. A. Reasons for the High Cost of Living : Abuse of free privileges. Waste of food, taking more than one can eat. Careless use of equipment by customers. Choosing food for its pleasant taste rather than for its nourishing quality. Help to reduce the cost to yourself. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George BrOB., Printers, 1313 N street. The University School of Music Established 1894 Offers the highest class of instruction in all branches of music. Students-may-nter-any-timer Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning this school before choosing an instructor. Willard Kimball Director Ask for new catalog -:- -;- Eleventh and R Streets WE ARE GOING TO The Huffman's General Supply House For our SCHOOL and OFFICE Supplies We get more for our money at 208 South 11th Street -:- -:- Lincoln DOROTHY HOPE WITH MILTON POLLOCK & CO., AT ORPHEUM, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Subscribe for the "Rag"