The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1913, Image 2
mw THE DAILY NEBBABKAN QUj Satiy NrbraBkatt Property of THK UNIVERSITY OF NEBRA8KA Lincoln. M. V. REED Edltor-ln-Chlof Managing Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Konnoth M. Snydor John L. Cutright Fred N. Wells Business Managor J. L. Drlscoll Assistant Manager Frank 8. Perkins Subscription price $2.00 per year, payablo In advance. Single Copies, 6 cents each Bntorod at the postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Hecond-clasB mall matter, under tho Act of CongresH or March 3, 1879. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1913 THE SPOILS SYSTEM. Tn tio vlntnr hl'lmilTH till' Hlioll K I VCIflh",th"fHTnT")onil'Onl HltuntlnfT-fn lowing th Kcncinl clans election may be dlsmlBsu'd Class prcHldcntH arc elected on a niiinbcr of considerations, one of which Ih their ability to collect a following and keep said following appeased before, during, and arter the election. The lne liable follows-the spoils Bystem goes into effect with the count of the laBt vote Yet with the growing demand for ctllclent manage ment of class affulrs. due to the recent trouble of the upper classes over linan clal affairs, the spoils system is under going some little change for the better. Chairmen of Important committees are chosen in advance by the candidates. They are supposed to contain some few of the characteristics which go to make up the elements of their work. And tho personal responsibility which rests upon committeemen under the roglino of audited accounts goes a long wny toward securing the services of only those men who are willing to assume this responsibility Whether it is "to the voter belong the spoils," or "to the victor," it makes; little difference to the campus as long as tho affairs of the clasB are conduct ed smoothly and without effort on the part of tho rest of the classmen. Glee Club Auounces Complete List of Men First Practice Tonight After the second Glee Club tryout held last Monday night the following men were eelectod to represent the club for tho coming yenr. The list 1b complete to date, Including both old and new membcrB, though a few may he added later In the BeaBon. FlrBt practice will be held in tho Temple music hall thlB evening at 7:?6 sharp, and every Monday and Wednesday nights hereafter. All men are asked to report tonight. First Tenor Dunaway. Paul Gris wold, M S. Swaynie, William Aldrlch, A P Miller. Robert Flnley, James Aldrlch. Second Tenor J Allison, Westover, Clarence Mickel, Malcom Curtis. Clyde Stewart, Lester Westling Ft Btts H-enry WtniH-tH ttumwl Isiael. Earl Keeker, Clarence Clark, Aithur Emley, F L. Hancock Second Hass Scott. Dana Cole, Vir gil llaggart. Rex Rlxby, W II Power, It Westover, Freeman Penne iBiBBBBV-PVKILBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW jfilBlisSBBBBBBBBBBBBB A Vll It 'iXimfPf9K9Mj miiBBfasTgtSiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ifiSwIfMKMgsmfiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBf 4aKYSjlKr'-iSBBBBBBBBBW H. Sk. U rt W sjjm jsj sm m wmm m Spikes. Tho freshman Interfraternity will Initiate two men from each of the national fraternities at 7 o'clock Thurs day evening at the Delta Tau Dolta house. The Tuesday evening vesper service was made very attractive through two special features, a song by Miss Rob bins and an informal talk by Dr. Whar ton. He reminded the girls of the privileges which each day brings. Ho urged that each one repay the sacri fices of the "home folks" by develop ing a. nobler womanhood. He warned the girls especial against the (lunger of "never growing up," saying they must make the world feel that their lives were worth while JoneB' Orchestra, L-9666. $2.50 buys a MOORE'S NON- LEAKABLE pen or a BIG BEN alarm clock WE HAVE BOTH HALLET E.f. 1871 Ui. Jeweler 1143 0 St. Ye Freshmen Dames Hold Secret Conclave With Dean of Women Yesterday-Why? An air of mustery pervades the cam pus these days. First, it was the under current of politics, and now Miss Gra ham, dean of women, has got the fever Yesterday afternoon she had a secret meeting with some freshmen girls Not secret in the tact that it wasn't known around the campus, but lather in the fad that the purpose of lie meeting could not be gleaned from iim source. Repeated attempts to get lie "dope" on the meeting failed, but lie ininoi started that the meeting a- ailed to talk to sorority spikes. I'h is report was proven false, but ye -tudtnt body is anxious to know why Mivs Graham should make the meeting I'rhate and then ask the girls to keep mum. VARSITY LINE IMPROVING. I Continued from page 1 I back into form. Their presence Ib a ' great asset to the varsity line. I Football Rally Thursday. Tomorrow at 11 o'clock in Memorial Hall there will bo a big football rally, i It will be peppery and full of interest. The band will be out and the nan should be tilled to the guards with howling football enthusiasts. Some of the members of the varsity will speak and there will be other speeches. Coach Stiehm thinks, and he is quite right, that more fans should be out to encourage tho team during practice. Thursday's practice should see a large number of fans out. including the band It means a great deal to the team, for then they know that the Uni versity Is with them all the time. Time and place of Thursday's practice will be in the Daily Nebraskan Thursday morning Come out, all ye loyal Ne braska sons SPHARO STYX COMPETI- TION, TEMPLE, SATURDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. SUGGESTED SELECTIONS AT THE DAILY NEHRASKAN OFFICE. TACKLE your winter tasks in this active man's undefwear. 'DOWN" all the oldifashion ed underwear discomforts and hit the line hard in ''Superior" the per feet union suit. CAN'T GAP IN THE SEAT CAN'T BIND IN THE CROTCH THE PERFECT UNION SUIT ' w - They cost no more than the ordinary $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3,50, $4, $4.50, $5, $6.50 Armstrong Clothing Co. Good Clothes Merchants We Cater to Student Trade ll I . - Our Dining Room is Complete to serve you anything in the Eatable Line. Open after the Shows, Dances and Parties. We make our own Ice Cream, Sherbets and Punches for Parties. THE FOLSOM CAFE 1315-31 N St. :: Lincoln, Nebraska Decorate Your Rooms UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE it Riggs Drug Cutter I "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Luim Cafeteria Plan City Y. M. C. A. 13 R oom o CTADFQ 132) St- M"'n Store ! Cor. 16th and O St.. and P 27th and Randolph N