THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 I u I THE CAFETERIA OF THE UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. Please have as nearly the correct change as you can. Please do not bring bills to change, it is an incon venience to those who are behind you. Please do not handle such articles as bread, rolls and fruit. Some one else will probably have to eat what you have needlessly handled. If you are very busy you can get your lunch much more quickly after 1 2:30. THE CAFETERIA In The Temple Decorate Your Rooms UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE BENGSTON'S BOOK A STANDARD Laboratory Manual on Physical Geog raphy Adopted by Many Schools. Herein roports from (he ('lilrnRO pub lislieis indicate that 1'rofenHor Henn ton's Laboratoi Manual on I'hvulral (leoKrapln Ik coining to be tile (stand ard treatise for blub hcIiooIh the conn tiv over It h beJnn adopted by many hih schools, especially in the enst New Haven, Connecticut, recently or dered over .'toil copies and the sale for tills year will run over 10,000 copies Hefore this manual was published It was tried out In the hlh schools of Nebraska by University graduates to insure its being a practical work. Its .very wide adoption and use testify to its carelul and accurate preparation K. U. MEN EVADE RULE. To avoid the temptation of breaking training, the suad of varsity football THEATRES ORPHEUM Thur., Fri., Sat., Oct. 2, 3. 4 Gus Edwards' KID KABARET With Eddie Cantor and George Jessel and a Company of 20 KLEVER KID KOMIKS 20 Fred Hamill and Charlie Abate ARENERA BARTHOLD'S BIRDS FIDDLER & SHELTON SHEPPARD & GEORGE Eddie Mack and Dot Williams The University School of Music Established 1894 Offers the highest class of instruction in all branches of music. Students may enter any time. Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning this school before choosing an instructor. Willard Kimball Director Ask for new catalog -:- -:- Eleventh and R Streets men are mil maliiCttntng a "tnitntiig table," hut are boarding together at theii own expense in order to obtain wholesome, muscle-making food at 1 .'t 2 4 Vermont. The menu consists of food will h will keep the men in shape and no cake, pie, and other pastry are set be fore Mosse's warriors. The customary training regulations are being kept by the .lavhawker squad. Tobacco in any form is prohibited and the gridiron men are supposed to keep early hours DAILY KANSAN Art Exhibit Soon. There will be an exhibit of mural wall paintings, as photographs and orig mal studies, in the University Art (Jal lerv beginning with the end of this week These paintings have been se cured from the American Federation of Fine Arts at Washington, I). ('. The exhibit will be here for two or three weeks, during which time the gallery will be open every week day and Sun day afternoon, free to all. Lyric Theatre THUR., FRI., SAT. OCT 2, 3, 4 THE TOONA INDIAN CO. From the War Dance to Classic On the evening of September 24th, Doctor Condra addressed the National Farmer.s Congress at Piano, Illinois. Delegates were present from every state except two. Doctor Condra spoke on Nebraska's Development using views to illustrate his lecture. At the close of his lecture ho showed the views of the Better Babies Con test held at the Nebraska State Fair. These views attracted the most inter est of any single feature of the Con gress and brought forth universal fav orable comment. Special Afternoon and Evening Classes IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS at hours to suit University students. We enroll many University students each ear. You are invited to visit the school and get particulars. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere Cor. 14th and 0 Sts. :: :: :: Electric Building -. Riggs Drug Cutter 3CTADPC 1321 O St.. Main S O 1 UfltiO Cor. 16lh and O St. ZYlh ana rvanaoipn itore Dr. Clapp has kindly consented to help the military department by giv ing the cadets a course in calisthenics. About one-third the drill hours of the first-year men are now being devoted to these instructions. The second-year men will take up the work later. Loeb's Orchestra, L-98 or B-1392. The Acoth sorority will have a dancing party in the Music hall of the Temple tonight. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. Dean Davis will speak on the "Brit ish Park" at convocation Tuesday, Oc tober 7 AValdman's Orchestra, phone 1-.-D543. Leader, a student of University. J The German Dramatic Club will meet Monday evening, October 7, from 7 to 8 in Faculty Hall in the Temple. It is important for all the members to be present. Professor Cornell, leader of the Uni versity cadet band, will probably give the first-year men another tryout. If bo, the date will be announced later. Jones' Orchestra, L-9666. TVJANULL ALLXANDEH & CO. In "The New Stenographer." "A Proposal from the Sculptor" Pathe's Weekly and Others Three Shows Dally 3, 7. 9. P.M. Matinee, all seats 10c: Nights 15 L Showing Only Feature Films J I Friday" and Satin da 1 I The Battle o, Ft. Laramie, 2 teels, 1 SATURDAY HOLIDAY, By Bio I I Day ofthe'.Pony Express University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED VsTotck COLLAR A Graceful Hlh Band Notch Collar. 2 (or 25 cents Cluett. Peabody & Co . Inc. Maker TRY OUR LUNCHEONETTES They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. Lincoln Candy Kitchen South West Corner 14th O Street