THE DAILY UBRASKAN MANY ADDITIONS MADE TO UNIVERSITY FACULTY More Appolntmonta Are Made Than for any Year Previou, Due to Growth. Ah n n'Hiilt of tho growth of tho UniviHl(y morn nppolntmontH hnve been inndo for tlilg year than In any year previous Tho following arc the addltloim to the faculty for thin year: K. K Copenian, asslHtant In mechani cal engineering; K. II. Varna, analst- nnt In mechanical engineering; S. D. Ivamphero. toolkeeper In mechanical engineering; Hazel Mellck, ntenograg pher in mechanical engineering; It. W. EHIh, aBHlHtant In muaoum; Beanie L. Park, iiiBtnictor in phyHlcal education; Heater M IliiHk, Inatructor In agri culture botany, R R. I3rackett, InBtruc tor In agriculture engineering; Maud Wilaon, inatructor In home economlcB; JoBale (Jreene, Inatructor In home eco nonilcH; RiiHaell JeiiHen, InBtructor In phyBlc'H, Q Tool, inatructQr in phy--eiefl-: Prawn Dunham, liiHtl'llL'tOT III" teaching of Herman (TeacheiH College High School). Rllzabeth II. (Jrennan, Inatructor in mathematical W .B. Sadi- lek, inatructor In teaching of German (TeacheiH College High School); I. F. Garey, assistant In physical aclonce; R. B VIl.e aasiHtant in phyalca; W. L. Cheney, asiatant In phyaica; Wil liam NeuawanKer, aaalatunt in phyalcs; C. Is Hem, assistant in Chancellor a olllce. George H. Brother, assistant in agriculture chemistry; Kllle Myers, laboratory assistant in animal pathol ogy; A c Whltford, assistant In geol ogy and mu'-Muin, Cecelia M Stenuer, aBsiatant in romance languages. Fred R. Hanl', .iistant in romance lan guages. II K Vaaey, assistant in agri culture iioianv , Carrie M I'reston, as aiBtant in farm departments; A R. Anderson, ar-siatant in agriculture ex tenalon. Iluldah Peterson, assistant in ngriculture Menaion; R. R Rwing, aa slatant in horticulture; C. K. Morse, aBBiatant in educational theory and practice, C Helm, aaslatant In ex perimental agronomy; Rarl S Bishop, aBsiatant chemist to agriculture ex periment station; R. L. Goldsmith, as sistant to superintendent of construc tion; O R Martin, aaslatant professor of accounting and business adminis tration h Hazel Wilaon, library assist ant; Fern Forman, library aaslatant; R. D. Comstock, dairyman in dairy husbandly. Henry Blumberg, instruc tor In Miath.-maties; Neal T Childs, Saturday Morning SPECIAL 200 Doz. Lisle Hose ALL COLORS 7 C PAIR 6 Pair for 45c See our windows KLINES 1132 0 Street adjunct profeaaor of forestry; George W. Hood, aaBoelate professor of hor ticulture; H. W. Upson, profeaaor of agriculture chemlBtry; L. V. Beaulieu, profeaaor of law; S Louise Vlnlng, su pervlaor of woman'a dormitory; R. F. Glider, archaeologlBt to Btate museum; H. B. Carpenter, adjunct professor In animal hiiBbandry; R. G. Woodward, adjunct professor In dairy husbandry; Malcolm G. Wyer, librarian; P. K. Romer, scholar In Greek, history, and literature; George A. Collett, scholar In zoology; Paul B. Soara, Bcholar In botany; Rdna R .Miller, fellow In chem latry; Rdna R. Llndley, acholar In (Jreey, hlatory, and literature; Francis Thurber, acholar in chemlatry; Ethel Is Howie, fellow In European history; J. R. Smith, fellow In philosophy; I,enoro Muhleis, fellow In Germanic languages; Mary R. Atkins, follow In Rngllsh and literature; Blanch Lyman, fellow In American history; Lucretla F. Whitehead, fellow In Germanic lan guages; Mayme Dworak, fellow In bot any; Bertha Kramer, fellow In holajiy;- Jesale Lee, fellow in botany; Rachel Holmes, fellow in botany; H. W Mark ward, scholar In botany; R. W. Nelson, scholar in botany; Hazel Burdick, ste nographer in agriculture engineering; Marie Hart wig, stenographer in agri culture extenalon; Gertrude Taylor, stenographer in agriculture extension; Edith L. Burdick, stenographer in farm oflices; Rdith L. Johnson, atenographer in farm oflices; Rdna M Beaty, ste nographer in farm offices, Mertie Wat son, stenographer in farm oflices; Lil lian Biel, bulletin clerk at University Farm; Charles B Rice, storekeeper In chemistry, Ethel Beaty, clerk in agiiculture botanv . D T. Lane, clerk in agriculture extension; L C.Stevens, clerk in agriculture extenalon; T. H. Burdorf. storekeeper in agriculture en gineering. The following have received appoint ment out of town- The CurtlHH Agriculture School E I P Hodapp, instructor in science; E. R. Gross, Instructor In farm mechanics; G. H Ward, engineer, W S. Merrill, foreman; Ellen A. Anheuser, instruc tor in German and mathematics; Anne J Beams, inatructor in English and mathematics; Frankie Schneider, sec retary of Curtis Agriculture School. Omaha Medical College Oscar T. Schultz, professor of pathology and bacteriology; Aldis J. Johnson, instruc tor In pathology and bacteriology; Mar garet F Qulnlan, stenographer and clerk STOCK JUDGING TEAM LEAVES FOR KANSAS CITY SATURDAY Will Take Part in the Royal Stock Judging Contest Oct. 6. Saturday the Agricultural College will send its stock judging team to the Royal Stock Show, which will start Monday, October t. Tho number of men trying out for this team has been larger than ever before. The competition Is keen and close. It looks as though we will have aB good a team as last year. The team last year won first place. The swimming proposition tor co eds has evaporated. The only hours that the Y. M. C. A. pool can be ob tained are from 7 to 11 a. in. Mias Gittings baa stated that It is very doubtful If they will accept these hours as few girls could take advantage of them. Loeb's OrcheBtra, L-9896 or B-1392. THE CAFETERIA OF THE UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. Please have as nearly the correct change as you can. Please do not bring bills to change, it is an incon venience to those who are behind you. Please do not handle such articles as bread, rolls and fruit. Some one else will probably have to eat what you have needlessly handled. If you are very busy you can get your lunch much more quickly after 1 2:30. THE CAFETERIA In The Temple Decorate Your Rooms UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE The University School of Music Established 1894 Offers the highest class of instruction in all branches of music. Students may enter any time. Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning this school before choosing an instructor. Willard Kimball Director Ask for new catalog -:- -:- Eleventh and R Streets Special Afternoon and Evening Classes IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS at hours to suit University students. We enroll many University students each year. You are invited to visit the school and get particulars. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere Cor. 14th and 0 Sts. :: :: Electric Building "SPA" Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room I Cafeteria Plan I City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P I Riggs Drug Cutter 3 STORKS o s M store (Jr I till H lfiih ..wi r t. 27th and Randolph B5j!aaesKSSK2SS9l'1iSU,, ;js33r':X?:i "w$e","-"'M u3j. M -n irtna m i 1 A c -H i "-----;ggriiWiWii:( LZ TTT I IICTfci