The Daily Nebraskan VOL XIII. NO. 13 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER , 1913 Price, 5 Cents t. FEW NEW FOOTBALL RULES ADVANTAGES ARE ALL ON THE SIDE OF THE "HEADY" PLAYERS. FORWARD PASS RULE IMPORTANT FRESHMEN CAPS GO RAPIDLY SUPPLY TO BE REPLENISHED On Side Kick Comes Into Its Own Agaip Will Be Used a Great Deal. (H V HARLAN ) New football rule-, this- .veai arc not man) The channel Mich as the are, an- i;i r,ior of the heath pla.ver and Ui- t .ini that liberal! spi inkles brainy with its brawn Tin- old stle of play wlit-i'1,1 main strength and awkwaid ii - a ere relied upon to win games hah !- n replaced b the open, snapp, "hadv" mode ol plavum The new gain" is better foi the pla.veis It is also much better liked b the fans because of the fact that the can fol low its workings to a greater degree. Forward Pass Rule. The most striking and inteiesting mle is the oii- which states that when a foi ward pass is tin own out of bounds befoM striking the giound in tin- field of play the ball shall go to tin- opponent at the point wheie it niisspil the h-deline The significance ol this r"le s great and Its lmpoit ha- not been -tasped In main teams In In n t t .'.ins that if a team is haul press. (' and close to their goal line, and s- , ' to get the ball away from tli. it j-ponents, that the safe thnm for tip i to do is to make a for' watd pass tt , r will crostf thp Bideline as lar down n- field as is possible to throw it rj is takes the ball away from the da-.-er point, for the oppo nents must i it the ball into play by sci linmaue ;i' The point where the for w.ud pass c .--,ed the sideline This is ,i " ich better method than kicking Eti-ci.illy is this true if a bad wind is Slowing With a hard wind the ki -. is a decidedly uncer tain pKx-'Mh - because the opponents mm recover 11 and run the ball back a long di't.i ' e. or een store An othei jioint -amst the kick is the fat t that it'- opponents rnav signal foi a fait ea n and in that case they hae their c .oice of kicking or put tins; the baJ mto play by scrimmage, oi ma f in -.ike a chance at a field goal To sum ur then, the out of-bounds-foiward pas'- net hod is the logical one to use wlun i team is being pushed ba k onto tnir goal, if they can get the ball awa from their opponents, for two reasons the defensive team has no than e to tiy for a field goal, and there is no chance of the catcher running it lack tor a possible touch down Great Chance for a Thrower. This pla .k the chance of a lifetime for the man who can heave the pig skin for distances of thirty or forty yards, even if he is not up to stand ard otherwise There is a rule that allows the substitution of a player at the beginning of the second and third quarters and any time during the final Continued on page 2 V Convocation Arouses Lots of Pep in First-Year Men, Who Don Head gear Eagerly. The eagerness with which the fresh men bought up the flist shipment of raps was more than gratifying Crowd Ing into the store irnmedlatclv aftei the freshman convocation, a constant stream of the fioBh kept the clerks busj for one da passing the milliner out until all were disposed of by the noon of the succeeding day A wire sent immediate! to the manufacturer h has resulted in a second shipment ol seveinl bundled on the vva.v, which is expected to illTlVP belot'e Hie end ot. the week The spirit the flistear men have shown in the ap mattei Is far more commendable than that shown last ear Not a little opposition, or. to sa the least, listlessness, was shown last ear in purchasing the top pieces, and a still gi eater lack ol interest was shown among the present sophomores In continuing the custom tin oughout the veai alter the noelt ot the lash ion had w 01 n off I It is the earnest hope of those in ,( liaise ol the tieshnian tap sstem that t lie pi i -sent lit oph tes w ill of thei' own .Ktoid and without constant urg I IliU pit set e the (listolll foi the re iiiaindei ol then fust eai in school Along with main other tiaditions and customs that aie found to make sc hool life a nun e inteiesting realit and a , nun e pleasant ineinoi in neighboring .colleges, there is lacking the power on tin part of the upper classes to force fieshmen into wealing the caps In I one northern school it is the practice I to give a stubborn frosh a dip in a I lake that lies conveniently near the , campus At Nebraska, however, the I unwilling freshman must be allowed to follow his own wavward course, and itbose who refuse to express anv Inter est in school life must be allowed to test undisturbed in their own ignorant unconcern H adherence to the cus torn a greater class interest and a consequently more general school in teiest will be engendered FRATS PLEDGE AT LAST TEAM LOST IN GREEN HAZE AFTER DELAY IN GETTING INFOR.STARTLINQ EXHIBITION STAGED MATION FROM REGISTRAR DR. LEES LIFTS BAN. ON CORNHUSKER FIELD YE8TERDAY. Owing to Suddenes6 of Granting Per mission Some Are Caught Un awares and Will Announce Them Later. GIRLS' CLUB TAG DAY I EXCEEDS ALL EXPECTATIONS' I Big Progress Made Satisfies Miss Gra i ham Who Anticipates New I Building. i I The results of the University Gills' I Club tag day were full up to expecta tions, although details as to the num-J I her of tags disposed of has not been I learned Miss Graham expressed her I self as highly pleased with the progress i the club Is making and is earnestly looking forward to the time when the oung ladies will have their own quar ters In the form of a beautiful building. Those having found it impossible to se I c ure tickets on tag day can still be ! come members by paying the stipu lated amount, 3f cents, at Miss Gra ham's jofllce. Meeting of the German Dramatic Club Monday evening from 7 to 8 In Faculty Hull (Temple). All members requested to be present. After a three days' postponement Oieek Maternities w el e allowed to pledge esteida Monda was the original da.. but failure to cornpl with some ol the rules caused a slight dela in the tonnalities About the Usual number of men wnr.njiltUua-Uy- rhe individual Gieeks, with possibh a lew more Lincoln men than are usual 1 seen in the lists Owing to the irregular date set tor pledging there was a niisundei standing among se eial of the societies and the complete libt is not available at present The lollowing names have been sent In Mpha Tan Omega Don Miller. Heat i ice William Maxwell, Head ice, Cl.vde Dernster. Heatiice llernard Tow nseiitl llaivaicl. Aithui Schwartz, Sutton missel Mien, Lincoln, V II S hu m.ikei, Dewitt Claud Dalle Hell w ood Heta I'lieta I'i lt Miller, Net le , (!u Chamber hu, Hlue Springs, I Kniltle, Sioux Cit. la John It Stod d.iid, LiiMoln, Mollis Loomis, Omaha Delta Tan Delta Max Haeln, St Haul, eb John Carroll, Fiemont, Vnml Haggait.St Haul; Chan Helper, aleiitine. Glenn Kobh, David City, Donald Stevens, Beatrice, Norman Ste veils, Heat 1 ice, Earnest Young, Scott s bluff. Delta Upsilon L G Hovvey, Lin coln; Ernst lloppe, Lincoln, Stewart Clair, Lincoln, Guy C Chambers, Shi ne. Albeit Greenlee, Sidney, M M Curtis, Hushville; For rest Miller. Sa betha, Kans , Leroy J Haine, Wag ner, S D Phi Delta Tln-t.i Uobeit Carlson, Omaha, L.vle Uushton, Omaha, Frank Keavis, Falls Cit.v , Raymond Dov le, Lincoln, Warren Woodward, Lincoln; Cat I Rtngw alt, Omaha I'hi Gamma Delta Albeit Hiyson, Fulleiton, John Dtexel, Omaha, LIe Fason, Maishalltown, la , Henr Knut en, Kearney, Geoige Neuswanger, Gieelej, Colo , Milan O'Hrian, Kearney Hhl Kappa Hsi Wilson Del.ell, Lin coln, William Delzell, Lincoln, Vance Tiaphagen, Lincoln, Phillip Watkins, Lincoln, Ernest Guenzel, Lincoln, Ralph Lahr, Lincoln, Grove Porter, Ne braska Cit , Edgar Kiddoo, South Omaha; Wilton Selzer, Nebraska City, Spray Gatdner, Cutrneat, S D Sigma Alpha Epsilon Martin Nolan, Alliance; Lelan Evans, Columbus; Harold Covey, Greenbay, Wis ; John Rasinussen, Oshkosh, Wis ; F. H. Mil ler, York, A H Lewis, Wayne; Leo Cane, Winner Sigma Chi Guy Parrlsh, Norfolk; Harry Grainger, Lincoln; Paul Dennis, Lincoln; Sidney Pierce, Lincoln; Don Chapin, Lincoln; Marlon Dixon, Platts mouth; Arthur Chase, Stanton; Ken neth Craig, Omaha; Sam Windham, Plattsmouth. Continued on pane 2 LAST SCRIMMAGE BEFORE GAME White, All-American End, Coached the Varsity End Men Team Is Improving. (H V HARLAN ) Good old Cornhusker Field, the bat tie scarred nursery of NebiaHka ath letics, went Into convulsions yestorda afternoon. U-tmflVred from an acme attack of Indigestion duo to an over diet of freshmen The ground was gieen, the atmosphere was green, yea, the whole world was green Yes, Eth elbeite, It was a wield, vv lerd exhlbl tlon that was pulled off between the 'bonis ol f. and (i Cries or "Hayfoot, j Strawfoot, " mingled with "57-78-92- I Hike" until the onlooker was unable to ascertain whether it was a pot-pourri ol Cnheisitv lite a sham battle, or a pic t in e I loin life's other side Tin- naiassed vaisltv lads charged hither and von In the uieen ha.e When thev ch.iiged hither ihev lost Iheni'-ehis in an inpeiietiable forest ot gi ceil Mid, b dad w hen the (hamed von thev weie lost to view among the tall, gietn giash Once the .bleachers went wild with anxiety when the v in sit disappeared amongst a I corps of verdant cadets and did not ieappeai for five minutes How did I the bos of the varsity machine per- I form' No one knows When you Wasn't able to see them, how could voir tell? A very wise man once remaikecl that two bodies can not occupy the same piece of landscape at one and the same time without disastrous re sults to one or the other Nor will the cadets or the football players be able to obtain the best results when they ti to save their couutrv in the same vard Varsity-Freshman Scrimmage. Otherwise the varsity and freshmen football teams spent a very interest ing and very Instructive afternoon The two teams clashed tor twent minutes The treshnien kicked off and rushed the varsit off their feet Within two minutes Chamberlain, the fresh man left half, broke through and made the first touchdown of the session. Goal was kicked Time after time Harmon's proteges ripped up the var sity line for long gains The right wing was especially weak, Erwln, right tackle, seeming to be unable to stop the plays that came his direction Stiehni finally replaced him with Grosse, who was able to stem the tide. The Varsity Scores. After the first freshman touchdown the varsitv came back strong, and Towle drew second blood In seven min utes on a delayed pass He also kicked goal, evening up the score. By this time the varsity boyi had their "steam" up and With the line playing great ball, Purdy, Rutherford, and Towle burnt up the ground to the freshman goal line and Rutherford scored the second Continued on page 3