The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1913, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
-h y; a b v
Washburn Said to Have .Stronger
Tram Than Whick Defeated
K. U. Last Year.
(II. V. Harlan )
Down into the deep, dark, dark col
lar of gloom goes the hopes of the
Cm nMnskor-dfavuUttw, A long-and-in-creasmg
list of cripples; a green and
inexperienced line; a scarcity of var
sitj material; and the reported
strength of the Washburn aggrega
tion Ull the tearful tale.
More Hard Luck.
In the varsity-freshman scrimmage
yesterday at the State Farm, Shields
left tackle, was put out of the game
for a week or more through his right
Captain McMaster and Coach Reed
Enthusiastic But Want More
Cross Country.
About thirty men are out so far for
the Cross country run, while at least
fifteen more are expected out by
Coach (Juy Iteed. The date of the fin
al try outs will b Saturday Novem
ber 1st. Several of last year men nro
out and making a good showing, while
several new men are showing excel
ent form.
McMasters Captain.
squad is making wonderful strides
above his former standing. Uist year
he won the 5 mile tryouts in good
time also making a good 2 miler on
the Varsity. This year he claims lie
will not stop with anything small,
unless it is ills time. He also has an
able bodied following. Kratz a last
year's man is coming to the front
Courts Are Being Bolstered Up In
Preparation for Annual
Arrangements are being made pre
paratory to the University tennis tour
nament to be held during the week
starting Monday, October 13. Nebras
ka's very poor tennis facilities are
being bolstered up to give the racket
wlelders the best possible advantages
for practice in the hope that they may.
in spite of the material handicaps, do
.....111 i . .U 1 I.. .- ... .
., , . . , , . i it-mi iu iiieiiiHuives in ine Missouri
AliLMaatHra captain of thin yU-- uu"
aiiey meet m uu spring
The courts, two in number, and b
nature of an abominable character,
may be found by careful search to the
oast or the athletic Held In compari
son with the tennis apparatus or neigh
boring schools. Nebraska's grounds are
deplorably Inefficient. Both Ames and
Kansas are fitted out with ten courts
in good condition However, the back
stops of the home grounds are being
enlarged and the ground rolled In the
hope that the aspirants may Indulge
Political Rumblings Have Made
Themselves Heard For Some
Time But Climax Next
Friday Is the last day which men
desiring a place on the ballot as can for the cliiht. ponltloiu
and means to hold his ylace on the
leg. There is no one available to team afiHlnut all new comers. H. M.
fill his Rhnef. Stiphm l nf o inuo Dlerif, another last year's man is run-
iviiDro -. rmt .. !..,... i... ...ii nine better than ever Chnrlou Anrior. '
. . h' P"1' Ul vu,a,l u,w,- ".. , ..... .... ; i the necessary practice to ralr ad-
i ovw a uiuiiiri in iuuis nnuerson, ouri
Entries for the all-university tourna-
I ment may be filed later, according to
hie with which to nine this hole in
, - -.j ---
the line. Ae it is, the line is not greatest cross country and track man
up to standard and the losine of anvlSPel,IH to bo rHowlng in his brother's
...... i. ii , . ' ""-"i "hi.) uu iiii-u liner,
...v . .i i . .i i.... i .. . tracks lie ttn nn hiul vmifo funm!
. uw, ,. U....K auoui u.reiu. re- , n . V, , instructions that will be announced.
8UUS :l,,d Ure ,S .' Ule (,0l'bL f hlS hol,-i with Guy Williams, who has been ap-
Stiehn, is hard pressed from another ln- that P" "81" Kubik "a, pointed to supervise tennis affairs One
source to kv p what remains of His; a of '""-' season. rounc, R (,ay wi, bo play0(, durinK the
shattered machine Intact, for the fa-j ' hey say ' actually HleH. He made W((1( rontrnry to th( H,tlintlon ,n
culty has hung "cons" on several of,lu' try outs yast yea'". but had some, ,nll,r8cho,a8c athletics, freshmen as
the players. Whether these aforesaid , ba(1 luck and wab out th whole sea-' vt, UH u,)por (.laH80B ftre ellK,blo ,n
"cons" can 1 lifted during the two80" on account of a bad ankle. Ger- ,,. oominj, tournament. It is probable
remaining da s before the Wnnliimm lnw from tlle Kansas Agriculture, tim tii vniiv i u, ..i., ...m
... - ...... j unti in liii- rm lllf, will
. ... . ... ' Iu . 'ilnnl,ln ,i,iin.. . .. n. I .
. ,u.i.ulu auuiuuu iu uiu, . hi., nt Am oh nlMinnirl. O.n nlni.n
' " i'""-"'
CillllP. no one IfllflWR A nil ttv-nnta
those upon whom the ban of colleg- ,uad ami iH looled "Pon as being
iate life is hanging are burning up ' ,xrelle,lt niatenial. H. Goetze of last
the mid-night juice in a heroic effort' ytar's Varsitv Track Team makes as
to shake them off. May the God 0flsneed' a " on long distance run-
i .,.. .. .. n.. i .
iwiiK us uu uie spriniH. i ne otner
Good Luck be with them.
Fair Scrimmage Yesterday.
For the second time this week the
varsitv hci.unmaged with the fresh
men at the Farm. The battle lasted
for some lon minutes.
uiueie uirougnoui. i lie varsity un
corked eeryiliing they have and at
that were only able to annex five
touchdowns The work of the lino
was ragged and sllpslod. It is going
remains undecided.
The material necessary to make the
tournament an interesting one is by
no means lacking. Williams himself
went to the Missouri Valley meet last
spring and lost out apparently only
because of his unavoidably poor condi
tion Mover is a nlaver of no menn
eligible men this year who have at
tracted attention are: Phillip! ; J. B
t'ompton: Hardin; L. ( Hrown; V. D
Smith: I.any Itnteu- w it nw-i,.- ! lit Ht v wiiiin irniu tim ui,.i,. .i,,..i,i.,..
(j, ' .., ,. a, iiaub,....t, ,.,,., inin, tin- niuir li l J ll Ml l.- n
I i i ! . i i - ......... I .
It was mo-' Ky anu ,,J- K- Nelson. A. M.1 cnampion, is in school. Announce-
i. . ..
i-ipman made good showing but has nients for entries will be published
Had to drop out on account of sick-! later
Freshmen Material.
The first year, men are making a
to be almoht impossible to fill I ,in K,lowle and if they were eligible
Shield's place at left tackle. Good , soino of tht'm would no doubt make
line material is woefully lacking. The!tn(1 rpeular squad. Next year they
., - . ,i .11 !..... il.:.. i ....
line charges poorly and does not open
good hoies for the plunges of the
back field. Beck and Towle alter
(Continued on Page Four)
Tr Since ail the fraternities have -y-
it reported the men they desire to
pledge, and the records of the
it same have been examined and -fr
their eligibility determined, the
jfc time and date for officially pledg- -
fc ing the freshmen who are ellgi-
ble is placed at noon today (Oc- -fc
if tobor 2). if
if J. T. LEES. if
- '
will have their chance, and will make
the old men work hard for their place
on the team. Among the speediest
new men are: Frost; Kyle; Paine;
if Notice Is hereby given that -fc
if the general election for select- if
if ting the presidents of the four if
if respective University classes -fc
if will be held on Tuesday, Octo- if
w" .. l voi i 1VJID, i time, " ' "
It. E. Anderson; L. ClarJt; Floyd ber 7' ln Memorial Hall. The -r
. !! ...Ill U- . n i- An i
yf puuo win uc upcri iiuiii v 10 L ff
if and 1 to 5. Each candidate is -fc
if required to file a written state- if
if ment of his candidacy in this if
if office before 5 p. m. Friday, Oc- if
if tober 3. No candidate shall be -
if entitled to election whose name
if Is not printed on the ballot, if
if There shall be no soliciting of if
if votes by cards or otherwise at if
if polls or lr the building In which if
if the election Is being held during if
if election day. if
if Registrar. if
if if
Uunkel; Becker; Prusa; Smith and
The Mo. Valley Meet.
This year the Missouri Valley Con
ference meet will be held in Lincoln
at the time of the Wesleyan Uni.,
game making that date a double at
traction. Our strongest opponents this
year will be Missouri, Kansas. A met-,
Coe, and Drake. The chances are
that we will make an excellent show
ing and renew our old standing on
the cross country run. Last year our
team showed up so poor that we
could not even Rend a team to the
filled at the elections of next week
will have to file their names with
Registrar Hutledgo as official aspir
ants As a consequence of this near
ness of what might bo termed the
close or the political "open-season"
a number of candidates and minors
of candidates are being learned of
In every increasing numbers. The
i elections of all classes will be held
: the coming Tuesday under the plan
which received Its first trial hiBt year,
I the Australian Ballot system. Stu
l dents are allowed to vote only in
election of that class to which they be-
long. At the coming election only
the position of class-president la to
,be filled.
The race In the two upper classes
promises to be interesting as It i-s
I known that there will bo at least two
j candidates In each class. In the sen
ior class it Is understood that the
race lies at this time between three
I men Robert Flory, W. A. Rockie, and
Sam Griffin. This gives promise of
a tight three cornered race. All men
are regarded as strong candidates.
Flory has been prominent In class and
school affairs ever since entering
school at Nebraska. He is well known
as a base-ball man and is a member
of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
Rockie is a prominent student in the
College of Agriculture, being a mem
ber of the Ag club and of Alpha Zeta.
Ho is a member of the Forest club
und was connected with the Forest
Club Annual as manager lust year
He has also served as president of
the Cn ion Literary Society. Grlflin
has served as a member of the Corn
husker staff and of the Student Pub
lication Board. He is prominent In
the law school. He is a member of
Phi Delta Phi and Phi Gamma Delta.
In the jimlon class the candidates
are Cloyd Stewart and W. H. Baumau.
Both are prominent In their class and
Continued on page 3
tAt 'or the
if A book will be kept In the if
if Temple till 4 p. m. Thursday, if
if October 2, when it will bo re- if
if moved and the lists closed. -y
if If you do not report your cor- if
if rect address and telephone you -y-if
can not blame the publishers. if
Continued on page 4