The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1913, Image 4
enl THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I rr" "TT"iHBii What is Puritan Party Service? 1 It is Good Things to Eat or Drink, delivered at the proper hour to the proper place. It is furnishing without extra charge Punch Bowls, Glasses and Spoons. It is securing for you Experienced Waiters and Caterers where desired. But, above all, it is guaranteeing to you the quality and merit of everything sent out under our name. All Puritan Dealers takeParty-Ser vice Orders. If not convenient to order through dealer, phone us direct. The Puritan Ice Cream Company H. C. HATHAWAY, Proprietor Phone B-6152 2026-28 0 Street 3)n (itljer Sap Pages From Past History 1901 There will be no business transacted at the lhnjt'ihity Thursday, the day of the tuip'ral of President McKinley. Registration will be extended until Tuesday eening. 1907 Cu.i h 'Kins" Cole says "I believe that we an put out a championship team this- ear if ever eligible iran will don a football uniform and get nut loi prat tice " 1910 The first hobble skirt to be worn on the campus appeared during registra tion It is to be wondered at how a self-respecting girl can appear on the campus in such an outlandish garb. Who will smile to-night, Nebraska or Kansas? 1905 The recent organization of a girls' rooting squad at this and other west ern Universities seems to have shocked the more conservative eastern schools. Loeb'B Orchqstra, L-989G or P.-1392. Rooms in modern home, close in, one single, one large double front room for IT nl girls 1439 S St GET YOUR NAME RIGHT - Books About Campus for Correction of Student Directory. The Students' Directory, which usually comes off of the press late in the first semester, will be ready much earlier this year because the State Farm Directory will not be included Today tables about the campus will he in charge of Business Manager .1 (' Beard and his associates, CI. S Inverts, R. (). Canaday, H. M. Diers, H. Ci Hewitt and a representative of the Y. V (. A. Those In charge of this work will not be liable for names and addresses not registered in the Registrar's oflice oi at the tables. Neither will they be held responsible for incorrect informa tion Fraternities, sororities, and other social organizations are helping in the work by sending in lists of their members. If everything goes well and the students help in this work copy will be ready by Saturday night. Three hundred corrections were made Tuesday and many more are ex pected today. Jones' Orchestra, L-9GGC. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people (Jeorgo Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. I'VE BEEN TREATED RIGHT!!! I Absolutely no "Holler" coming on the way" U of N" people have come this way. I'm going to show my appreciation now by "keeping up the good work." BOTANY, ZOOLOGY and MECHANICAL DRAWING Students will find what they want as readily now as on the first day i 1123 0 Street AND MY PRICES ARE RIGHT RIGHTEST" HARRY PORTER, Yellow Front 4v&wmmmmwmi 11'ttfJil f "4H k?9e V igWM jwunaMiwfcJwiM wm TTrnwry.rt jr;jiscaawiggr'W gy,fcw -iwiM' - Wfctjfc