The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1913, Image 6
i i' ' " i' .,,.!. I., , ,...,,. .,,.. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN What is Puritan Party Service? ari'iniim,iMii It is Good Things to Eat or Drink, delivered at the proper hour to the proper place. I It is furnishing without extra charge Punch Bowls, Glasses and Spoons. It is securing for you Experienced Waiters and Caterers where desired. I But, above all, it is guaranteeing to you the quality and merit of everything sent out under our name. All Puritan Dealers take Party Ser- vice Orders. If not convenient to order through dealer, phone us direct. The Puritan Ice Cream Company Phone B-6152 H. C. HATHAWAY, Proprietor 2026-28 0 Street MUSIC DISPERSES FROSH. (Continued from Phro 3) clauses which lakes tin form of a clans rush Two years ano the famous cow bells were the bone of contention; thir teen of the m were strung acrosB the athletic field and the clauses rushed iiRainst each other in an effort to pull the bells to their respective sides of the line It was some "rush." Last year the sophomores defended a flag on a flagstaff against the onslaught of the ouni?sters for a few minutes. What the mechanical device will be this year for raising fighting blood has not been settled, but it is certain. that it will be a bruise producer. Pettljohn-Coons. A summer wedding between two Uni versity people was that of Mlsa Laura IVttljohn to Mr. V VV. Coons in Thayer, Missouri Call Yule Bros.' Laundry for the best work. B-2754. Warner a Visitor. Mr Willis Warner, a former assist ant in the department of geology, now in charge of the laboratories of the "Republican Steel & Iron Company of Youngs-town, Ohio, visited the depart ment during registration week. Ted Marriner Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros., Printers, 1313 N street FOUND Bunch of keys near corner of 25th and A sts. Owner may have same by Identifying keys and paying .tor ad. Dally Nebraskan office. Rudge & Guenzel Co. Announce An Extraordinary Sale of Men's $3.00 Roelof Black Derby Hats for $1.65 All of the Hats offered in this sale are of OKNUINK HENRY H. ROELOF ( Philadelphia ) make.. They are the real "Roelof Smile" Hats. They do not bear the Roelof name, however because the Roelof factory will not put their najm in any hat that is to retail for less than $:.()(). We bought all of the surplus fall stock of the iu nious Smile Hat with the understanding that we would sell them at miv price we chose, hence no name is in them. Hut TIIKY 00 OUT OF OUR STORE WITH THE USUAL RUDOE & UUENtfEL COMPANY (HIARANTEE OF PERFECT SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. The Roelof Smile Hat has a NATIONAL REPUTATION. In this lot are all of the new 19l.J fall shapes in all sizes. Every man should have a NICE DERBY HAT even though he may wear a soft hat on most occasions. THE DERBY HAT ISA SEMI-DRESS HAT, and YOU need one. This opportunity to get one of the best known makes of absolutely correct model AT ALMOST HALF PRICE AT THE OPENINCJ OF A SEASON is an opportune one. $3.00 GENUINE ROELOF "Smile" Derby Hat for $1.65 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 1 p. -si. d .