The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1913, Image 4
THE DAILY NEBEASKAN "AGRICULTURE" ON PRESS PUBLICATION OF "AG" CLUB NOW BEING EDITED AND FIRST IS SUE WILL BE OUT SOON. CIRCULATION HAS REACHED 1000 H. W Richey and R. O. Smith Respon sible for Volue XII Magazine Goes to Many Old Students. 'Am i iilinic the olIl iiil agricul t in nl publication ol flit University, is now In-lni: i ii'-ln (I to prcHs, nnd Indica tions that t!ir fliHt Issue of tho yeifr, mid of volume XII, will bo out Oc tobei 12 It will be the first of tho dopai tnifiital magazines Issued thla fall, and will lie of intoicst to students In other ' olleges iih well aB those In tin fui in course The staff of this vein's magazine Is lieadcd b II W Uichey, editor-in-chief, assisted bv K .1 Pohhoii, asso ciate iwl It or; rf- Jones, exchange oditoi H o Smith, business manager, nnd K I- (Joodbods, cliculation man ngei The (in illation has Iih roused since the Hist volume was edited, Keep ing pine with lie1 increase in enioll men i m iln mnultuial School and College and at i sent it is rated close to 1 .nun The publication m imitated in 1'MIL' undei us jii.scnt name The giicul 1uie ,iim! was pioiuotcd b the niein lieis ol tin sd( ion ol l,i it ultui al Stud" uts of ill. I'nneisitv, with Piof A 1. Ma' "in i now onneled with the NebiasKa -iln ( oiupanv as business manage ami I'm! (' Dasison loi iner pnncipal ol the School of gi i cullun .i- ilitoi In 1011 it w as tinned (i to iln' guultiiic Club, -ami tin In si -tail of student (ditois was le aib '1 In. ) II Ijiebeis, editoi, and Will Porbtsi business manager Last veai thi (lit oi ship went to Rov K Marshall ami II He khoff was business manage! MEN'S FALL CLOTHES The more anxious you are to be pleased with new Fall Clothes the more important it is for you to see the elegant showing of our exclusive mens Style Shop. Many weeks of painstaking care by exper ienced buyers has brought into this store the cream of this season's newest things in men's wear. i Suits at $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 on up to im ported fabrics at $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00. Spend a few minutes looking, buy when you like. FARQUHAR The Home of Good Clothes 1325 O Street The magame enjoys quite an ex tensive cliculation, inabinuch as it is taken b nianv up-to date fanners oei the state and bv the graduates and toimer students of the college and school Its ai tides aie ol both gen j in i I itul i i liuil i fl in t nt ni.f i n A tlinu' ' 'lull lini r i f 1 1 i i 1 1 i 1 1 i i , Mim miwii ( ,u el ul pi cpai at ion Chancellor and Mrs. Avery at Home. I ' 11 1 M . .. O ,.1 A .,,.-. v am "mioi aim mia oaiiuiei ;vvri, will he .it home to the lneinheis of the teaching and adininistiativ e force from S to 10 'lit Ki ula y celling, Septem bei 20 Miss Killian Improving. Miss Pauline Killian, who was opei ated on for appendicitis dav befoie vesteida. Is now lesting easily and her condition is all that could be e pec ted, accoidlng to her phvskians Loeb's Oichestia. L 989f. 01 111392 At the Of?Jteam With Detective Keen The University School of Music Established 1894 Offers the highest class of instruction in all branches of music. Students may enter any time. Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning this school before choosing an instructor. Willard Kimball, Director Ask for new catalog -:- -:- Eleventh and R Streets Special Afternoon and Evening Classes IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS at hours kfsuit University students. We enroll many University students each year. You are invited to visit the school and get particulars. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere Cor. 14th and'O Sts. :: :: :: Electric Building AK-SAR-BEN CARNIVAL IS FAVORABLY OPENED Omaha, Neb , Sept. 25 With drying tents (lagging in the morning sunshine and several hundred concession people putting their holdings through the proc ess of renovation following Wednes clay's storm, tho annual Ak-Sar-Ben car nival waB ofliclally opened at 1 o'clock this afternoon From Seventeenth to Twentieth streets on Howard street, and from Harney to St Mary's avenue on Nineteenth street, the booths and tents make a brave array despite the generous shower bath. Many hundreds of people are arriv ing for the festivities and it ib believed the celebration will be bigger and bet ter by reason of tho rain You are cordially invited to at tend a Series of FRIDAY NIGHT DANCES Given by Members of Camp 1332 M. W, A., at Moose Hall, 16th and O Sts. Commencing Friday Night, Sept. 26, '13 Admi.tion 25c Free Check Room Best Music WEIDLINE IS CHOSEN TO LEAD JAYHAWKERS Rooms in modern home, close in, one single, one large double front room for Uni girls. 1439 S St. Lawrence, Mass , Sept 25 The Uni versity ol Kansas football team today unanimously elected William Weidllne. captain of the 1913 eleven, to take the placec of Willis K Bramwell. Bram well has left the university. m T.OJ' r m , ( ittjreiXfSacttiamcmiiuurHmMrmmim