The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1913, Image 3
... -':-... JH. TT THJD DAIJiY VEBBASKAN i4i T.r.i RT THEATRES '3-Y- a? ORPHEUM Thurs.-Frl.-Sat., Sept. 25, 26, 27 Mr. Daniel Frohman Presents DETECTIVE KEEN Dramatic Sketch by Perclval Dlnglo TAYLOR HOLMES LAMBERTI PHINA & COMPANY SWAIN & OSTMAN TRIO DEVINE & WILLIAMS DEVIT & DEVIT ThursTFri. Mat. 15, 25, Sat. 15, 25, 50 Night 8:15. Prices 15, 25, 35, 50, 75 MUSIC DISPERSES FROSH YOUNGSTERS CHARMED INTO VA CANCY BY SOUND OF TOM-TOM OUTSIDE MEMORIAL HALL. RALLY THEREFORE POSTPONED Lyric Theatre Thursday.-Fri.-Sat., Sept. 25, 26, 27 THREE DIXIE GIRLS Six "Southern Song Melodies." FAIRMAN AND FURMAN "Some Entertainers." With Olympics Close at Hand, No Or ganization Affected, and Frosh Show Apparent Lack of Pep. Tho introduction of (lie incoming frcHhnion to the far-famed Nebraska spirit became a decided nonentity es terday, when the ancient adaKe con cernhiK the power of music to sooth the savage beast was illustrated The freshman rally was advertised in the Nebraskan Wednesday as being sclied uled for Thursday's convocation, and, perhaps as n result of the inadequacy of the notice, some two dozen of the class appeared In Memorial Hall pre pared to represent to the uttermost tlu ;ifnnniinHni)Pil anvnpi' henst coi LEGtWg 20 ' ft .; Copyright 1913 II. M. Lindenthal & Sons. THERE IS STILL TIME BUT THEl SYSTEM College and High School Week "THEIR MUTUAL FRIEND" "MRS. MORTON'S BIRTHDAY" "THE BURGLAR AND BABY" 3 SHOWS DAILY 2-7-9 P. M. Mat. All Seats 10c. Night 15c L Showing Only Feature Films J I For Friday and Saturday 1 I "THE RIGHT OF WAY," 2 reels 1 "The Rejected Lover's Luck" I J "The Breadth of Scandal" I $2.50 buys a MOORE'S NON LEAKABLE pen or a BIG BEN alarm clock WE HAVE BOTH HALLET Est. 1871 Uai. Jeweler 1143 0 St. At this moment, however, some mis creant with unknown designs took the libertv of disturbing the peace by ham mering away violently on a bass drum just outside the door, and the result tug music so far soothed the breast of the aspiring neophytes that their wild enthusiasm which, though heretofore entirely pent up was doubtless pies ent, was turned Into a loathing dls gust at the thought that a so-called "skin game" had been played on them by their superior classes Without fur ther notice the youngsters hied them seles meekly hence. In other words, they broke for the door and were lost in the thick woods between there and the campus gate. With no definite class organizations as yet effected in either of the lower classes, no definite arrangements have been made for the coming Olympics the freshmen, having been scheduled for their first rally yesterday in Me morial Hall, showed a very apparent lack of interest in the meeting, and it was thought advisable to postpone the rally until next Tuesday. On that day the freshmen will be addressed by prominent alumni and representative seniors, on subjects pertaining to uni versity life and spirit, and to indlvid ual success. Tho interclass Olympics is the an nual clash between the two lower (Continued on Page 6.) ENDS TOMORROW NIGHT YOU older young men should come in and get fitted out and join the happy family. You arc probably keenly interested in cleverly styled clothes, but business has made it impossible for you to attcd the exhibition w hich has been going on here for the last week. NOW if you are going to learn just how suitable an L SYSTEM Style is to your per sonality, and if you want to see how real, live, stunning clothes are tailored you have got to visit our shop tomorrow. This exhibition week has been such a success that we hate to see it end, but end it mu We can't tell you that after it is over you'll not be able to secure THK L SYSTEM Clothes, but take this little tip from us: "The wise boys" the fellows who have a reputation for dressing smartly, and well, are not going to let this week slip by without owning an L SYSTEM Suit. MAGEE & DEEMER NOW REGARDING HISTORY COVERS - - Let Us Arise to Say That If We Haven't Your Kind "They Aint No Sech Animal." We Have The Cover for Your Purpose and Be Sure that OUR PRICE IS RIGHT Engineering Covers-"IP" 50c, "U of N" 80c, "Shoestring" Covers 25c A Large Assortment of Ordinary Ring Covers at 10c, 25c, 40c -:- Extra Rings 2 for 5c Pocket Note Books at 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 Waterman's Ideal and Safety Self Filler Fountain Pens -All Sizes LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY -:- ALL POINTS -:- ALL PRICES YELLOW FRONT HARRY PORTER YELLOW FRONT 'H