The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1913, Image 2
't THE DAILY NEBEASKAN f 1 5 lathj Jfahraakatt Troporty of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. mT v7Tu5eT)" Editor-in-Chief ManiiKinn Editor Assoclato Editor AHHorlato Editor Kenneth M. Snyder John L C'ntrlght Fred N. WoIIh Business Mnnnper J. L. DrlBColl ABHlHtant Manager Frank S. Perkins Subscription price $2 00 per ypur, payable In advance. Single. Copies, f entH each Entered at the postoftVe at Lincoln, NehniKka, as second class mall matter, under the Act of Congiess of March 3, 187!t FRIDAY, SEI'TEMMER 2f, THAT FRESHMAN RALLY. The turnou.1 ot tieslunen men stu- (lentH ;it the rallv esteida morning was a woeful fane, to put it mildk Out of :i registration ol about four hundred men, a pitiable showing ol twenty five was the ic-nlt of patient advertising ol a rally which should! have been of interest to all would-be students And those twenty-live were so deeply interested In what was on the. program, so full ol pep and enthu Miasm, that the anished in thin air when the sound ol a drum was heard outside the window Shades of our' childhood days, when teacher used to' let us out of school 1 the roomful to see a parade go b ' I And the bitter pill which accom panies thin sad revelation of the fresh men's lack of foresight shall we call It? Is that the Bame thing might have happened In tho case of some of the upper chiRses. Last winter a meeting of the Junior class was called to de cide the very Important question of whother the class would consider coin Lining tho annual prom with that given by tho seniors, and would assume its sharo of the financial responsibility There woro about twenty at tho meet ing. It was ono of tho most Import nnt questions which the class had had to moot, and in the end it was not the class as a whole, but tho few faithful ones who made up the minds of the class on tho question. Wo may bewail the fact that our class meetings are not well attended, that tho responsibility falls upon tho few, and that the many spend their time in criticising tho decision made by these fow, that rallies are not ral lies but rather exclusive pink teas but the fact remains that the crowd will turn out for nothing short of a football rally or an Impromptu class scrap which is held on tho Bide or roof of a building. ThlB Is the ago of tho strenuous life, especially during this rush week, and men and women will fix their attention only upon thoBe things which Beem to be of tho great est Importance for the moment. Es sential things wo do not recognize In tho throng of everyday necessities, and wo turn for relaxation to extremes. At Nebraska we are dealing with a problem which Is forced upon ub by tho very size and location of tho school If we were situated miles from civilization, tho hub about which a small town revolved, our thoughts would center in tho campus itBelf. s it is, tho campus is a small portion of the business district of a city which offers counter-attractions galore. Our students are scattered within a radius of three miles from the school, and theie is no campus life, as it Is known in a s( hool which centers a large part of its life in the dormitories on or near I lie campus. Consequently, wh"n out ol classes, our inclinations do not lead us to remain, unless the unusual lur pens And the unusual can hardh ! be (ailed the announcement of a class meeting ' i Yet this does not excuse the fresh men lor their slipup on yesterday's ' rally Freshmen entenng the Fniver ' Mt have a number ot things to learn, and the purpose ol the iall wjis to1 give them first hand information, in the hope that it would prove of assist-j ance to them and would be the means I of acquainting them with some old' Nebraska traditions which it would be I their duty in some later year to hand , down to the freshmen of their da ' Nebraska's unwritten laws are few, but they are nevertheless important Tlii'i rally will be held again Tuesday lor the benefit of freshmen men. un der tho direction of the seniors Freshmen, we look for you there en masse D'you understand? FRESHMEN MEN OUT FOR TUES DAY'S RALLY. YOUR CLASS DE MANDS THAT YOU BE THERE. VARSITY-FRESHMEN MIX. Continued from page 1 scrimmage by the presence of a mov ing picture machine on tho Bide lines that clicked merrily away at some of tho choice sections of the scrimmage. The camera was under the care of H. F. Chenoweth and V. Q. Cornell, who are taking a series of picturos for the Nebraska Conservation Committee, of which Professor Condra Is tho head. About three hundred feet of film was taken, and when five hundred have been taken the film will bo shown In some downtown movie house. Pic tures will also bo taken of the Minne sota game. TheBO films will go all over the state, along with views of the State Farm campus and the University cam pus Thus the "folks tu hum" will have a chance of seeing a bit of uni versity life. DRILL MEN NOTICE. First-year cadets may procure lock ers during the coming week. Will not be on sale thereafter. Hickman, Capt-Q. M. LONDON SMOKE The very dark brown Buck skin shoe for ladies. $5 Grades $2.95 BUDD 1413 O Street It won't be long before you'll figure on a Sweater, a Mack inaw, a Cloth Hat or Cap, and things of that nature. Things that a fellow wants during those crisp, sunshiny Fall Football days, Everybody'll be Here Second Annual Homecoming Octl8Njbs Minn Exclusive at ARMSTRONG'S: "Gordon" Mackinaws "Cross" English Headgeai made in cloth. Armstrong Clothing Co. Good Clothes Merchants J (M Men's Shoes at $4 a Pair Five Styles to Choose From Well made shoes -- good solid leather through out --built for service as well as style. Good lookers and goodwearers. May be had in TAN CALF -:--:- PATENT COLT GUN METAL CALF -:--:- VICI Styles include medium and high toes - medium heels -- button or lace blucher. Double or single soles. Splendid shoes at $4.00 a pair. MILLER & PAINE I Try the Y. M.JC. A. Lunch Room I I Cafeteria Plan I I City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P S Riggs Drug Cutter 3 STORES J.321,?,?1- i s" , LCor-, 'J?11 "" O St.. 27th and Randolph