The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1913, Image 4

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What is Puritan Party Service?
I It is Good Things to Eat or Drink, delivered at the proper hour
to the proper place.
It is furnishing without extra charge Punch Bowls, Glasses and
J It is securing for you Experienced Waiters and Caterers where
I But, above all, it is guaranteeing to you the quality and merit of
everything sent out under our name.
vice Orders. If not convenient to
order through dealer, phone us direct.
The Puritan Ice Cream Company
Phone B-6152
Fall Style Book Takes
Place Among Standard
Texts of Many Co-Eds
Yesterday's wet Hpell Hounded the
-doom of the dlaphonous skirt and
other forms of light Hummer apparel
utilized b the maidens of the Uni
versity oi Nebraska, according to
those who know With the coming of
cooler weather the ratine suit and
evi'ii the heavier serge appear to bo
coming into favor
New fall styles will include the
draped skill, the semi-silt skirt, and
the new suits oi the extreme aes ho
lianous stjle, so the buyer of one ol
the fashionable stores relates Unher
toity otli( Ials hae not et classed any
or these with the tango or the bunny
him It the continue to increase in
favor it m possible that a general de
maud will be made for a return to the
good old htles, along with the dances
of the "old school."
H. C. HATHAWAY, Proprietor
2026-28 0 Street
With forty men out every night, the
prospects for a good team at the Uni
versity of Missouri this fall look very
encouraging. Eight of the forty are
"M" men, and included in the squad
are the members of the star freshman
squad of last year. Missouri does not
open her schedule until two weeks
from today, when she meets Drury
The Tigers will again be coached by
Brewer, last year's mentor He has
been laid up for the last week with a
lame loot, but will soon be able to
take active charge again
Call Yule Bros.' Laundry for the best
work, B-2754.
A little gloom was cast on Kansas
lootball prospects when it was an
nounced that ('apt Willis K Hramwell
would not iet urn this fall Brain well
was the star center on last year's
eleven and his absence will make it
necessar tor Coach Mosse to find an
other man for the pivotal position in
short order William Weidlein, tackle
and place kicker, has been elected
captain in place of Bramwell The
Kan bans have a good squad out and a
large number of veterans and the pre
liminary dope states that they will be
stronger than last year.
Below is given a list of the captaiiiB
of the seven Conference teams to
gether with their positions and the
names ot the coaches
Kansas University William Weid
lein, tackle, coach, Arthur Mosse
(Kansas) Kansas Aggies K II Loo
mis, right tackle, coach, G S Low
man (Springfield) Iowa State Col
lege L M Cowan, end, coach, Clyde
Williams (Iowa). Missouri University
L. N Purdy (fullback; coach, E. O
Stiehm (Wisconsin). Washington Uni
versity Wallace Hardaway, quarter
back, coach, W D Edmunds (Mich )
Drake University: Glenn Simons, half
back, coach, John L Griflith (Belolt).
Loeb's Orchestra, L-989G or B-1392.
University School of Music
Established 1894
Offers the highest class of instruction in all
branches of music.
Students may enter any time.
Anyone expecting to study music will do
well to get information concerning this
school before choosing an instructor.
Willard Kimball, Director
Ask for new catalog -:- -:- Eleventh and R Streets
as to taste and expenditure they are
our cur customers.
College Tailors
College View Phone B-0-X-A-48
The University of Denver has seventy-six
students entered in a Satur
day College for Teachers. The grad
uates from this department go out into
the public schools of Denver Last
year there were 340 graduates of the
university and this college teaching in
Denver, out of !)79, the total number
teaching in the public schools there.
Maurice McLaughlin, the phenome
nal star of the lawn tennis contests
that have been staged this fall in east
ern circles, met defeat on his homo
grounds In the Orange state by B H.
Hot kin and C E. Foley in doubles Mc
Laughlin played with Wickham Hav
ens. They were defeated three
straight sets.