The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1913, Image 3
',' K Wmtfw& m THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES Season Athletic Tickets Make Considerable Saving Possible-Sale Not Brisk Oliver Theater TONIGHT AT 8:15 A Rare Musical Treat The Big Musical Celebration THE CANDY SHOP with ROCK AND FULTON and Company of Fifty PRICES $1.50 to 50c ''A. j " i ORPHEUM SEPT. 25-26-27. Mr. Daniel Frohman presents DETECTIVE KEEN TAYLOR HOLMES LAMBERTI PHINA AND COMPANY SWAIN A OSTMAN TRIO DEVINE AND WILLIAMS DEVIT AND DEVIT ORPHEUM TRAVEL PICTURES To date the small number of 228 ropreRents the 33rd degree booBterH in the Rehool who have paid out their good money for Reason athletic tick ets. Considering the saving that is possible by buying these tickets, this is, needless to say, a poor representa tlon. The Minnesota and Iowa games, two of the biggest athletic attractions that Nebraska lias offered Its students on the home Held since the Michigan game, will cost $2 for admission to the grounds. Reserved seats will cost I'xtra in proportion as they arc cen trally located. Sum total for each of these games, about i'.. Kor both name $ii For admission to the other games, which will draw big crowds ol fans, $1 Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT. ED. AND MINNIE FOSTER SHAW & EVERET PHOTO PLAYS THE MONOGRAMED CIGARETTE Old Moddington's Daughters PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY Underwood's Current Events "Dan Greegan's Ghost" Crand ToTal Tor Tun rouilinll scasurr alone. $10 Hasketball fans will reap the extra benefit which befalls the purchaser of a season ticket, in that they will be admitted to all basketball games. And all for the sum of $3 a season athletic, ticket. The tickets are on sale in the old Nebraskan ofllce, southeast basement corner of Administration Hall, after 1 p. m. every day, and prospective pur chasers are warned that this offer, made by the department of athletic, will b( withdrawn with the opening of the season. Showing Only Feature Films For Wednesday and Thurs. "THE CLOD," two reels 'THE BROKEN PAROLE" -TWO TOO MANY" For Friday and Saturday "THE RIGHT OF WAY," 2 reels "The Rejected Lover's Luck" "The Breadth of Scandal" University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St, YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Location of Missouri Kansas Game to be Finally Settled Soon Lawrence, Kan. -The question of the location of the Kansas-Missouri foot ball game for tills fall may be settled at a meeting in Kansas City this week. It is the plan of President Ed T. Hack ney of the Kansas Hoard of Adminis tration to have the Kansas board and the Hoard of Curators of the Univer sity of Missouri meet in Kansas City next week and definitely settle the question which lias been up ever since the present ruling was passed. The Kansas board has been wrest ling with the question ever since it came into existence last spring. It is understood that, the board has verj well defined ideas of its own, but the members are very reserved In their statements. However, it is generally understood that the Kansas board will favor the return of the game to Kansas City when the matter comes up for 'final settlement. Sentiment at the University of Kan sas both among the students and the faculty members seems to be in favor of the game of the "good old days." - $$$$ .' Bfc? JKRifl Special Afternoon and Evening Classes IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS at hours to suit University students. We enroll many University students each year. You are invited to visit the school and get particulars. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere ROCK & FULTON IN "THE CANDY SHOP" AT THE OLIVER TONIGHT We are too busy to write ads, but not to wait on our customers. University Book Store 44 en ah w Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Room Cafeteria Plan Riggs Drug Cutter kfl Cor. 14th and 0 Sts. :: Electric Building CityY. M.C. A. 13th and P 3kTA1pl 13zl St.. Main Store D I URLO Cor 16th ,nd 0 Sli 27th and Randolph (