The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1913, Image 2
IH DAILY NEBRA8KAN W i . Slje Eatig JfabraBkau Property of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln. M. V. REED EdItor-ln-Chiof Managing Editor ABBodato Editor AsBodato Editor Kenneth M Snyder John L. Cutrlght Frod N. Wells FRESHMEN SHOULD NOW FLOCK TO THE LIBRARY HiiHinoHB Managor J. L. Driacoll ARBlfllant Managor Frank S Perkins Suhscrlptlon price $2 00 per year, payable In advanro Single Copi'R, f centfl each Entered at the pOHtotlWe at Lincoln, Nehi.iskn, iih hc( ond class mall mallei, nndei tlu Act of CongieHs of March :?, IKT'I I HI ItSDW SKI'I I. Mill It .'' EIGH'IV MhN OUT FQft- FOOTBALL AT AMES I'.U ht mi n ..i 1 1 v hi mil loi tin Nines el'en n c ol dill)' In Hie l'sl Issue ol Ibe I S (' Student just I ceied Nines plan dunned! next Sat iiida and Coaches Williams and Hub bind have their hands lull loiinding a team Into shape that an handle the I CongregatlonallhtH Cilnnell gae the1 ('.velours a haul tussle last eai, and as the hae a good many legulais back the aie alieadv planning on making Ames go to vv In ' The Student stutes thai inoHt ol the squad that has lepoited h in tine con ditlon. but nearlv all the men aie 10 to If) pounds under weight Light and nidlinentai v woik has been the pio gram throughout the week, and no Hirlmmage will be held until next week Although there in" not many of last y -ar's Mpiad back, the Aggies have an abundance ol new mateiial which pos HOh-H iibllitj. and the knowing one prophesj that tln-v will be as slionj.' ,is i cr this fall Librarian Wyer Has Instructed All First-Year 8tudents In Use and Resources of Library. After this year no freshman will linve an excuse for not knowing how to mnke ubo of the library facilities at hand, for Mr. Wyer, the new librarian, has InHtituted a coutho In library in struction which will reach all freshman students All flrRt-yoar rhetoric stu dents, and therefore all freshmen, fol lowing the plan begun this fall, will be taken through the lihrarv and will have the system and cataloging moth oiIh explained to them 'I Ins, it is he Ibved, will bring about a much mote i-encial use ol the v for stiidv put poses i Yesiudiiv mm iiiiir w ,is l.ii gelv '-pent bv tin ihilmic i l.i'-st s in t.iking tins In st de;i i e in libi.uv mihui' Ii i W v e r pel son, ill) l onillli led TTTe sTTT- ilenls thtougb the st, H k looms and showed them the lileiMKe i I 1.1 1 I .it hand , You are cordially invited to at tend a Series of FRIDAY NIGHT DANCES Given bv Membets of Camp YSA2 M. W. A., at Moose Hall, 16th and O Sts. Commencing Friday Night, Sept. 2613 Admission 25c Free Check Room Best Munic Official Drill Shoes KLINES 1132 0 Street Open Evening Till Eight Bells RUSHING ON FOR WEEK (Continued from Page I ) til tut he (12) o'clock noon of Mon dav of the third week (c) No fratemit.v h.ill nlcdue a new student who is registered lor less than twelve (12) college hours, and who can not present the minimum number of entrance joints required bv the University ARTK'LK III No student .shall be pledged or in itluted without the approval ot the piesldent oi the council, to whom the name of each prospective member shall be submitted at least one school !a.v in advance ARTICLE IV (a) The pledge of anj man who lails to make twelve (12) bourn dunng either semester ot his fieshman year sli.ill be automatic ally icnioved, pio vidid bowiver, that he be given sl ((!) wet Us in winch to iciuove "condl tlnns' ,ind "incompletes" and thus hiing his i ecord up to the i ("quired twelve (12) hours (b) No man whose pledge lias been lemoved shall be eligible to he lushed, pledged, or tacitlj pledged by any fra teinitv until he has made twelve bonis in addition to those he shall already have made at the time Ins pledge was leniov ed ARTICLE XII The school year of l'.lLll'Ul shall be the last jear of fiebhnian pledging and initiating Ted Marriner Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. LefBchetz Now at Kansas. 1'iotessoi Lefschetz, tormerly in structor of mathematics, is now in structor of that subject in the Uni v eisit.v ot Kansas Rooms in modern home, close in, one single, one large double front room for Unl girls. 1439 S St. Artistic daruo programs and menus for particular people. Georgo Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. Jones' Orchestra, L-9666. WANTED C.erman tutor From Fa therland prefened State terms Box 1135, Sta. A. hFOUND Bunch of keys near corner of 25th and A sts. Owner may have same by identifying keys and paying for ad. Dally Nebraskan office. If we just said "Clothes for Men' we wouldn't have said any more than every other clothier says all time. Thafs why we say "Special ists to College Men' for we know we must "be there in order to "make it stick. We say "we're there and over' Those natty rain coats ut$tffcf)0 are jh .' lols of fellows that have bought elsewhere, won der why it is . Armstrong Clothing Co. Good Clothes Merchants THE CAFETERIA OF THE UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. This is not an ordinary boarding place where the chief aim is to make a fair profit for the proprietor. It is not ordinary in that it is run by the students for the stu dents. The best food is bought and is prepared in the best manner. The prices are based on the cost of the food and cost of preparation. Arrangements have been made to purchase the provisions at the very lowest pos sible prices for the quality required. The employees are well paid but only because they are capable of rendering the most efficient service. The Students Cafeteria run in the interests of the students School Supplies TYPEWRITERS Office Equipment Supply Co. 117 So. 13th St.-Funke Bdg. "Everything for the Office" DRILL MEN NOTICE. t i I MMM All second-year cadets must procure lockers not later than September 25. Freshmen can secure lockers next week. Hickman, Capt. Q. M. WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 13 AND O STREETS I v