f.WJflTilllllliW Mi 2&Z a? THE DAILY NEBBABKAN gtyg flmhj Ngbragfean Property of THE UNIVERSITY ()!' NEBRASKA Lincoln. M. V. HEED Edltor-ln-Chlef Kenneth M. Snyder John L. Cutright Fred N. Wells Husinoss Manager J. L. DrlBColl AnfllHtant Manager Krank 8. Perkins Managing Editor ABBOclato Editor AHBodato Editor Subscription price $2 00 per year, payablo In advance. 8lngle Copies. f centB earh Entered at tile postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as nc ond class mail matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1870 Tuesday, Scptnnbet 2.'i, l'.H.t AN EASTERN EXPERIMENT. Names Go the Way of the Forgotten When Called at First Roll NnincB aro supposedly attached to persons as identification tags, claim checks, so to speak, but anyone who over advanced this theory can see the exceptions which prove the rulo every openlnc day of school. Then It 1b that the froshman wonders whethor he's in class or not, whether he's oven registered or not. And It is not al ways the now students, but frequently the old stand-by's, who had thought their position on the official roll books secured by several semesters. One of the chestnuts which never gnws olu is cracked every time the professor mixes his genders in calling tli' first roll. As sure as fate, the class laughs when some meek little Nebraska is watching with inter est effects of the injection of eastern athletic blood into the scheme of ath letics which has been developed by Coach Stlehm and which has proved so very successful in comparison with the other schools of the valley. Assistant-coach Dudley has been con sidered a fair type of eastern athlete, bnvipg played three seasons in the back Hold with Dartmouth, and he will be depended upon to emphasise those points in play which make eastern football what it is. The quoation is, Just what is oastern football? Our alumni have conceived the idea I'n sliniiiu Kirl is forced to admit that she's not under fals' colors in ans werhm to the name of say. "Mr. Jean T- " It is even better, to assume that that brawny candidate for foot ball honors is Miss Frances . We'll admit that some of our names ar funny, but it is somewhat of a rub to have the class think so, too. "Mr. Dippy, is Mr. Dippy prosent'" queries the instructor, and Mr. Dippy sinks gracefully Into the nearest corn er before replying. Perhaps somotlmo all names will bo typewritten, and the instructor will , . , . . . I not uavo io reiy so mucn upon nis imagination. TAN ENGLISH BLIND EYELET STREET dQ.50 SHOES FOR M N $5 Values $" RUDD If by any chance you ever get anything from us that isn't entirely satisfactory, we want to be the first to know it. Our service means: "to please you in every particular' -AsA to see the new "Awgwan" Hat. Nothing like it - - $1.50 Right now we're making a host of friends by showing a new English Model for Young Fellows. It's by Hart Schaffner & Marx und worth rememberingr Armstrong Clothing Co. Good ClothcsMerchants nurwrfwiwt M EN WHO DRESS CAREFULLY as to taste and expenditure they are our cur customers. College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 that Nebraska should folow the ea-it ern style of play, and therefore th demand for an eastern player as ,i Bistant coach In general the idea should be a good one, but it remains to determine in what Nebraska is weak, and whetlur tl.e eastern meth ods differ enough trom our town to make any appreciable difference In the opinion of the average Nebraskan, Coach Stlehm is building up a style of play here in Lincoln which is mak ing good. It has proved effective against our conference neighbors. If coach Dudley can help make it effec tive against Minnesota to him will fall no small share of the praise. But to Coach Stlehm and his "western" system, wo doff our hats. In other words. Nebraska is more then glad to get the assistance of Coach Dud ley, as a coach. As an Instructor in eastern methods his work will bo re garded largely as an experiment, and loyal Cornhusker appreciation will re ward its success. Artistic dance programs and menus for particular people. George Hros., Printers, 1313 N street. Rooms in modern home, close in, one single, one large double front room for Uni girls. 1439 S St. Crowd at Fulk Opening Several Thousand Visited the New Store on Saturday Several thousand people attended the opening of the Fulk Clothing Company's new clothes shop Saturday. All were agreeably surprised to see the new store and heartily agreed that it was the most beautiful and best equipped store for modern merchandising they had ever seen even in much larger cities. Those who did not attend this opening, whether they wish to buy clothing or not, will be well paid to visit this elegant clothes shop for men. s I I t I 4