The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1913, Image 9

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    ttHfc DAILY NEBfcASKAtt
Presbyterian Bible
Study Courses are
Now on Schedule
Guess There "Aint
Gonna Be No Quittin
Time" For Straw Hats
Coincident with the starting of uni
versity student Bible cIubbcs, a num
ber of courses of interest are being
arranged by the different churches of
the city. Rev. Dean R. Leland, the
student ipastor of tho Presbyterian
churches, has compiled a number of
courses, out of which the following
have been selected as offering most
interest. They go Into effect as soon
as the class organization, broken up
by the vacation period, is started:
First Presbyterian Church, Thir
teenth and M streets University Stu
dents Guild meets in the chapel at 12
noon, offering the following courses of
study For university men, a study
during the first semester of the ex
pansion of Christianity in the nlne-
teenth century. Followed during the
second semester by a study of the mod
ern church and the social awakening.
Tho purpose of this course is to ac
quaint the student with those facts
concerning the church which will help
him in taking part in solving social
problems. Mr Robert E. Holland, '16,
is president; Mr. Irving K. Frost, '16,
secretary; Rev. Dean R. Leland,
teacher. For the university women of
tho guild a course in the Life of
Christ, using as a text The King and
His Kingdom, by Veach. Miriam P.
Ruck, ir, is president ; Mrs. E. E
Harber, '12, teacher.
Second Presbyterian Church, Twenty-sixth
and P streets. The Baraca
class for young men will take up the
subject, "Preparations for Christian
ity," a comprehensive study of the
Hebrew religion, culminating in the
life and teachings of Jesus. Prof.
Philip K. Slaymaker of the Engineer
ing School will conduct this class. The
university women will find the Phila
thea classes conducting interesting
courses in the International leBsons for
hard to throw away
that old straw lid. September tho 1st
has vanished into the Infinity of time
long, long ago, and yet well, we hate
to say it, but there's quite a scattering
of once-glorious atraws about the cam
pus. Perhaps an early frost will drive
them back to the top shelp, though,
before New York tacticB are employed.
First Girls' Club Party.
University girls, those who have al
ready gained that title by previous
years in the school, are to act as host
esses to the freshmen girls at the first
Girls' Club party, Saturday, Septem
ber 27. The party will be held In the
Temple at the hour of 3, and will be
the first of tho parties, picnics, and
plain feeds held under the auspices of
the club during the year.
The Silly Season.
The summer has won the name of
"silly season" among Journalists. Then
it is that a maximum of folly finds its
way Into print. The past summer has,
however, been put to profitable ubcs
by two Chicago newspapers The edi
tor of the "Record-Herald" has conduct
ed a symposium upon the best way of
reporting baseball.' "TTe41aH publlBluTr
in parallel columns, extremely Blangy
and what he calls "less boisterous"
accounts of the same games, and has
called for opinions. Quite naturally
one finds the baseball professionals
praltjing "straight English," and the
professors of English composition
pleading for picturesque, colorful Btyle.
Out of 3,930 ballots, 2,004 declared in
favor of "dictfotrary English." Of
course there is some Blang in the best
dictionaries, and no one would want
to read baseball news that sounded
like an obituary notice; but the Chi
cago fans would apparently like to see
some reasonable restraint in their fa
vorite pabulum, and advocate the coin
ing of fewer nicknames for the play
ers. The best newspapers long ago
gave up the more grotesque kind of
sporting "literature." To our taste,
the imagination of Mr. Grantland Rice
fills the bill. "If it isn't clear, it isn't
French," runs the proverb. Likewise,
"If It isn't, understandable, it isn't ball."
Yet we agree with the University of
Chicago professor who protests against
tho dictionary ideal: "It would be
I pretty tame, reporting baseball with
out slang " Collier's.
. '
is the official newspaper of the State University and is pub
lished by the students.
This year promises to be an especially bright one for The
Nebraskan and the business and editorial management
promise a better and possibly a larger paper than in previous
The subscription price of the paper will be the same as in
former years, one dollar a semester, payable in advance.
For the benefit of the students who wish to become sub
scribers to the Daily Nebraskan, circulation men will be sta
tioned at desks in prominent places about the "Buildings and
campus, to take subscriptions.
The Daily Nebraskan is published every day except Sun
day and Monday and is distributed to its subscribers from the
post office situated in the east wing of the University Hall.
Telephone Yule Pros, at once.
Artistic dance programs and menus
for particular people. George Bros.,
Printers, 1313 N street.
Drug Cutter
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