The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1913, Image 6
THE DAILY EBRASKAN THAT TABOOED TANGO A RELIGIOUS EFFORT? Tho now dances and their mode of execution have at leuHt provided an almost unlimited subject, for editorial comment throughout tho country With tho botweon-BoaHon dullnoHH in ath lotlcB and the gradual decline In in terpfit onco occasioned by a conflict in the Halknns or tho appearance of a new Mexican goneral, yo editor's thoughts turn to a subject more per sonal and far nearer home. The mere mention of a silt skirt has often proved food for an extended editorial Also. the new dances, and so closely con nected are the two that they are sel dom seen apart. Tick up any paper, whether It be your home town sheet or tho most conservative- publication In the land the chances are two to one that It will contain some sort of article oti the present mode of dancing The September Issue of the Current Opinion very appropriately rmil;iliin BIG DOINGS AT Y. M. C. A. ANNUAL "OPEN HOUSE" CELE BRATION HOLDS BOARDS IN ASSOCIATION ROOM8, in. article headed "Turkey Trot and Tan go A Disease or a Remedy?" Clever ly avoiding the sensational, the writer (liiotes opinions both for and against the "animal" dances, Including a short history of their origin. Fuzz. "During the Middle Ages a mania for dancing started In Alx-la-Chapolle and sproad like wildfire over all of lOurope. It was a purely nervous man ifestation, wo are told by sociologists. It lasted several years, and was an outlet for high nervous tension brought about by social calamities, social dis tress and superstitious fear. Today, the "turkey trot" and the "tango" have swept like a wave over Kurope and America in much the same way, and those who are not indulging in the now dances are evidently very busy explaining, condemning or defending thorn. Somo students of the problem beliove that tho new dances, which re ligiously Inclined persons an apt to look upon aB Indecent, ore in reality tho unconscious expression of sup pressed religious emotion. Francis Toye, writing In The English Review, refuteB a writer In the London Times who had called attention to the re ligious aspects of ragtime in (uincing. Says Mr. Toye: "Tho writer of the artlclo gives himself away, I think, In saying that tho characteristics of rag time are absolutely Identical with thOBe of tho hymns formerly sung bv tho negroes In tho 'white heat of" re ligious fervor during some protracted church or camp meeting.' Exactly so They show exactly the same kind of 'vitality' associated with revivalism, and especially tho type of revivalism peculiar to tho negro! What neod have we of further witnesses? For of iill hysteria that particular seml-rellg-lous hysteria Is nearer to madness than any other.' " DR. JORDAN VISITS BELGIUM. Dr. David Starr Jordan, Chancellor of Stanford University, registered as a vlBltor at tho Ghent International Exhibition In nolgium. Dr. and Mrs. Jordan were accom panied by tholr son Eric Dr. Jordan expressed satisfaction over the show ing made by California among the ex hibits of the nations in International Hall. Tho United States Is represent ed solely by California Jones' Orchestra. Phono I-8C0.r. FRESHMEN SHOULD 'GET IN' NOW Competent Instruction in Nebraska Spirit to Be Offered by Stlehm and Prominent Students. The "open season" is on at the Y M C A. rooms Last night a number ol men, Home of them old-timers and some newcomers, got together in the association rooms and for an hour en joyed themselves In various ways. One of the ways was Hauptman, but as lie took it good-naturedly nothing serious came of it Ewlng, the new secretary, was there getting acquainted with Ills men for the ear. Smith, Cliarlesworth, Le hew. and others or the students who are Interested in the work of the asso ciation, mi.MMl In witli the bunch and helped show the newer men some of the ropes Tonight big doings are scheduled, same lime and place. The get-together of last night was more or less of an extemporaneous affair nevertheless, enjoyable For the entertainment to night tho "Y" men have promised some of their best talent. Coach Stlehm Jumbo -and Captain Purd of the Cornhuskers (football squad, of course,), and members of the team will ho on hand to initiate the freshmen into the m stories of that good feeling that every Nebraskan has, as a Corn busker It ' presumable that the coach will not disclose any valuable iiiforma' ). ,is to the weakened con dition of the team he seldom does but Tor the evening he will lift the "shroud of gloom" and give those pres ent a glimpse of the good things ahead Other representatives of the student body will be there in force. Debaters, representatives of the drama, of the press, and of that intangible but mighty power known as politics will be there to renew acquaintances and show the freshmen how to "get in." The upper classmen of the school will be hosts to the incoming fresh men, and an overflowing proportion of each is expected. Last Dut not least on the program, is scheduled the "eats " Riggs Drug Cutter O OIURLO Cor 16thtnd0 Su 27th and Randolph m HAVE THE EVANS DO YOUR WASHING WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co 13 AND O STREETS 44 CD AH Try the Y. M. C. A. Lunch Roo" Cafeteria Plan CityY. M. C. A. 13th and P For smartness, distinction and tasteful individuality in your apparel, it's almost ne cessary to come here. Kensington, Kuppenheimer and L System Clothes. Manhattan Shirts, Stetson Hats MAGEE & DEEMER HAVE YOUR CLEANED fs'siinJ GARMENT CLEANSER AND DYER CLOTHES RIGHT 1322 N STREET LINCOLN, NEB. EXPRESS PAID ONE WAY SPECIAL CLASSES Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping.Banking.Penmanship, etc. AT HOURS TO SUIT UNIVERSITY STUDENTS A large number of University people were enrolled with us last year among them being ten members of the Class of 'I 3. Night School Opens September 29. We conduct the largest private Night School in the city. CALL AND INVESTIGATE Nebraska School of Business The Business School Training School with the University Atmosphere Cor. 14th and O Streets -:- Electric Building Patronize our advertisers v-. i