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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1913)
-r-i , rr yT r p,i iit .jtjjgjj E9209HI THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Stye Srnlg Jfobraafcan Property of TIIK WNIVKHHITY OK NKIIUAHKA LIllCOU) M V KKKI) Kdltor-ln Clii'f SIhiiiikIiik Keillor KemiHli M Mindf'r AHHociatf Kdltor John L Cntrlnht AHoclnlf Kdllor Kicd N WcIIh UllHltH'HH Mlll)ilK'f .1 I,. Drlnroll Assistant Manager KnmW S Perkins Hiiliscriptlon prlro $2 00 per year" pavulilc In advance Slnule Copies, fi ( entH eacli Kntered at the pOHtofllre at UncoTri", NeliinHka, as se( ond class mull mattei. under Hie Act of CotiKress of Marcli !!, 1X7!I Thursday, September 18, I!M.' "YOUTH AND THE CLASSICS." A timel. word of remonstrnnce una I n si Hie extreme splilt of special l.alion in o( ational tralnitiK comos I mm (lie pen or Prof H H Alexander, ol the department of philosophy At this time of reKistialion it is most Im portant that courses of study be ar ranged with a view to more thnn mere (oinenlonce of time Kor the consld eration of those who timy be vuverin In regard to their course, we reprint the following clipping from the article of Professor Alexander's on "Youth and the Classics," appearing in the State Journal of September 17- "Latin and Creek will become In creusinly familiar to a probably dl minlshliiK proportion of young Nebras kans this lull This will mean, or course, the persistent continuation of tiiat decline or the classics which has been in progress Tor a generation oi more--which some educators hue glee fuhl described as a "slump " The rea son tor the decline is not dilllciilt to discover It is not that Latin or Creek is 'dead,' as we used to hear, for both the languages and their literatures un living It is not that they call for haul st udj, lor the probably demand no more ellort than do many studies that aie still industriously pursued The real reason is that they lend to no vocation "Nowadas education is platted along lines which will asssure speedy re turns My 'returns' an Immediate and private thiancial advantage is under stood Young men and young women naturally wish to get along, and col I O- 1 - Fall styles in Foot Wear now being shown by BECKMANBROS 1107 0 Street logos and univomltioH find no bettor! means of proclaiming thoir advantage ' thnn be neat calculations of the mini-1 ilium requirement for maximum pro-1 fl'iencv (llnancial, of course,) in the seeral vocations w lib h appeal to youthful ambitions Naturally the an , dents and all that pertains to Ihem come out ill in the result Who would, dieam of learning engineering from Arc himedes, or astiononn from Ptol emy, or medicine from Hippocrates and Calen. or law from Papinian or ripian"' The classics ;I( In decline, for the classics lead to no vocation "Saeonl one The pursuit of truth i sinel ought to be the first calling of nil men Our little individual callings whether Industiinl or commercial or piot'esslonnl ate all made possible In what we entitle out l ili.atlon . but civilization itself is nincle possible bv the vocation or man us n civilized be ing, unci that is the pursuit of truth I "That urli st,iy is worth while pm-iiui-ijii Ui. will i iii n;i I Mliiiienr. ipr. tils own lifes sake, but also for the slate and nation in order that the) culture and spirit of the past may be' kept alive, and in order that our own' culture, whose lire Is In so large a' sense still the lire of the past, mav be preserved thoughtful men and men' great in sciences as men great in I letters and the arts proclaim today as vnUnntly as ever in the veais gone by I And it may be that the time is not so i far distant when our young men, as today the young men of Franco, will, stand reaclv to demand t tin t encourage ment to a humanrMic training which is their right and the right of poster-' ity Nor can it be doubted that when) educators stand ready to recommend, the students will be eager to follow, and the studv ol Cieek and Latin will no longei seem but the impractical pieparatlon ol the impiuctical For in those davs public education will be modeled Tor the good of the state, which will be seen to be also the good ol the indiv idual " Telephone Yule Mros at once WANTKD - Kive good hustling Uni stu dents at Ludwig's, the Mig I'ni Tail ors, 102S () st 2t Lincoln Musical College EDITORIAL '' lo not need the editorial columns of anv newspaper to fiulit our tight We enter into competition with no school except on the basis of meiit The advantages of this school are education Our lustructois do not need to go abmad Tor further study ' thev are now Finished Artists Aloys C Kremer is acknowledged bv world masters to be America's Great est Pianoforte Interpreter Or F. A. Delano is endorsed bv the world's great artists as one of the Few Croat Teachers of Voice i COMPARISONS We will play one of Mr Kremer's one year students against any teacher1 of the faculty of any other SCHOOL' in Lincoln. I We will sing one of Dr. Delano's students on Four Weeks' Notice against any voice teacher on any otlic r, faculty in Lincoln, under forfeiture of $100 00. if this is accepted as a chal lenge and we fail to appear WHY CAN WE DO THIS? ' Our instructors are artists in the rl of Teaching Singing and Playing The f Artist's Wav Take n Lesson lOveiv Dav, prepares the student for c ompai isons ' WK KK KKMIY TO MKKT ANY KIND OF I0D1ICAT1ONAL COMPAUI SONS IN MUSIC ' Lincoln Musical College Just as a Hurry-Up Argument Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Stetson, Schoble and C. K. Hats Excello and Yorke Shirts And lots of others all bought to sell to men and young men who know. That's why we expect you to know us better. Armstrong Clothing Co, Good Clothes Merchants The University School of Music Established 1894 Offers the highest class of instruction in all branches of music. Students may enter any time. Anyone expecting to study music will do well to get information concerning this school before choosing an instructor. WUlard Kimball, Director Ask for new catalog -:- -:- Eleventh and R Streets b' WE ARE GOING TO The Huffman's General Supply House For our SCHOOL and OFFICE Supplies We get more for our money at 208 South 11th Street -:- -;- Lincoln WE CATER TO STUDENTS Smith & Hurst BARBERS 112 North 13th LOEB'S ORCHESTRA Booking Engagements Now Personal Attention Always Library Up to-date &A OLIVER BLDG. 13th & P StrcotB L 9896 .or B-1392