The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1913, Image 3

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...School Supplies...
...Typewriters Rented
See our "University" Fountain Pen-Self -Filler--$ 1.50
... Everything For The Office ...
First Day Sees Number of Old and
New Friends Sign the
According to a long-established cus
tom, the Daily Nebraskan, or "Rag," as
it has come to be called, placed a
number of tables about the different
points of registration, and opened for
business early yesterday morning. The
subscriptions rolled In quite rapidly
throughout the day, and Business Man
ager Drlscoll expressed himself aB be
ing quite well satisfied with tho first
day's work.
Old students are eager to renew
their subscriptions, knowing that it is
almost impossible to get through
school without its help. The fresh
men, unaccustomed to so large a
school and the necessity of a daily
paper to keep track of events, are
slower in handing in their names.
The tables will be maintained dur
ing the remaining days of registration,
and non-Bubscrlber8 are advised to
hand in their names at once. If ex
penses are heavy and cash is a little
tight juBt now, simply sign one of the
blank cards handed you and pay when
your ship comes in.
"Spike" Elliot Married.
News comes of tho recent marriage
of "Spike" Elliot, 09, to a Kansas City
girl. Elliot was at onotlme editor-in-chief
of the Daily Nebraskan and until
lately has been connected with the ad
vortiBing department of the Omaha
Bee. Ho is at present located in
Cleveland, Ohio, with a similar posi
tion on a Cleveland paper.
Wednesday Opens Yearly Struggle for
Favor with Feminine Flashlights.
The principal course of the Unlver
sity opened yesterday after a short
cessation following the close of sum
mer school. At exactly half after 11
a young gentleman wearing a deej
blue hat with a fiat rim and the ribbon
half way around the back, clad In a
pearl-gray suit of the three-button roll
lapel stylo, mot a fair (looking) dam
sel about whom lingered in a draping
chic effect ohe of these latest seml
diaphonous silkoline creations which
are so much in favor just now. Fuss
ing was once more taking its impor
tant place as the leading Husker occu
pation. The proximity of rush week will hold
back operations for a few days, but by
the second coining week policy will
again hold undisputed Bway over every
live benchite.
Medica' Faculty to Omaha.
Tho change in the College of Medi
cine campus from Lincoln to Omaha,
whore the completion of the now labo
ratory building provided adequate
housing for tho entire four years of
the medical course, did not bring about
a change of faculty. A majority of
the professors who had charge hore
are now with tho college in Omaha.
Among those who have moved with
the college are DrB. Poynter, Willard,
Guonther, and Cuttor. Dean Wolcott,
former head of tho college, romnins
on the Lincoln campus as Junior dean,
while Dean Bridges wlH bo In netlve
chargo In Omaha.
Mrs. Raymond, However, Has Plenty
of Room for More Aspirants
for Vocal Honors.
Tho University choruB, under the
leadership of Mrs. Raymond, will again
this year offer a plan of partial ex
emption for the members of the three
upper classes from military drill aB
well as a plan whereby freshmen may
'Ikev've undertake the work in addi
tion to military drill. Tho chorus of
fers opportunity for musical training
that Is pronounced by those who have
been active In It to be Interesting and
The University chorus has for paBt
years been a very active feature in
the school life of Nebraska. Last year
the BingerB gave well-attended con
certs at Thanksgiving and Christmas
times, before the Peace meeting at St.
Paul's church and before the Matinee
Musical Club, singing "Lohengrin" be
fore the latter organization and pre
senting "Hiawatha" as the final num
ber of the year.
Owing to the conflict between drill
and chorus work tho following plan
has been adopted:
1. A limited number of men may
partially Bubstituto chorus for drill,
meeting with the former at 5 o'clock
p. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays, and taking military drill the
same hours on Tuesdays and Thurs
days. Those adopting this plan will
receivo for the chorus work one hour
credit and from tho military depart
ment ono-half hour credit.
2. For thoso wishing to take tho
full military drill and who would llko
also to take the chorus work, a special
rehearsal has been arranged for men
only on Monday evenings at 7 o'clock
This rehearsal lasts one hour and Is a
substitute for tho 5 o'clock rehearsals
on Monday and Wednesday. It 1b open
to all men who may for any reason
find it more convenient to come at
this time rather than on Monday and
Wednesday at 5 o'clock. Thla plan
gives one hour credit for drill and ono
hour credit for chorus.
Further information on the subject
of drill chorus may be Bocured from
Mrs, Raymond in her office at tho
Temple Music Hall between 2 and 4
o'clock any day this week.
Both 8eason and Minnesota Admissions
Much In Demand Many Reserva
tions from Outside.
Nebraska Btudents are warned to get
their reserved seatB for the Minnesota
game Immediately, as almost the en
tire north Bide haB been disposed of
and a constant stream of requestB Is
received In every mail. Indications are
that at least 15,000 people will be in
Lincoln for the game, and every Inch
of standing room will be at a premium.
Season tickets for University people
are having a rapid sale. These admit
to tho general bleachers and can be
reserved for tho Iowa and Minnesota
games at Harry Porter's upon payment
of 50 cents.
"N" Books Delayed.
A slight delay in issuing tho "N"
handbooks has been brought about by
a delay In the printing of tho book.
Yesterday tho supply on hand was
taken out by tho arriving students, un
til tho announcement was made that
no more were available. It is thought
that todoy a fresh supply will be ready
for distribution In the Tomple,