The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 17, 1913, Image 7

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    -yj,1 v isnr,-- r r-r.
Back to the Grind?
Hardly! Students Glad
To Resume Old Tasks
The old RtudentB, hnrdoned in tlio
fires of many registration weeks, are
drifting in one by one. All seem
greatly elnted that another fall sees
them bark at the old Hchool. Old
friends are encountered here and
there and old memories are stirred up
once more. Hearty handclasps Indi
cate that school friendships are more
enduring that many suppose.
"Hello, Charley, old' man," says a
tall youth as he drops a heavy suit
case to greet a comrade, "how did
the aluminum business pan out?
nought out a bank yet?"
"Not quite, Jack. Raked in a few
old ducat? though. Was that clumtau-
qua job a success?"
"Successful for them. I guess. I
spent, about all I made on sandwiches
between meals. The hotels in those
little burgs starve a guy to death. Say,
do you start law this year?"
The boarding houses and fraterni
ties show signs of life and the down
town stores by attractive window dis
plays prepare to welcome the return
ing students. Everywhere are the in
dications that the influx of student
population has begun. The old Uni
versity has awakened from its three
months' sleep and the grind of the
educational mill is resumed.
Track Man Weds Year
Ago Finishes School
Keeps Marriage Secret
Chester Heaver, former University
track man, now teaching in Hroken
How, married Miss Gladys Martin of
Red Oak, Iowa, almost a year ago, and
until yesterday succeeded in keeping
it a secret from his most intimate
friends. The cat was out of the bag
when Miss Martin announced her in
tention of joining her husband in his
new home.
Mr. Heaver was a graduate of the
Red Oak high school and of Nebraska,
15)13, where he gained prominence as
a member of the Cornhusker track
team for the past two seasons.
Wisconsin in Trouble. .
Seventy men, fourteen of whom bear
the varsity "W," are quite certain to
report to Coach Juneau on Septem
ber 20, bo the selection of the team
is not worrying the fans in the least.
Practically all of last year's line will
be back, but a new back field will
have to be formed from last year's
reserves. These, however, are all play
ers of ability; consequently the Car
dinals expect a repetition of last year's
Armory's Interior Burnished.
Workmen have been going over the
walls of the Armory, plastering the
rough spots and renewing the appear
ances of the hall in time for the crowds
registering today. A second tier of
dressing rooms has been built above
the balcony over the. Commandant's
office, to be used by the company ser
geants. The officers' dressing room is
left as it was last year.
Y. M. C. A. Handbook Out
Annual Booklet Dis
tributed Now In Temple
The "N" books are out. Perhaps
'his means little to the new "fresher,"
but a glance at the number of men
and girls signing up for their books
at the Y. M. C. A. office will apprise
him of the fact that, something has
Knch year for twenty three years the
Y. M. ('. A. has edited a small hand
or pocketbook for the use of students.
In it are various articles of interest,
such as athletic records and scores,
the University calendar, a diary.
These books aro distributed free nt
the association headquarters in the
Temple. This year the hook has sev
eral features which will make it valu
able, though inexpensive. .The con
ventional black leather cover, with
gold "N" is a characteristic feature of
lie HOOK.
The editorial staff is:
M. V. Reed, editor-in-chief.
('. N. Drown, associate editor.
Cert rude Scrlbner, associate editor.
H. R. Crawford, business manager.
Many Ball Players Make Profits From
Expenses Allowed for Meals
Sheckard Is Big Eater.
Four members of the Pirates,
O'Toole, Adams, Robinson and Hyatt,
entered a little ston- near iObbets field
in IJrooklyn and onhted lunch. Kacli
player consumed a piece ol pic and a
glass of milk 1. cents. WIh'U t 1i
Cubs were there l;it they stopped at
a first class hotel, Kmopiati plan, and
most of them ate their nu als at a big
These facts are cit -d to show how
ball players manage to sae money.
While the teams are on the road the
players have the prU.lcgo of eating at
their hotel or outtule. If they elect to
satisfy the inner man away from the
hotel they are allowt d to charge $3 a
day for meals. Hy spending 30 cents
for breakfast, 40 cents for lunch and
f0 cents for dinner they are able to
make money in i xc-( ss of their salaries.
One of the big league teams rec nt
ly rode from St. Louis to New York
on a 2t-hour train Kuch plajer was
allowed to put iu a bill for meals on
the train not to exceed $2. .r0. Then
were three meals, yet practically all
of the players sidestepped breakfast
and supper, having a big feed at the
noon hour. When the train readied a
station with a lunch room it might
have been Pouglikei psie several play
ers clubbed togitlnr and hurriedly
bought four sandwiches, two bananas
and a bottle of milk, while the others,
arriving at the Grand Central btation,
made a bee line for a coffee and cake
room. When Jimmy Sheckard was a
member of the Hrooklyn team he made
himself ill by eating Irregular meals.
Ho used to leap off the train while on
the road at lunch towns and buy fruit,
hard boiled eggs or sandwiches. He
devoured those tilings in addition to
the regular meals in the dining car be
cause ho always was hungry. Hut
Sheckard was an exception to the gen
eral rule.
Celebrates 50th Year.
Denver University has commenced
her fiftieth year. With an even half
century devoted to educating the youth
of Colorado conies an Increased dignity
and prestige that must bo supported by
a doubled tuition fee. They are now
trying to convince themselves that
their registration has not decreased.
You young fellows who want these
nifty clothes that other stores ask $20
and $25 for, come here and get them for
00 0pen
.. Evenings
We also carry a full line of gents'
furnishings, shoes, hats, caps, etc. at
popular prices.
1132 0 Kl.inJK 1132 0
Head to Foot Outfitters to Men
L. C. Smith & Bros.
Typewriter Co.
125 North 13th, Lincoln, Neb.
Preserve Your
College Work
The L. C Smith & Bros. Type
writer is invaluable to college stu
dents who want a record of their
college work after graduation.
We give special attention to the
needs of students. We have type
writers to rent, as well as to sell.
A few rebuilt machines at a bargain.
They are always the best
We serve hot ;md cold
(It inks all wintct long.
Lincoln Candy Kitchen
South Wesl Cot nor 14th O Street
Drug Cutter
X ITnPFi 1321 St Mn,n Storo
O aiUftCid Cor IGth nnd O St..
27th and Randolph
i ' Xcf
Fall styles in Foot
Wear now being
shown by
1107 0 Street
is what
University Jeweler and Optician
Booking Engagements Now
Personal Attention Always '
Library Up-to-date
L-9896 or ZZZZTZZ B-1392
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