The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 17, 1913, Image 4

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Sttyg lailg Ngfarasltan
Proporty of
M. V. Iilflisn
MmuiKlnK EdltoF
AhhocIiUo Editor
AHHoeluto Editor
Kenneth M Snyder
John L. CutrlRht
Fred N. WpIIh
ThiRlneHH Manager J. I,, nrlscoll
AHHlHtnnt Manager FYank S. I'erldiiH
Sul)Herlptlon price $2.00 por year,
payable In advance
'Single Copies, r centH each
Entered at the pOHtofricn at MncoTrT.
NehraHltn, an Hecond-chiHs mall matter,
under the Act or Congress of March
3. 187!).
Wednesday, September 17, 1913
The Daily NebraHkan takes this op
portunity to extend a welcoming hand
to the freshmen who are entering the
university thlri WOeK PoI'HAlW lHeTC
are some of you who have seen the
sheet on Hie in your high schools. If
so. It Is possible that the paper will
servo as a connecting link hot ween the
four years or high school and this now
departure Into university life. At any
rate, the mission of the Nobraskan Is
to be of service to all students, and if
we can assist, you In your registration
and in getting accustomed to the ways
or the campus, well and good. Sorry
we can't meet you at the train, but
there are rules, and rules, you know.
To the old-timers who have glanced
over our pages occasionally during the
last year or more. It will be necessary
to say that the "Rag" is In the nng
again. It Is the ambition of every col
lege journalist to make those editions
of tho paper for which he Is responsi
ble a little bettor than the ones pre
ceding. This much we have culled
from tho introductory editorials of our
exchanges, scattered Tram coast to
coast, and rrom our own experiences,
here in the dingy little room which is
dignified with the title of an editorial
room. Therefore, without casting re
flections behind or ahead, we can say
as much for the ensuing numbers or
the paper.
College news Is a distinct type of
news, differing in many respects rrom
that which comprises the dally papers
buys a MOORE'S NON-
a BIG BEN alarm clock
Est. 1871
Uai. Jeweler 1143 0 St.
of tho city. In tho college thoso
events which take placo unexpectedly,
and which are of Interest to all read
ers, nre few and far between. StoricB
do not "break" they tnernly turn up,
and it Is for the cub reporter to find
them, nnd to make them appeal to the
readers, not through their unusual fea
tures, but through the common interest
they arouse. Such, then, will be the
task of the reportorlal staff of tho
paper this semester. How much of a
success Is being made in this direction
will be evident In later issues.
Criticism, In its every sense. Is what
we oxpect, and what wo need. In
order to fully serve the students the
Rag must undergo the same kind of
critical treatment that students re
quire of one another And from past
experience it is safe to predict that
criticism will not be lacking. Rut wo
do Insist upon intelligent criticism.
That tho paper is small does not Indi
cate that Its news value is proportion
ate Tho staff is united on the propo
sition of "News, the Rest and the
Tho Nebraskan Is offering a num
ber or positions on the reportorlal
staff to tho right men. As Is usual
In the case of a college paper, at the
end of each semester there are va
cancies loft in this most Important
department or the paper, due to pro
motions and other changes. And at
the beginning of tho new regime,
when tho new staff takes hold, Is the
time for new men to work Into the
Reportorlal positions require little
or a man, save time and interest And
the have much to give This year
it is the intention or the Nebraskan
to conduct a school oi" new simper
methods, in lieu or a department or
journalism which is not et installed.
but which must surely come soon To
be sure, the ground covered will be
limited in accordance with the lim
ited amount of time which the men
can give Rut it will bo worth while
tor the men who are interested in
writing and for those who would care
to become acquainted with some of
the points essential to modern journalism.
Men who have had to do with the
editing of high school papers will find
in the Nebraskan a little different,
busier type of writing Men who have
not had a chance to work Into any
sort of newspaper will find In the Ne
braskan a solution And men who
hae had actual newspaper experience
w ill be in their element.
The editors will be glad to see any
one who is Interested in this type of
school activity. It is an active one,
bringing its representatives into con
tact with all the elements of the Uni
versity and giving them a wide ac
quaintance. Rotter yet, it is an edu
cational one, and time spent in the
"Rag" offices grinding out copy will
prove of value later.
The Same Old Place
1415 O St
Start Off the New
School Year Right
You want all that is coming
to you, both in style and value.
We're just as anxious, too
that you get it.
Any Alumni will put you
right by directing you fward
Good Clothes Merchants
The University Cafeteria
Located in University Temple
A Good, Economical Place to take your Meals while at
tending the University. The service is Quick and the Food
THE BEST. During Registration week make it a point to take
your meals with us and find out personally why we claim to
We Cater to Student Trade
Our Dining Room is Complete to serve
you anything in the Eatable Line. Open
after the Shows, Dances and Parties. We
make our own Ice Cream, Sherbets and
Punches for Parties.
1315-31 N St. :: Lincoln, Nebraska