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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1913)
&:: w t,S .77TKTZT r-f " -i J r Trww J;S& -v ., "' - n,.. ,, - A -- , , 7 Vi "SftJrW."., . . r k "rfl. rf "" r fePi& .. JWEkli i-. r.?-' w. ..0 a r f -ig-v.r - Mss- WTaaw" frr v? ,v ' ,,, r. '"'J ,n nVf Ft. &s? VOL XIII. NO. 1. UNIVEifeltrJoF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1913 - Price, 5 Cent Y PLAY STARTS WITH, yil Rvv My jt i .-. WS .Xflfg & i iii i i n I i r n Hf i w i K m r. -t PRELIMINARY PRACTICE BRING OUT 20 PLUNGING HUSKIES FOR 1913 8EA30N. on h FIRST FORMAL PRACTICE TODAY Whistle. Ushcrinq In Season, Blows atf 10 O'clock This Mornlng-rOIci Men and New Out for Places. Tho 1913 football season opens for-j mally at 10 o'clock this mornltig, pruc tico to begin immediately. Bo sajM "Jumbo" Steihm, director and guard ian of tho fortunes of the Scarlot1 afe' I Cream for the coming year JntffaCt i tho men havo been playing tatfw I Unit's 'fur a 'weuh-or -moret-jHtfi-WOft faithful coming back with the coacl several weeks ago. Two dozen huskies were issued, theli togs yesterday afternoon, and for tW hours exchanged kicks and tore up th ) turf with a vigor that listened gopd"t the pessimistic Steihm. The back floM causes him little worry, but the.lacljC of old men In the line serlouBlycrlp nipn thn nfffirtiveneBs of tholeam ana will make the coach hustle toMejrelop suitable material from last yftyfreaU'J men "With Howard at end, and "pfenty of good back field men for the akeletott of a team, Steihm has less thanthrC weekB before the Washburn gathei: which to fill out his line. Cameron, a sophomore, is-jjfttiencf most favorably as holdingdawrntbe position at tackle. "Tutt$$Zc$r'lO, quarterback, writes from fsfew York that he will be back about the'flrst if tho month. "Too lato for he Minne sota game," says the coach mournfully Hawkins is tho man scheduled forthijt job, according to pre-seasorf aoBf Bjlt it is as yet much too oarlytto Torot. TO' THE 8TUDENT8: Aftor you have found a place to MVe and registered In the Uni versity, you will find a little time at your disposal before real work begins. Some of you will want to earn some money; so get busy looking for work not snaps. Tho Y. M. C. A. will be a great hejp to you In this, but you can help yourself best. Hero Is a hint; Now Is a good time to get rid of dandeJLonfH'th6VevlVlh'g" lawns; There are a lot of people In the southeast and other-parts of this towp who have too many dandelions and too much money. Help them get rid of both. Cold days are coming. Tending furnaces will soon be good exer cise. It Is great to be paid for taking the exercise that you really must Kajye. Then look about the campus. Learn the names and places of the buildings. Next get In touci with the professors, tliey don't like to be "touched," by they do like to be gotten In touch vyith. There is a distinction. You will be surprised to learn what a really fine group of ('men and women compose the faculty. When it comes to the wor. of next week, the chief game lo, of course, to work the professors. You want high grades at the expense of not too much effort. This Is tho secret: work Just as hard as you an r rmipu nf ninnth.. Ry that time vou will haVO BUch a lead 1913 REGISTRATION . ON Everything In Readiness For ExpeaUd Rush of Coming Three . Days. KEEP INSTRUCTIONS JNfttND that you can keep ahead of the game with little effort. Or It may be that by that time you will like your lesoons so much that you will charge study up to your fun account. Anyway, get Into the race at the start, and you are sure to win. t - There arc a few other points, but I can sum them as follows. When In doubt, go to Dean Engberg or Miss Graham. Last but not least, subscribe for tho Rag. Cordially yours, S. AVERY, Chancellor. ,-J.lO ..I .. ' ;s rain or shine from tho footunu weatmr map, while the next week or japily. work wonderful changes in heNebrais ka line-up, as well as her caace'Uh Minnesota. '" ISfa -w,.iSj iriMrrr GET YOUR SEASON '$m r -r.iw r me Arivanr Rai For Minnesota,'' Out of Sight Ticket rWljf to prim. ;; Manager Reed announcdthatjStJe advance sale for tho MinpaajgaaniQ is the largest in the hlaloryyot the school, the number of sbatsa? Jar reserved or accounted tot liayl'AB al ready reached five thousand 'Etpush' seats, however, have been saved an order to accomodate those yvho v jir chaae season tickets. ' I Season tlcekts admitting to all ftie athletic events of tho year go on sale at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon. They may be purchased only at tho old Daily NebraskaiT office in the , oase- ment of Administratilon building. They may bo reserved at Harry lit er's. Tho Minnesota game will bo the event of the annual homecoming for the alumni, and letters so far received indicate that the graduate wCll as semble at tho game from all portions of the United States. mtl MAKE LINEMEN WORK ftlehmJAdds New Tackling Dummy to J " ' Early-Sea Jon Equipment. Coach Stiehm has added a new tack ling dummy to his collection of ap paratus in tho Instruction of football aspirants. Made by Spauldlng, of tho lateaitypo. It is said to bo wonderfully human in eluding the wild grasps of a flying freshman. The' figure swings from a waffold at vthei;80utheaat end of tho field, and tho ground beneath it is covered with sev eral loads of excelsior, providing a, fairly soft spot to light in at any rate. Stiehm expects to use It a grea't deal In training his linemen for positions on the first team . ' -A CHANCELLOR'S FORMAL ADDRESS Freshmen Follow On Meetings Thursday. Tuesday morning, at tho usual con vocation hour, Chancellor Avery will officially open tho univorsity year with his annual address to tho studonts. His is the first of a succession of convocation addresses which are being arranged for by Professor Gru mann. However, tho following con vocation period, Thursday, will bo I given ovor to tho froshmen meetings. The men will gather In Momorinl Hall, and at ihe same hour the girls meet In tho Temple theater. -,.W85 Confusion Indicental to 8tartlng Year's Work May Easily Be Avoided If Instructions Noted, l'irst somostor registration BtnrtH today, tho tickets already given out at the Registrar's office permitting ac tive registration In the Armory, In cluding the filling out of schoduleB, to start at two o'clock. Tho Armory has been crowded with formidable rows nf pVifilrn nwnlllnc tho V1iov Hirnnir J" "imumn v..K "n" ""." of old and new studentfl and tho Registrars office has a corps of as sistants prepared to accomodate the rush. Doc. Dalos' skull cap hns been neatly pressed for tho occasion, whllo he himself is in fine trim to battlo his way Into tho summer earnings that will pile i)p before hini during the next few days. With the hope of allaying tho cus tomary confusion that besots registra tion annually tho registrar haB Is sued tho following Instructions, spe cial attention in which is called to the fact that all now students wllr bo ro(juIred to do nothing whatsoever be fore seeing tho Registrar in tho east end of tho Armory: i. All new students will first seo tho Registrar in tho Armory, east entrance. 2. All, except new students, first so curo Assignment and Registration Ticket west entrance Memorial Hall for an hour in which tcroglslor. Al m low sufficient tliHFTdrrparo-yQur np' " plication before your hour of-registration. 3 All, oxcepf new students, seo Ad visers In their department offices. Prepare applications and secure ap proval of tiQ Dean .before tho Com- (Continued on page 9) r- !npirto5 200E"aiof i i nrntom y i j " . Z Pfc? r.' .i.r. - -V'.f' t fWs: - - . te' 5&lW?'y '. r ,x J:Wm n ' . . .&& v; ; ; . - , .. t .v- .,-- y pw-t ?a.Kr, - . A9&j.w.-S3iMfc' , ;- .. - t.i "$&&: '?- '' V. ,,il.i u jlix' ' fistf3B,- V- v;" r"-4' i i HtL uni vfcuiipr "EBRASifCiTY. CAMJPUS.7 re y , . r, '- - "