TlTl -mmfm;:' ! wy'.u . V.? '' ' f, t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 if . . ,v ' ' ?& fr 1 IV. it-. if n - 1 !; i- tfeS O IV. K . W. 1 i l . '.'I 4. mm 1 i Members ot Senior Class Offer Varied Convocation Program Convocation yesterday at 11 o'clock was held under the ausplceB of the Senior class. Edward Huwaldt, as chairman of theconvocatlbn commit' Mary Davis, Vera Hoatson, Miss teo, selected the best talent of the Senior class for the final appearance before the university public. The op pressive heat of the forenoon was probably the cause of the small at tendance. The program, each, number of which was heartily received, consist ed of the following: Vocal solo, "The Birthday," by Woodman, Miss Evangeline Long. Library Clock Talk, Mr. Harry J. Bur tis. Violin solo, "Mazurka," by Mey narski, Miss Gladys Smith. Piano solo, "Liebestraum," by Llstz, Mr. ONE MORE DAY And so far as clothing is concerned, Summer will be here! Going to buy your Summer suit Saturday? If so, let us offer this last suggestion: Buy a suit that offers you the fullest measure of value for your money; one whose style and tailor ing you'll be proud of; a suit whose quality will be assured when you buy it, and verified after you've worn it. Every word of that suggestion is directly ap plicable to our Kensington Clothes they fit & stay fit; $20, $25 & upward. If you wish to confine yourself to $14.50 or $17, our Kenmors at those figures offer the strongest values we know of at the price. Harold Rosenbaum. Reading, "In the Toils of the Enemy," by Wood, Miss Florence Farman. Straw hat time, too! COMPANY K WINS COMPET (Continued from Page 1) Cadet colonel H. F. Kramer. Cadet lieutenant colonels L. T. Skinner, executive and delinquent officer; G. A. Walker. Cadet majors A. L. Hick man, regimental adjutant; G. H. Brother, first battalion; J. V. Johnson, second battalion; A. B. Ballah, bri gade supply ofilcer; R. F. Lyman, third battalion; C. K. Morse, instruct orc assistant to the commandant. Cadet captains L. A. Hickman, regi mental quartermaster; C. J. Wolford, regimental commissary, V. D. Smith, inspector rifle practice. Cadet first lieutenant L. R. Rudd, adjutant, first battalion. Company officers Co. A A. E. Allyn, captain; E. R. Bunting, first lieutenant. Co. B V. A. Cturm, "captain; L. Harden, first lieutenant. Co, C W. K. Fowler, cap tain; P. E. Versaw, first lieutenant. Co. D J. L. Driscoll, captain; H. B. Pier, first lieutenant. Co. E H. P. Miller, captain; C lieutenant. Co. F R. A. Smith, cap tain; P. T. Meyers, first lieutenant; J. A. Christie, second lieutenant. Co. G T. M. Shepherd, captain, H. R. Grummann, firBt lieutenant; R. M. Leheu, Bocond lieutenant. Co. I R B. Dawson, captafn; 0. E. Edison, first lieutenant. Co. K M. C. Rohrbaugh, captain; R. M. Parkinson, first lieu tenant. Co. M M. V. Reed, captain; M. P. Renfro, first liqutenant. Band C. G. Bock, captain; T. J. Sullivan, ' first lieutenant; R. A. Kavanda, sec ond lieutenant. Company "Q" Goes on Raid. In celebration of the results of the afternoon's competition, the annual nightie brigade stampeded the streets of Lincoln and for some two hours pierced the sanctimonious atmosphere of the "holy city" with plentiful noises and screeching university and com pany yells. The Itinerary had its be ginning at the Armory and after 'fol- lowing R street to Sixteenth turned Special Saturday only! Outing shirts with French fold cuffs & soft collar to match-rsplendid values which sell regularly for $ 1 .00; Satur day at 73c Neat patterns made up in fine woven madras & percales. An es pecially timely offer! LINCOLN MAGEE & DEEMER AURORA OMAHA to O street. The nocturnal marauders paid their respects to Riggs, who re turned thecompliment with a generous handout of punch, and paraded the boards of the Lyric for the purpose of adding zest to the movies. The gang then moved on to the Llndell where they wound through tha corri dor to the strains of "Rub-a-dub-dub." L. Stewart, first a rnlil on Rector's was unsuccessful by reason- of having both front and back doors slammed and locked in their face, and a boycott was Imme diately suggested by the disappointed mob as a deserved punishment for the inhospitallty of the Btore. After a promenade through the Lin coln, the snake dance headed for the Temple and later to the athjetlc field, where a monstrous bonfire was built. Fiendish dances with flying apparel and canaballstlc rites in the warm glow of the fire, accompanied the sac rifice of the night shirts as they were cast Into the blazo by the galloping mobs.' Few broils were stirred up during the whole affair, and except for a few thefts, the most pernicious evil of the evening was the jerking of trolleys on passing cars. -We. serve the purest and Huyler's Chocolates best HOT and COLD RE- $1.00 Fountain Pens FRESHMENTS in the city. $1.00 Safety. Razors Students' 3-Course Lunch, 25c Getrif cufc'jfcaiy $' WW mm m w WM III m Urn m aM mWM M II mWmWtmWmWMm li mmBmwtMWwmmmJm.M Telephone Yule BroB at once. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. INEXPENSIVE GRADUATION GIFTS, BLUB BIRD JEWELRY STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES U. OFN. SPOONS, FOBS, PINS, SEALS. RINGS, BAR PINS, CUFF BUTTONS, ETC Uni Jeweler :: HALLETTS, ::jll43 O St Established 1871 v The: University School of Music Established 1894 m Thorough instruction by modern methods in all branches of m'usic, practical and theoretical. Pianoforte . Voice ". Pipe Organ, Violin ' All Wind Instruments Public School Music , : - Apply for information to WILLARD KIMBAXX, Director . 11th and R Sts - I T HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING s N " 'i f MKfommLi!2KitJ-8ga?l V'- . mmxmwmysMmMJ!X& V tf. s, w y j '- ' J! I'. i.;. xi 'z4.,?:.i;jL'4 ' " !M-" . , f ttfc, K iJ&i&L i&A-vi'br vn",.' 'if ''4f W' Ml i . -. W U v' . ,-Tr-r .-". . x- V 'Try tly.vM.;; A;,lcV R City Y; M. CtA. v -:- '13th '& mmwmmmimmmmmmmmmmmm i- ' . v ," - - ... ;,?., - '.- 'Ate .t Ki ,.r .:f iK&flfra -.'. m?-A-mr-, m t . .'-Vr 'T "i T-F . . - r. J M' r. .- n lh .',. $L ",r ' . .t -.," "V Wi. i. .1 ( 5 V '?: .v.-: SKSSUMrwx vi x mmn:smm- - Jg.-.rfXr. . X,. -- ii.i iiwiiiii r -f o 1 'I f r ,' sr., "'to siw..rj Ji'-f; i ...(, u Xnl n i m . A, 'i.vt . f - , V" k " ,- ymt a - 'I .if